History behind the eyes

Witch Queen's chamber

" How did you know about my lineage, " Julian asked calmly but hundreds of thoughts ran through his mind. Mana sweep out of his body continuously ready to activate the mana zone at any moment.

She waved her hands a symbol formed above her head, a large dot with three dots rotating around it.

"Your eyes….how much can they see…." The voice of the queen reverberated in the entire chamber.

Julian recognize that symbol, the symbol of Sharingan

"You recognize this symbol, don't you? ….You have a constant supply of natural mana, don't you…

You feel more familiar with Vanessa than any other person don't you …

You feel the same familiarity with me, don't you…..Don't you want to know why you wield the power of the Dark Phoenix? " She said taking a sip from a glass of wine that was summoned to her hand.

Witch queen one by one dropped many things about Julian that no one knew.

Julian was shocked that she knew all his secrets. " How do you know all of this? " he couldn't help but say out loud losing his cool a bit.

" Calm down boy, I will tell you a story. Currently, you are weak to influence anything".

" That will be enough for now, " Julain said.

The witch queen opened her grimoire and cast a spell

[ Blood magic: Remnant of the past ]

" Please don't resist, " she said and a cocoon of blood enveloped both of them.

Julian opened his eyes and found himself in front of a village. He turned on Sharingan and found that the scene in front of me was a very high-level illusion completely indistinguishable from reality.

" Now listen very carefully …."

"A long – long time ago there lived a clan called the Ragnvindr clan.

This clan lived in the shadows and protected humans from the shadows.

They had a particular set of red eyes that gave them various powers along with their large mana pool and strong magic. These eyes were called Sharingan… "

The scene changed in front of Julian and what he saw was a few people having a spar.

All of them had their Sharingan opened.

They were said to be the descendants of god having a different source of power different from people. It was referred to as mana core.

They called themselves high humans and had two sources of mana. One that their body produced, another that connected them to nature which was the mana core.

But this race had a problem, they had a low fertility rate and the new generation born couldn't handle the load of those eyes and the power of their bloodline. As time passed only a few people of the clan had those eyes.

The clan got weaker and weaker and one day, war enveloped the war and the entire clan died out except the two children of the clan head, a boy who had unlocked those eyes and his twin sister.

They were Alexander Ragnvindr and Emilia Ragnvindr. "

The scene changed in front of Julian again and became the bloody scene that he saw after the dungeon dive. But this time from the perspective of the girl.

" Alexander had time magic, and his sister had sealing magic. The siblings wandered the world in search of the reason for their life and saw many things. He wanted to leave kin who would follow in his clan's footsteps before leaving the world. He and his sister finally steeled in a place name witch forest.

He fell in love with a woman named Alicia who was chosen by the fire spirit dark phoenix.

A few years later they had a child but the child was born very weak and his life could end at any moment.

The dark phoenix couldn't see her master's family die so she gave half of her body to the boy and saved his life from extinguishing. This power filled the boy with vitality and power to support his red eyes. This removed the weakness his clan had which made his future limitless.

They spent a few months in harmony but soon everything crumbled.

By now the man had developed his eyes beyond what his clan could do. The Sharingan had evolved to [ mangekyou sharingan] and unlocked abilities that should not exist.

With those eyes, he could see the future of people except his including many possibilities. But that power had a limit of usage and range of future displayed.

In the future, he saw all of his leftover family's death over and over no matter what he did but in only one of them he saw hope.

So to not let his bloodline die out, he formulated a plan to change the future and take the path in which he saw hope.

He removed his eyes and sealed one in a dungeon, the second on his son, and send his sister and son to the future where the war should have been over.

A Sharingan user can detect if his child will unlock Sharingan in the future or not, he was sure that his son could do that.

His reason for sealing the eyes was that his son doesn't go blind.

Using those higher takes a toll on one's body so his clan had records that combining the eyes with a relative will cure blindness and negative effects on the body.

The child's newborn body wasn't ready to accept both eyes so this approach was taken.

He linked the dungeon's emergence to the time when his son was ready to wield those power. As soon as the dungeon will open that eye will find its way toward his child. At that time the eyes of father and son will combine curing the blindness forever.

But his death seems to appear earlier than expected.

On the fated day after completing the preparation, he sent his son first to a period of peaceful place 1000 years later. This was done with the help of forbidden time magic as normal magic could not bear such results but when he was about to send his sister, he underestimated the backlash of forbidden magic and mistakenly sent his sister 500 years earlier. His wife refused to leave him and decided to sacrifice her life with him. The baby they sacrificed for was you, Julian. "

Julian witnessed everything with tears dropping from his eyes. He could see the pained expression of the couple who hugged an infant.

The sense of familiar family love that he once craved so much once. The scene of sacrifice reminded him of a painful past.

"How do you know all this ?" Julian asked

" I haven't finished my story yet " The queen said

" His sister found herself in an unfamiliar space and began to search for the baby but didn't find him, she went towards the place the dungeon should be and found that the dungeon would open 500 years later.

She was dejected and didn't knew what to do. The current world was very different from the one she lived.

She went towards the land where her clan lived and found that It was now inhabited by elves.

Another race that was almost extinct by then. The land acknowledged her presence as the original inhabitant and gave rise to trees and plants that were not present in that era including some structures of her clan.

The elves saw this and gave her the chance to stay with them.

There she fell in love with an elf named Marco and had me. They named me Alice, similar to your mother's name Alicia Ragnvindr. I was born a half-elf.

The elves were not so happy with their marriage so they moved out from there and lived in the witch forest that was once her home for a short time 500 years ago.

They both made areas protected from the outside world. When I was 10 years old, I learned that all the elves were killed by something. My father was about to go insane but my mother was there to calm him. My father didn't want his family to die, so he covered the entire place with a barrier with his [plant magic ].

Years later when I was experimenting with my magic, I found that I could create life from my magic. with more experiments, I found that I could only create females. I created the first alive human child without the involvement of any male. By now my parents were old my mother was at death's door. As my father was an elf he had a long life span but he decided to leave the world at the same time as her love. I had inherited my father's long lifespan due to being a half-elf "

As she stopped speaking, Julian saw himself in a cemetery with the largest graves of the people " Emilia " and " Marco ".

The scene changed again

Julian was now back in the queen's chamber but he was not seated on a sofa on the queen's lap with her patting his head.

Tears dropped from her eyes as she remembered her parents whom she didn't see for almost 500 years.