Auction -1

Heart Kingdom

Gadjah and the other mages that went to the dungeon could be seen kneeling in front of a woman with a crown on her head. Beside the woman was another tall woman made entirely out of water.

They both were Heart Queen Lolopechka and the great water spirit Undine.

"So the city of Enkanomiya was found…Well, I will think about the matter with the investigation. Everyone except Gadjah is dismissed" said Heart Queen.

"Yes! your highness"

As soon as the mages left the Heart queen tried to stand up but stumbled and fell down planting her face on the ground.

"Ah ah Lolopechka what will I do with you," said concerned Undine as she helped the Heart Queen stand up. This was the true self of Lolopechka, a very clumsy woman. This reality is only known by the spirit Guardians so to avoid people from worry seeing the condition of their queen, Lolopechka hides her true self.

"Ah, my head !" Lolopechka rubbed her head as she put on her glasses.

'She never changes, though I still love her' thought Gadjah.

"As you said, I properly observed the boy named Julian and he surpassed my expectations," he said.

"Along with being stage zero at such age, he can control natural mana up to a certain degree," he said.

"What about his magic ? are those rumored red flames arcane? " asked Lolopechka

"I am sorry, but I could not see him use any spells to see the effect of his magic. During the entirety of the exploration, he only used sword slashes to destroy the monsters" Gadjah said with disappointment.

"Can you describe his eye in proper detail? " this time the one asking was Undine.

As Gadjah described the eyes of Julian, Undine was filled with joy although she did not show it on her face.

'Did something happen Undine, you sound very happy? ' asked Lolopechka with her mental link with Undine.

'Remember the stories I used to tell you about a clan with red eyes…that boy is most probably the last known member of that clan' said Undine.

'I remember, I think it was something like Ran....Ragn…Ah yes Ragnvindr clan . But how is that possible? shouldn't that clan been erased from History more than a thousand years ago? '

'Answer to that question is beyond my knowledge but if the heritage of the boy is true, he will be our main weapon against the devils and your curse 'said Undine

"Lolopechka sama? you seem spaced out" asked Gadjah

"AH it's nothing, I was just thinking about the city. You can go now we will talk later"

A few days later

On the bank of a river, three people could be seen fighting. On closure look, two of them were attacking one person who was only using a defensive posture. The three people were Julian, Leopold, and Lucis who had his transformation artifact turned off.

Under the shed of a tree, Olivia could be seen with a lunch box watching the fight with excitement in her eyes. Lucis and Leopold already knew each other due to their family connection, one day Lucis brought up the topic regarding Julian who was of the same age as them but miles ahead of them in terms of power. After that, they regularly asked Julian to train them. For Leopold, his brother and higher-ranking members were always busy so he didn't get proper training so he turned to Julian for his wide arsenal of flame magic spells and battle techniques.

For Lucis Julian was one of the few good friends had. Even though Julian had fire magic he could copy Lucis's light spells into fire spells and use those better than him so he turned to Julian for help.

Currently, both Lucis and Leopold were attacking Julian with all the spells they had but didn't even manage to move him from his position. Lucis's speed was his specialty but the speed Julian deflected his attack or blocked them was more than his. Leopold's flames were completely dominated by Julian's red flames.

Julian was teaching them to increase the power behind their spell regardless of their attribute. Leopold had managed to master Julian's jet flames to a good degree but his mastery is nowhere near Julian. Both of these reinforcement mana levels are basic so each of Julian's hits made their body sore.

After two hours of intense sparing, their training came to an end.

" That's it for today. We would continue this some other day " announced Julian

" Yes kind sir " both of them shouted

"Stop calling me that, it sounds weird, " Julian said laughing.

Julian POV :

Today's training had good results, both of them have improved a lot since I started helping them. My friendship with both of them has deepened a lot in the last few months. So much so his squad doesn't mind me handing it out in their base. Some people raised questions but after I displayed power, nobody had any problem. Moreover, Fuegoelon personally asked me to take care of his brother.

Lucis has learned a lot too he unlocked many spells with my ideas including healing spells. Using mana strings was liked by both Lucis and Leopold.

Based on my understanding of Lucis, he would be a very good king. Currently, we were on a picnic trip planned by Lucis and Leopold who invited me. Olivia had prepared a lot of food for her. Even since the incident, she had learned a lot of cooking recipes from Charmy improving her cooking skills by leaps and bounds.

A few moments later Lucis got an emergency call from his commutator about a mission. Spies have reported that an illegal auction is going to happen in an hour in an area of the forsaken realm. The auction will have living humans and body parts as products for sale. The task is to arrest the organizers and save the people. Reinforcements have been sent and will take some time to arrive so have to strike first.