Looking for answers

Witch forest is a large independent area home to the witches. Although it is an independent area, it still comes under the Clover kingdom. It has become a myth that nobody comes back after going to the witch forest, especially men.

All the females born in the witch forest is called a witch and most of them are said to be daughters of the Witch queen. The witch queen is a legendary figure alive for more than 500 years.

From what Julian could infer she was no ambition to take over the Clover Kingdom. She never attacked anyone other than people who made trouble for witches and stays in the forest most of the time.

Giving a suitable training plan to Asta and Noelle, Julian decided to set out towards Witch forest to get some answers. I just informed Yami before setting up.

"Come back alive, " Yami said while still reading his newspaper. He didn't inform Vanessa as she would start having a panic attack.

He decided not to take Secre on this journey and left her with Noelle.

The journey to the witch forest took about half a day at his full speed.

Julian dropped near the vicinity and retracted his wings.

He moved his head as an arrow passed through the place his head was.

"I mean no harm, I have business with your queen," Julian said out loud looking in a specific direction.

But they didn't seem to take him seriously. The space around him rippled and hundreds of arrows rained down on him from all directions.

[Kagune] manifested behind Julian and started cutting apart all arrows. The trees around him started to move and turn and turn into monsters. Large vines emerged from under the ground and started wrapping around Julian while the monsters ran towards him with blade-like arms.

From the forest, a large number of Golems emerged and started firing beams at Julian.

'I had to be wary of the golem beam at some point but not anymore'

A red shield appeared in front of him blocking the beams. Multiple arrows manifested around Julian and shot toward the golems. Each Golem was enveloped in red flames and started falling as their mana was absorbed into the flames making just a lump of mud.

'Sigh! troublesome '


A large number of flames erupted from the ground turning every tress that came towards him to ashes.

Julian pointed his finger in one direction and a red arrow whose end was connected to his finger shot towards that direction digging into a tree.


The tree broke apart as a woman whose neck was tied to his string was dragged towards him.

"Stop attacking or her she will not see the light of the next day," Julian

Immediately around 10 witches surrounded Julian pointing their wands at him. Julian's eyes scanned through everyone and finally fell on a specific person.

A heavy pressure enveloped everyone as they started dropping on the ground panting expect that specific witch.

" What's yo-your objective? don't you know me-men aren't welcomed here " said the witch as she felt an intense pressure on her mind making her kneel down.

"You are the leader right? I am saying this again and for the last time . I have business with your queen, " said Julian

She was about to refuse but then a crow came flying and sat on her shoulder.

"Send him to my castle " a voice came from the crow.

Hearing this Julian retracted the pressure and released the witch from his restrain.

" Yes, mother !!"

"All of you lower your weapons and help me in escorting" she command

Julian started following them without any question.

The last time he came here, he didn't look around carefully enough.

As soon as Julian stepped into the forest, he felt like he had reached a different world. The entire witch forest was under an illusion spell that even his Sharingan could not detect.

The inside of the witch forest had a peculiar peace. There were a lot of houses all of them situated on treetops or branches of trees and all the trees were gigantic. Julian had never seen such big trees. There were a lot of witches flying around on brooms. Each one of them had a hat on their head.

There was a grimoire tower. A building he inferred to be a school where he saw children repeating poems. There were golems all around too.

The building where Vanessa was seems to be repaired as well. There were shops selling vegetables and different books. Julian passed by a playground where there were a lot of children playing. A child saw them going and came running towards them and hugged a witch.

" Mom! Where are you going? " While she was answering the child, Julian confirmed one of his hypotheses.

'Not all witches are the queen's daughter. '

Some of the witches had never seen men and gave Julian weird looks. The only possible way a man can come so far is by permission of the queen so they didn't say anything.

Reaching the castle door, the leader instructed Julian to go alone. The castle was not as big as the capital but still larger than the base of the Black bull.

Opening the big door, Julian entered the castle and the door automatically closed.

Inside of the castle felt gloomy with nests of crows here and there. There was a long hallway with a giant staircase leading to an upper floor.

The ground floor had all sorts of stone statues. Some were shaped like witches, some monsters, and some animals he had never seen.

There was an eerie silence with the occasional sounds of crows. Julian went up the stairs and reached another hall. This hall had different inscriptions on the walls instead of on the statues. At the end of the hallway, there was a throne where sat the witch queen.

A pretty pink-haired woman with a giant hat, a green suit with black markings under her eyes. Wearing a magic stone as an earring and a necklace made of black obsidian.

She opened her green eyes and looked at Julian. Her gaze was befitting of a queen.

"Welcome to my domain and castle Julian . Last time our meeting wasn't pleasant. This time we have all the time in the world to talk ". Blood seeped from the floor and formed a sofa for Julian to sit on.

" I may have an idea for what you have come, " she said summing a glass of wine.

"You purposely let me leave last time we faced each other right? " Asked Julian. For some reason, he felt like she was not an enemy but someone he was familiar with for a long time. Her magic to a small extent resonated with him.

"Yes I indeed let you go without attacking you, " the queen said.

" Years back you called me a descendant of the greater, what did you mean by it? " Julian asked

" What I meant was descendant of the ancient mages and something greater" replied the queen.