Magic Knights Examination-2

Annie POV:

My name is Annie and I am an elf. That's right, an elf or the spawn of demons that humans call us.

I used to be a person that hated humans like my other kinsmen until that day when my uncle who was supposed to be the next leader of elves fell in love with a human woman. From her stories, I wondered if we elves were doing the right thing by separating ourselves from the world thinking ourselves superior to all other races.

I kept a close eye on that woman so that she doesn't bring any harm to my uncle and my race but she changed my views on humans. From all the talks we had, I found out that she was someone who had gone through several terrible things throughout her life.

But my race didn't like her presence so my uncle left his position and left the clan with the woman when I was 9 years old. His leaving the tribe for a human slowly affected the tribe as a whole.

"Love is a feeling that will make you go even against your destiny" my uncle used to say.

Seeing how happy they were with each other, the smile they shared, etc. makes me want to fall in love with someone too.

A few years later, the new elf leader Licht did the same thing as my uncle which is to fall in love with a human woman named Tetia.

Licht and the brother of the woman had the same kind of Grimoire that deepened their friendship. My race didn't want the same thing to happen so they accepted the two humans.

I found out that the brother named Lumiere was the prince of the Kingdom of which we live on the outskirts.

The woman named Tetia with who Licht fell in love was naïve and innocent, unlike the woman my uncle loved. This woman was too pure to know the world's reality, and Licht wanted to protect her innocence forever. Licht too had the same expression as my uncle when he was in love.

Sometimes I wished that my uncle and aunt could witness the change too but it was their sacrifice that brought the change.

Everything was going fine till one day when I was 14, a piece of news reached my ears that Tetia was pregnant and she and Licht were going to have a marriage ceremony. This was pleasant news as my tribe was moving towards a new change but somehow I had a bad premonition.

Finally, the day of the marriage arrived and hundreds of my clansmen gathered in one place to congratulate Licht. But bad premotion came true as I felt like I could not control my magic anymore.

The sky turned red while a white sun started shooting light arrows, killing all my clansmen. I was overtaken by grief as I watched all of my people die in front of me but was powerless to do anything.

From what I know only one person can do such a thing and that was Lumiere. The tool to negate magic, the power of such strong light magic but my heart refused to believe it. The only thought I had before I closed my eyes was 'Why! Why did this happen'.

But the next thing I knew I was in front of a door. I was confused as to what was happening but then I noticed that I have turned into a baby.

It took me almost 5 years to realize that something was very wrong. Somehow I had been reborn 500 years into the future with my looks, memory, and same magic type but as a human.

It was the 4th year I found that something inside was telling me to hate humans and kill every human on the site. As if I should know that humans were the reason but I knew something had darkened my soul as I could never think like that.

Slowly I adapted to living as a human. I found that I was abandoned outside an orphanage in the common realm. The more I grew up, the more I realized how much what my uncle's lover told me was true. Humans were a mixture of saints and demons.

People like the couple that run the orphanage were saints that try to help children that have none to care for while demons that people that beat a person unconscious because he was a commoner.

The more I saw the more I wanted to change the situation until one day I got to know about magic knights and Wizard king. The man I suspected to be our killer was hailed as the first wizard king. His fight with an ancient demon was well known throughout the kingdom.

This made me wonder where did the demon so large come from. In some books, I found that my race that was now erased from existence was called spawns of demons.

"Why is it like this ?" I asked the old man who was one of the orphanage owners.

"Humans hate when someone is better or stronger than them" he only said that. In some books and through people's opinions I got to know that magic knights are hailed as a prestigious profession so I set up my goal to become one.

Years passes as I took over a job at a popular restaurant to put too much burden on the shoulders of the orphanage. I became very good friends with the owner of the restaurant, a girl around my age named Rebecca.

I attracted a lot of attention because of my beauty but no one did anything as magic knights came to this restaurant regularly due to the quality of food.

One day in years I finally noticed one of my clansmen eating in the restaurant. This shocked me very much as I thought that only I was reincarnated.

I talked to the person but I found that unlike me, he doesn't have any memories and goes by a different name now. Their presence was too like a normal human with no traces of elven features like me. But overserving them over the years, I got to know that they somehow retain some behavior from their previous life.

Like the woman, Kivin who goes by the name Letoile now still hides her true self under the cover of a stoic face.

As time passes I came across more such people who looked the same with the same magic types as my clansmen but a new person. This made me conclude that someone used reincarnation magic before our souls disintegrated but I didn't know anyone capable of doing that.

When I turned 15 and got my Grimoire, things started to change. I found that my mana had increased several folds all of a sudden with minuscule traces of elven mana. In physical appearance, I found that my ears had become a little pointy but not so much as my elf self. I decided to hide my ears so I changed my hairstyle perfectly hiding them to people don't look at me differently. The voice inside was still there asking me to hate and kill humans but I have come to terms with it now.

Finally, it was time to take the magic knights exam. There I would meet the so-called nobles that I came to hate over the years. Hope I don't cause any accidents.

While looking at so many contestants, I accidentally crashed into someone.

He was a very handsome boy who made my heart skip a beat for a moment. Something about him gave me a feeling of comfort.

Is this what humans call having a crush? I wondered.

He gave off the feeling of a normal human but very tiny traces of elven mana.

We talked for a while which revealed a lot of things like he too was a commoner like me who grew up in an orphanage. Seeing his four-leaf Grimoire greatly surprised me as I only had seen it thrice in my life.

First from Licht, second from Lumiere, and third from a red eyes boy who sent chills down my spine when he looked at me.

Looking through the captains, I saw many familiar faces like Charla, Lira, and Reve who go by the name Charlotte, Rill and Dorothy now. Charlotte had the same cold expression as her previous self but Rill seemed happier. I remember him always having a face full of frustration. I could not see the expression of Dorothy as she was sleeping like her past self always did.

When the exams began, the more I got amazed by Yuno's talent. He too seemed interested in me so giving him a chance was worth the try.

While the tests were happing, my vision caught the site of the same red eyes boy who gave me the scare of my life and gave me the feeling that I had to avoid him at all costs looking at Yuno.

"Why is he looking at you? " I asked Yuno.

"Oo that person, is my older brother Julian, he too grew up in the same orphanage till he was 10, " he said.

"Why 10? "

"After that, he was taken to a different orphanage where he could get some magic training. I had increased my magic control due to him sharing the techniques he was taught with me"

When the time for one on one battle came, I got shocked by the strength of the boy with the large sword that I considered to be the weakest but somehow that sword felt familiar as if I have seen that somewhere.

While I was watching more battles, I was approached by a noble who challenged me to a dual. That guy gave me a repulsive feeling.

Finally, it was my time to show my worth.



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