Magic Knights Examination-3

Before Annie's battle could happen, Yuno and a noble named Salim went to fight first.

By the way the noble carried himself, he probably thinks himself better than everyone present there.

"A commoner like you should be honored to fight against the great Salim de Hapsass," the noble said swirling his finger around his hair.

'How can that guy say that with a straight face' thought Julian.

"Witness the ultimate magic of a noble 'God of Lightning rising Salim' " he loudly exclaimed as a big ball of lightning formed before him, illuminating the surroundings even more.

"Haha do something commoner ! too stunned to see my magic huh! "

'Surely the power was good but the speed it traveled was insanely slow. Even a normal person can move out of the way ' thought Julian.

Yuno opened his grimoire and caster a spell

[ wind magic: towering Tornado ]

A giant tornado emerged from Yuno and enveloped the ball of lightning. The sucking force of the tornado was so large that Salim could not control himself and got himself dragged into the tornado and got hit by the combined effect of the two spells.

At the right time, Yuno stopped the spell before Salim could get critically injured or lose his life. The crowd went silent again after witnessing Yuno's power.

" What an amazing power, " Finral said

'As expected from my kin ' said a voice inside William's head.

'Randal can give him proper guidance if he joins my squad' thought Fuegoleon.

'I have to get good talent, if possible that four-leaf boy. Based on his talent shown, he should be able to reach that boy's level. If not that blond-haired girl, she has the best mana control after the four-leaf boy.' thought Charlotte as she glanced at Julian who was standing at the corner of the stadium.

Julian felt a gaze and looked at the captain's stand but Charlotte had receded her gaze till then.

He was impressed by the improvement Yuno had over the last six months. He had witnessed the power of the spell when Yuno just received the grimoire, compared to that the range and power had received a huge boost.

'Yuno is strong, he should give me a hard time if we fought' thought Annie.

Annie congratulated Yuno on his victory while she was wished good luck by him.

The noble that challenged Annie was giving Yuno a murderous gaze seeing Annie talk to him.

Annie and the noble went to the fighting ring to have their match next.

As they stood against each other the noble said " I am Damien from the house Arse, what is your name? "


"Yes Annie you are beautiful; after I win this match I will make you my concubine! " Damien declared.

An expression of disgust appeared on the face of her face as she said " Hell no, get lost !"

Nozel's eyebrows twitched seeing the scene.

'What the hell is wrong with these people, they are tarnishing the noble title. The previous one lost terrible and now this idiot '.

Yami could not control himself and burst out laughing earning a look from other captains.

Back to the field, Damien got angry for being rejected by a commoner to his face. Charlotte and Fuegoleon both had the same thought looking at Damien ' He is a lost case'

Julian sensed some movements among the participants so he increased his vigilance.

"You dare reject me bitch, do you know who are you messing with. I will show you how wrong you are!! " Damien opened his Grimoire and started shitting projectiles made from ice projectiles.

A yellow barrier was erected in front of her, blocking the incoming projectiles.

'Barrier magic huh' thought Julian.

Damien touched the ground and sent a large wave of ice at Annie but the batter in front of her transformed into a shape similar to a fan and started rotating like a grinder that sliced apart the incoming wave. Due to Damien not having enough control over his magic, the spell also went in the direction of the contestants but a red line appeared on the ground which completely vaporized the ice when it came into contact.

Damien got more frustrated and started blasting more spells at Annie while spouting nonsense which Annie destroyed with her barrier.

From Julian's analysis, Annie had very good control over her magic. Her barrier magic along with providing pretty good defense could also reflect spells at the caster.

Annie decided to end the match and created several swords out of barrier magic and started attacking Damien. He could not do anything as all of his spells got destroyed.

10 swords surrounded his next and various body parts.

"Move an inch and the swords will be inside your body next, " Annie said coldly.

This concluded the match as Annie was declared the winner as the next pair was asked to come. Annie removed her magic and was about to go when something happened.

"How dare you humiliate me bitch !!, I will make you and your family suffer a fate worse than death !!" screamed Damien as he cast a spell using all of his mana. The crowd began restlessly seeing the condition. Yuno immediately took out his grimoire ready to cast a spell.

Hearing Damien mentions her family, Annie lost her temper. Four people who were with Damien among the crowd looked at each other and jumped toward Annie while casting various spells.

"Seems like I need to shut that filthy mouth of yours forever, " Annie said coldly as she released her mana that surpassed the noble and cast a spell to erase Damien out of existence.

Just as everyone thought that a blood bath was about to happen, every spell was enveloped in red flames and disappeared within a second. The 4 people that attacked and the two people in the ring, all were restrained tightly by red vines emerging from the ground.

"What do you think you all are doing here huh…." came a voice from the corner of the stadium. An invisible pressure washed over everyone making their inner instincts scream at them to run but they felt like their body was paralyzed.

Every step Julian took increased the heartbeat of people several times from fear.

"This is a magic knight's exam, not your father's garden that you can do whatever you want " Julian as he looked at Damien.

"Attacking someone even after the match had ended and interfering with matches in front of all the captains is insulting the entirety of magic knights….."

"You…do you know who I am !" Damien tried to argue back but a shaking voice came out.

Julian increased the mana pressure on the four people and Damien making them faint but not before giving embedding into him a fear that would haunt him for times to come.

"Every person should know here what being a magic knight means…..

Magic knight is a profession for serving and helping the citizens of the Clover kingdom not fawning your family status and power…..

This is a place where people come to fulfill their dreams of becoming someone better and doing something better not fool around. Take this seriously "

He looked towards Annie and said " you miss should learn to control your emotions better or you may do something you will regret forever giving into emotions"

Julian retracted the pressure and leaf the battle area taking Damien and the 4 attackers with him.

Some captains like Rill and Jack were amazed by the reaction speed of Julian while Fuegoleon noticed the strange flames his sister and brother talked about lastly a grin bloomed on his face of Yami.

The entire crowd was silent from what was still under the after effect of Julian's minuscule mana pressure. Everyone realized what kind of monsters were magic knights and what would happen if they broke the rules somehow.

Yuno was too shaken by Julian's mana pressure as he remembered how much of a monster was Julian.

'Scary scary scary..what did I don't want to be anywhere near him ' muttered Annie inside her head.