The Black Bulls 

"Well then fellow captains, I will leave first, " said Fuegoelon as he left followed by Nozel. Other captains also left one by one leaving only Yami and Charlotte behind.

Yami entered the hallway and that is when Charlotte said, " Let's bet Yami, whose rookie gets more achievement, the winner gets to ask the loser for anything"

'What is Spiny Prickly Queen up to now, well it's not bad accepting her bet not that any precious thing that she could be interested in anyways' thought Yami.

"Sure, we will compare the result in the next star award festival," he said.

Charlotte didn't change her expression and started walking off, well-tried to walk off but she tipped her feet and was about to fall when Yami caught her hand saving her from falling but the pull from Yami bought their face very close.

'Wahah what is happening !' Charlotte's brain froze from the situation as her face instantly turned red.

"Oi what happened, you have a fever or something? " Yami said.

Charlotte somehow controlled herself and ran away from Yami while shouting " I wouldn't forgive you for touching me so casually !! "

"Sigh! what's wrong with her, I just wanted to help her "


After accepting Yami's offer Asta met up with Yuno for the last time before parting ways. Julian also met up with them and congratulated them.

" Don't laze off Asta or I will surpass you before you realize," said Yuno before going towards the people of Golden Dawn.

" Asta inform the captain to wait for a few minutes, I have some things to do," Julian said before too going in the direction of Golden Dawn.

"Seems like you trained hard Yuno " Julian said as he walked with Yuno putting his hand over his shoulder.

"I just followed your tips, " said Yuno

Julian in his regular letters often mentioned new exercises and training plans for Yuno and Asta.

Near the waiting place, Julian saw one familiar place.

" Yo David, hope you are doing fine ! " waved Julian.

" Ah, Julian.I am doing fine."

"Yuno is one of my brothers take care of him, " said Julian Yuno's ruffling his hair.

" Sure – Sure he is our new member chosen my captain after all," said David.

After the dungeon incident, Julian had done some joint missions with David and Letoile so they could be said as friends. Julian remembered that Yuno had a difficult time in the starting days of the squad so he made it a bit easier for him.

After saying goodbye to them Julian joined Yami. Julian had told Finral to prepare a passage to the base earlier so he didn't complain this time.

The structure of the base didn't look anything less than a haunted house at night but to Asta, the base looked nothing less than a place of dream. He heard that he would get his room and Julian was here so Asta had no complaints.

"I am coming inside !!"

Asta moved to open the door.

"Should we stop him? "said Finral

"Nah just watch the show, " said Yami.

As soon as Asta opened the door, thrown back by an explosion coming from inside.

[kagune] extended from Julian's back holding him in place.

The scene inside was something that can be called literal chaos. Luck and Magna firing spells at each other and running all over the hall, Vanessa lazing with a bottle of alcohol in her hand, Charmy eating cakes in one corner, Gauche shouting so make them quiet, Grey is well Grey, and finally Gordan muttering something nobody could hear.

" STOP DESTROYING EVERYTHING " shouted Yami and punched the nearby wall.

' And you destroyed a perfectly fine wall ! ' thought Asta.

Seeing Yami everyone sat on the ground in a line.

" We have a new member. Oi introduce yourself "

" Hello, my name is Asta. I am from Hage village and grew up in the same church as Julian ni. I am magicless but dream to become the wizard king.

I hope we get along "

The relationship between Asta and Julian again caused an uproar for which to be stopped another wall had to be sacrificed.

Magna came forward with the black bull's robe and said. " Captain Yami has selected you to be in this squad but we haven't accepted you yet. If you want to get this robe prove yourself. "

" yes sir! " Asta exclaimed.

"Don't hurt him too badly " said Yami.

When they came outside, he saw that the broken walls of the base got repaired as well as new. Yami said that it was one of the base's properties along with random changing of positions of rooms.

Magna saw that Asta had well-defined muscles so he made him do some physical tasks like punching a rock, some exercise, etc to test the extent of his physical strength.

Magna opened his grimoire and formed a baseball bat of fire.

" For your last test, you have to block my spells or counter with your spells "

They prepared some small fireballs and shot at medium speed. Asta took out his demon slayer sword embedded in anti-magic and blocked every spell. Every time a spell hit the sword it either disappeared or got cut from the middle.

" Good defense and reflex. Now block my final spell. "

A big fireball was compressed and shot towards him with the baseball bat.

'I am dead ' thought Asta as the fireball was instantly in front of him.

'If I swing my sword, the effect of the spell would still be there, I am getting hit no matter what I do'

The spell was so fast Asta was unable to react. But years of practice kicked in and his hands moved automatically and hit the spell with the flat side of the sword. They made a spell take a complete u-turn and hit Magna back.


"Will Magna be fine ? " asked Vanessa

"Don't worry, he is fine" said Luck

The smoke from the explosion cleared and the figure of Magna became clear with no a single scratch.

'How is he unharmed?' wondered Asta

"It is good that I used all my magic in defense in the last moment, or else I could have got hurt ."

He speeded towards Asta making him think that he was going to be hit but instead he was patted on the shoulder and met with a smile.

"The last response was spectacular, I never expected that outcome. To be magic-less and still attain such a feat is appreciable. Your pass my test and from today onwards you are part of the Black Bulls ."

Vanessa with her strings put the robe on Asta and drew a symbol of black bulls on the headband Asta was wearing.

" This robe is our pride, treasure it properly, " said Magna before tapping his shoulder a few times.

Every member gathered around Asta with various questions and comments. Luck asking for a deathmatch ..Gauche warming him to stay away from his sister. Charmy gave him a quarter of the cake she was eating.

Among all of these Asta felt a bond like family and saw Julian smiling at him.

' With this, I have taken a big step towards my goal, ' thought Asta before smiling with them.

While this was going on a silver-haired girl named Noelle was watching from the balcony.

"Hmph !, it's just a robe, what's so special about it ." she thought before going to her room.

: Yami Pov :

Three people from the same Church of them turned out to be monsters. What are these churches doing these days? I have to visit the church in Hage village someday it seems.

First this brat Asta. He doesn't have a single drop of mana but has the power of anti-magic. Never in my life, I have seen such a case. His physical strength is more than most of the adults in magic knights. He carries a confident and playful aura around. He has sharp instincts. During the exam site, I felt like I was seeing my younger self in him. Everyone avoided him because he had powers different from the rest. He has the appropriate drive to move forward.

Next up was that brat Yuno. He carried an arrogant aura around him but had the strength to back his attitude. He was similar to William in his younger days taking every step carefully and having a slightly changing facial expression. Seems like it's true that birds of a feather flock together.

And lastly Julian. Terms like prodigy are defined for him. Even Rill the youngest captain wasn't strong as him at his age. The youngest person to unlock mana pressure according to my knowledge. He absorbs everything I tell like a sponge. He has some weird eye powers that let him see through attacks and illusions and have some mind control. I searched in the history records but didn't find any records of those eyes.

Seeing him working hard made other squad members work hard too. He treats every person here as a family rather than any other squad member. From the reports I read from Julius, he has proper leadership qualities. Having him under his wing was the best decision I made.

"See what you can do with the new girl, beating her to a pulp would not work with her," I said to Julian.

"She will need mental stability now, don't worry about her I have a way to handle her, " he said confidently. Well if he fails I have other methods too.