Auction - 2

We didn't waste time and started flying toward the designated area. Leopold was slow at flying so I carried him on my mount whereas Lucis carried Olivia. The location of the auction site was an underground chamber guarded by multiple people in back uniforms.

Lucis and I removed our magic knight's uniform and told Leopold and Olivia to wait to maintain a distance from the auction site.

I approached the guards and put them under my control for some time. From them, I got to know that the auction was hosted by the underworld and some nobles. They handed us two masks which we wore and entered the auction site by walking down a long staircase.

The structures inside were pretty well made for something to be made so quickly. By the time we were inside the auction had already started, one person asked for our pass but one look from me was enough to solve.

Inside, the bidding was already in form. There were all kinds of people being sold there. From laborers to sex slaves. Seeing the condition of the captive people Lucis's emotions were in turmoil.

He finally snapped when finally a brushed up blond-haired girl and being dragged into the stage. There were barely any clothes on her body with signs of torture visible.


The announcer said that she was a nobility going to be sold as a sex slave. She still resisted being dragged by got kicked to the ground by the announcer.

" Do you know her? " I asked as I set my eyes on a few people

"She is someone from the Kira family that went missing a few months ago. "Lucis aimed his finger at the announcer's head a shot a light spell creating a hole instantly killing him. This caused a panic among the bidders so I released my mana pressure without holding back. One by one people dropped to the floor clutching their heads while some had blood from their ears and nose.

Third-person POV :

Among the bidders had one man who was somehow awake due to an artifact that resisted mana pressure. ' Damn you fuckers! ruining my auction. I will destroy you ' he put his hands into his pocket and activated a seal. All the unconscious guards that were stationed released a cry as their mouths and eyes started glowing followed by their bodies started transforming.

" This is troubles some, Lucis you see what's happening to them while I recover the captives, " said Julian as dashed towards the stage a picked up the girl who was fainted due to his mana pressure. He made a red vest from hardened mana and covered her. Julian combined KI and mana zone to sense and found the location of the captives. With one Kick the walls of a room were broken and the people were kept in cages with labels. [Kagune] emerged on his back as he created [orb of chaos ]and destroyed the roof of the auction site connecting it to the outside world and flew holding each cage with Kagune.

As he dropped the cages near Olivia and Leopold the ground exploded and multiple people jumped out of the place along with Lucis. Each of the people had animatic features like a tail, claws, and fans which mana equal to a noble. They growled and started releasing large-scale spells on Lucis.

' They don't have consciousness and fighting purely based on previous orders. I don't know if their magic has been enhanced or not as I have not seen them fight before. '

Julian turned towards Leopold and asked him to aid Lucis in taking care of them as he jumped to the auction site again.

The guy that started the transformation had hope of escaping as there was a teleportation artifact present at the auction site but his hopes were crushed as his hand was broken by Julian before he could reach the artifact.

Julian's senses picked up something so he ran in one direction but when he got there was nothing noteworthy.

'Someone with spatial magic was present here, sigh I missed him'

He went to the man hall and put everyone under restraining magic along with releasing his mana pressure once again. He collected all the money and items he could find and dropped them near the cages with Olivia. Lucis and Leopold were still fighting as the number of guards that turned into monster were large.

He looked in a direction and saw reinforcements flying towards them so he decided to end the fight.

" Move aside I am ending the fight " he commanded Lucis and Leopold heard him and returned toward Olivia

[Dark flame magic: frame hurricane ] Julian rotated his body and a red tornado of flames rose from the place it stood which dragged all the guards in. They fired spells at Julian while being dragged but the ground beneath them exploded with red flames making everyone burn with red flames which were burning away their mana reserves at a rapid rate. The guards that were far away were dragged by arrows that had mana strings connected.

[Dark flames magic: a sea of thorns ] the red fire inside the tornado condensed and formed numerous needles stabbing them into the beautified guards and finally exploding. The tornado receded and the unconfused figure of the guards was uncovered who had restraining magic on them.

Lucis, Leopold, and Olivia saw the scene but they were not so surprised as they had seen Julian do something beyond their understanding many times. But the magic knights who came as reinforcements had their mouths open wide.

" Sometimes I forget we are of the same age, " said Lucis as he wiped off the blood from his body.

The captivated people were teleported to the hospital while the guards and the auction participants were taken into custody.


A black portal opened inside a room and two beastified guards were dropped followed by a man who had black hair with patches of black exiting the portal.

Inside the room were numerous test tubes filled with chemicals at the end of the room was a girl who was dissecting a human.

" Yo Sally I brought you a gift, " said the man as he dropped the guard near her along with a test tube that had a black liquid. He explained some features he saw during the fight to her.

"Thank you Rhya -sama, " said the girl as he laid her new subject on the table.

" Look if you can find the process and modify Vetto's body similar to this "

" It would be done Rhya -sama "


Author Note :

With this Volume 2 has ended.

From the next chapter, Volume 3 will begin with the canon storyline.

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