
Golden Dawn base

Patry could be seen sitting in his office thinking about something.

'I know that Yuno is an elf but he gives a different feeling. Unlike my other kinsmen, I had never seen him before. Hmm, must be a child when he was killed, yes that is the only plausible thing I can think of. Fortunately, he has that magic stone with him reducing my trouble of finding it myself.

But I have got to say, another four-leaf grimoire was unexpected. Well doesn't matter when I collect all the magic stones he would be on our side after all.

The main problem in my plan would be Fuegoleon, Nozel, Yami, and most importantly the Wizard King. '

Elsewhere in the base

David and another Golden Dawn member Klaus showed Yuno his room. Klaus was a junior magic knight that joined the squad at the same time as Julian but could not gather enough achievements till now to make himself known.

Klaus was a very law-abiding guy and considered himself above comments and peasants making him look down on Yuno.

David told Yuno that he, Klaus, and Mimosa who was another rookie like him would form a three-man team for now for doing missions. David somewhat has a basic idea about Julian's strength so he too is excited to see how Yuno who was another four-leaf clover wielder turns out. Although David too has the pride of a noble he has come to see strength and behavior over everything. He was the one that recommended Klaus to team up with Yuno as he knew the true nature of Klaus.

The room Yuno was given was so Luxurious that he felt like he had become a prince.

'Everything is so shiny here, totally opposite to the church. A large bed, a personal bookshelf, a wardrobe. I like it !' exclaimed Yuno inside his head but only a small smile bloomed on his face on the outside.

Klaus was about to comment something but David whispered something in his ears.

"Don't go too hard on him and teach him about everything properly. Special order of captain and a dear friend of mine. Am I clear? "

Although David said that in a normal tone, Klaus could tell that it was a threat.

"Yes, Sir! " if it was an order from the captain, he would put aside his pride and speak properly,

"Good, start your responsibility from tomorrow," said David as he left.

Klaus looked at Yuno who was unpacking some of his things and said

"Your name is Yuno right, I am a senior who is responsible for teaching about how things work here. Be sure to follow my every command."

"yes Klaus senpai "

"call me sir "

"Klaus senpaI"

"Ugh fine, be sure to be present at the main hall at 6 am," said Klaus as he left.

'He called me senpai ….ahem! What am I thinking '

Yuno after unpacking his things started writing a letter back to the Church.

'I wonder what Asta's base looks like but based on the rumor I don't think it's nearly as good as mine.'


Blue rose base

In a room, two people were sitting. One of them was Annie while the other was a blue-haired woman in her twenties.

"My name is Clair and I too use barrier magic. I will be your mentor and teach you everything that you need to know. " said Clair. Based on her behavior till now she was an easy-going woman who had no problem with Annie being a commoner.

Annie was surprised to see most of the members of the squad were women who welcomed her very nicely. There were men too who were treated equally despite being very less in number.

Clair wanted to hear about Annie's life till now which Annie had no problem sharing with Clair.

"You wanted to know about my barrier magic ability right, " said Clair as a light blue barrier appeared around him but what surprised Annie was that Clair completely disappeared from her sight and senses.

The next thing she knew she was floating in the air.

" This is one of my abilities, I can blend with the environment and make myself invisible but this invisibility can be detected by anyone having a decent level of mana sensitivity. "

Clair retracted the barrier and this time a dark blue barrier surrounded her. Her height started changing and within a second her appearance turned the same as Annie's.

"Hello my name is Annie, " said Clair making a cute pose.

"Hey, that's identity theft!!"

"Don't take it too seriously I am just showing you my powers. Although my barrier magic's defensive ability is normal I can use various things like transformation, creating illusions, replicating voice, or silencing barriers " while Clair was explaining, they heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in "

Charlotte entered through the door and saw two Annie talking.

"Sigh, Clair you started playing around again, " she said

"It's fun! I like seeing the reaction of people when I transform into them," said Clair still in Annie's appearance.

"Did you explain to her the basic rules? "

"yes captain "

"you can leave now, I wish to talk with the original Annie, " said Charlotte

"OK then Annie -chan good night, we will meet tomorrow, " said Clair as she left after undoing her transformation.

"Good evening aunt Charla....sorry I mean captain" wished Annie

"Good evening Annie, did you like the base? "

"It is very nice captain, I never expected that I will get to live in such a beautiful place "

"Glad you liked it "

Charlotte made a small talk with Annie and left after giving her a book on mana control and some notes on barrier Magic.

"Be sure to write a letter to your friends and family "

"Yes, captain !"

'She called me Charla right, although I have never heard that name but it gave a strange feeling of nostalgia' thought Charlotte.

Annie wrote two letters, one to the orphanage and the other to her best friend Rebecca telling them about the good news.

'What a hectic day '