Deeper insight


Some people were confused about the timeline so let me say it again.

1000 years before the current timeline :

Alexander and Emilia were twins from the Ragnvinder clan and the last survivor.

Alexander married a woman named Alicia who had Dark Phoenix. They had a son named Julian.

Alexander with forbidden time magic sent his son to the future 1000 years later when the war was over but something goes wrong and his sister Emilia reaches 500 years before Julian when the elves were alive.

500 years before the current timeline :

Emilia falls in love is the elf leader Marco who was Annie's uncle ( the elf introduced a few chapters ago).

Elves didn't accept their marriage so the couple moved out and a new elf leader Licht was selected.

Emilia and Marco had Alicia who is the witch queen.

Elf massacre happens

So Julian and Witch Queen are cousins.

Current timeline :

Julian reached the door of the Church at Hage village where he is raised.

16 years later, he is mature enough to hold the power of the eyes so the dungeon opens up.


Julian POV:

The information I just received was totally out of my expectations. But the question was when did I reincarnate as a baby, was it after being sent into the future or the past. I regained my consciousness near the Church so the first being true is more likely but my consciousness might have been lying dormant making it active after I came to the future.

Sigh, too confusing.

Who gave me the system, who killed my parents and clan in this life, there were a lot of questions.

If I infer correctly, I have mana core and Sharingan due to my bloodline.

The dungeon I went to appeared because I was ready for the power. Maybe the reward of the dungeon would have reached me in some other way if I had never gone to the dungeon.

My eyes will directly evolve into [Eternal mangekyou sharingan] when I reach enough power.

I thought about a lot of things and finally asked some questions while laying on her lap. She being my cousin is a bit indigestible.

" Are all the witches your daughter ?" I asked

" Although every witch in the forest calls me mother, I am not their actual mother. Unlike me, my children won't have a long lifespan.

So I never stopped researching to create a long-lasting life.

Seeing your children die before you is heart-wrenching. I gathered women from all over the kingdom who had lost their families.

After studying father's and mother's sealing notes I covered the entire forest in a formation and shared the ability to give birth without male interference to every witch as long as they are present in the forest.

So all the witches you see here are born from other witches. A witch is taught everything in the forest from magic to education to manners. If a witch wants to leave the forest, they must first possess certain strength. "she said.

"How are you alive for so long? I don't think even elves can stay alive for this long. "

"The formation….My life and powers are connected to a formation that covers the entire forest and the witches. All the witches living there share their minuscule life force making me stay alive"

"So the moment you step out of the forest, you will die? "

"Yes." She answered.

" If everyone is so free so why did you trap Vanessa, " I asked

"Vanessa was different. She is my daughter so she inherited some strong powers, unlike others. The evolution of blood magic gave me the property to sense someone's fate.

Vanessa was born with string magic which had the property to change fate. That I why I decided to groom her as a future leader. But contrary to my expectation, her powers were too much for her. I designed that cage to control her magic. Staying in the cage had completely developed her control and stopped her magic from going out of control.

That day I decided to finally free her from her shackles but somehow the string of fate connected and brought you and Yami and take her away. As her mother, I can't help but feel worried. Although I was strong once, I have almost lost all my strength as soon as I leave the forest, I would be good as useless. "

" I have a method to show you how she is doing, " I said turning on my Sharingan.

I brought her into my mind space and showed her all the memories of Vanessa.

" She seems to be enjoying her life. She is happy with her new life that's all matters. I may have to search for someone else to groom if she never changes her mind " She said laughing.

Her laugh and makeup look evil, but I didn't comment on it.

" You sensed that you sensed my mana core, how did you do that. Nobody pointed it out to me yet ."

Hearing my question she removed the suppressing seal and released her mana. Now I sensed her mana core resonate with me. So that's how she understood. Here mana core stood at the light silver stage but she has mana more than anyone I have seen so far.

" I may have mana core due to my bloodline but I didn't receive the Sharingan. Currently, you are the only owner of those eyes. None of my daughters received the property of mana core from me.

Although mana core can provide a lot of power that can also be your weakness if that is taken away from you. You have to learn to control natural mana without its help. "

" Why was this place called witch forest ?" I asked

" It is said that there was insane battle maniac woman thousands of years ago. She fought every person she let her sight on and set up her authority. Due to her strength and insane battle record, she was given the title of the witch. This forest was named witch forest as it was her home.

That woman was your grandmother that your father defeated to marry your mother. I heard that that was the only time she lost. "

I heard more stories from her and information I never knew. Till now I never completely concealed my mana and mana core. I always suppressed my mana up to the level of a noble.

From I learned the method of concealing my mana further and completely hiding my mana core. I stayed for the night to hear more from her

"The war…it was with Devils, right? " I asked.

Her eyes widened hearing that for a second but turned normal again.

"So you are informed….get me to give you a warning don't try to dig up information and try to do anything related to the devils. It's too soon for you to do that. I don't want you to lose your life, become strong first. " Witch Queen said.

The next morning, I bid farewell to her and went towards the base. On the way, I passed through the area where I used to practice reinforcement magic. If it was a year ago I won't have been able to cut those rocks but this time it was different. I made flame daggers and advanced reinforcement magic and carved a cube. The stones were cut before they could absorb the magic. Storing the cube in the space ring I flew towards the base.

[Phew ! that woman gave me creeps] a sound rang out inside my head.

"Kirin is that you? "

[Yup kiddo, it's me. I woke up a while ago and saw the scenes that you were shown by the woman. I have got to say you got it hard]

I closed my eyes and reached my mind space. There I found Kirin sitting under the shade of a tree with his original size. Seeing me, his body was enveloped in blue light as his figure started changing from a unicorn to that of a blue-haired man wearing a white kimono.


"Don't be surprised kiddo, I just took a temporary form. I can change to my original form at any moment. This form is how my master used to look in his youth" Kirin said smiling.

"Did your power recover?" I asked

"Nope, I only recovered my spirit, to recover my power I need forbidden mana…..that negative mana you know "

"Why did your talking style change from dignified to local dialect? "

"Oh,'s because of you. Your mind space influenced my character a bit while I was recovering." Kirin said.

"You need forbidden mana, right? I have a source to give you that "I summoned the magic stone in my mind space and gave it to Kirin. That stone was physically present with me, with the powers of mental space I can make a replica of that stone here.

"If you can crack the mechanism of the stone, you'll get a lot of forbidden mana"

"It's related to the birdie that is always with you right. Give me a few days, it will be done " Kirin began inspecting the stone carefully while some magic circles emerged around him.

"You can see the outside world with my eyes, right? "

"Yes, although the total control of how much I see in your hands"

Hmm, I will let him see everything for now but will block my vision when I need some privacy.

I exited my mind space with a glimpse of hope. If Kirin can crack Secre's forbidden magic seal then she can be freed before time.

Seems like I need to have a serious talk with Secre before that.

I reached the base it was evening. I dropped the stone in the backyard and told Luck and Magna about the rock I brought. They were happy to improve their reinforcement magic.

Though these rings had another weakness. They are unable to handle spatial magic so they will break the moment they are taken into the dungeon.




Author note:

The next arc would be the dungeon arc.

I have plans for Secre after that.

If you like the story so far please drop a review.