The history of the world

"Thousands of years ago, there existed a planet devoid of life.

But one day, a seed appeared on that planet and grew into a tree.

It was called the Tree of Origin or the God Tree.

This tree brought miraculous energy called mana and life to this planet.

The branches and the top of the tree gave birth to a dimension called heaven which was always engulfed in light.

This place gave birth to a race called the Angels.

The trunk gave birth to a dimension called the mortal plane which had both light and darkness.

This place gave birth to a race called humans.

The roots gave birth to a dimension called the underworld which was engulfed in darkness.

This place gave birth to a race called Demons.

Three races lived in peace and tranquility slowly increasing their number.

They were happy for who they were and loved everyone.

Due to the humans having the largest territory, the other two races made the humans the leaders.

But none of them fought against each other or harbored any ill intention.

Slowly time passed as more branches emerged from the tree giving rise to new species not intelligent like the three races.

This was the birth of mana beasts.

But these races had the power to use mana with which they started causing havoc in the three dimensions.

This made all three races united more than ever to tackle the problem.

One day, the tree gave a fruit that was made of half of yin and half of yang energy.

It was called the Fruit of Origin.

Yang presented positivity and yin represented negativity.

The human leader divided the fruit into three parts with the angels taking the yang part, demons taking the yin half, and the humans taking the central part which had both yin and yang.

They received limitless powers from fruit and became immortal Gods.

The Angel gained Light Magic

The Human gained World Tree Magic

The Demon Gained Dark Magic

They were the first races to have the power of mana.

With this power, they were able to secure their races from getting wiped out by the mana beasts.

Unaware of all the effects, the three races mated and gave birth to new races like the Elves who had mostly yang magic and some part Yin magic.

Devils with mostly Yin magic and some part Yang Magic.

But the humans stood the strongest of the three races with direct descents of the human God leading them, the Ragnvindrs. "

Alric made a cut on his finger and started to draw a magic circle around Julian.

"Tsk! This body only has a few days left before it falls apart" Alric clicked his tongue.

[Combination magic: Recreation of life ]

Alric joined his hand and back plants started to emerge from the blood circle whose branches started to bind Julian.

One of the branches traveled through Julian's back and made a white flower near his head.

Meanwhile Julian tried his best to move and crush the guy's head but he could not do anything.

"Don't be so impatient, the interesting part of the story has yet to come …..

This miraculous energy called mana slowly started to feed emotions into all the species that were not present before.

Stong Emotions like Lust, Greed, and Envy started eating away all the races as they started showing their fangs to the other races.

All the races that were once united were now against each other.

This started the first war or the cataclysm.

All kinds of races started to perish from the face of the planet.

The Gods who were once friends fought a battle of death.

The scale of the fight would have wiped out all the civilizations so they fought in a separate dimension.

The Human God managed to be the victor but realized that he will not live long due to the injuries he got from the battle.

During that time, a second flower had turned into a seed that would eventually grow into a fruit of power.

When the Human God returned, he found that the angels and demons had united to wipe out 99% of humanity.

Angered by this, the Human God completely erased races like Demons, Angels, Dragonoids, Minotaur, and Orcs from the face of the planet.

I Elric, the leader of the Dragonoid and the strongest Dragonoid to ever live, suppressed my pride and hid myself, and watched my kin senselessly slaughtered.

We were killed just because we allied with the Devils and Demons. We never participated in the war.

I hid the seed of origin and sealed half of my body with half of my total power to a place where even God's gaze could not fall.

Even since I was a child, I craved power… the ultimate power to rule all over the races.

I created a space with sealing magic having three levels imitating the world in the hope to recreate the tree.

I could not die….. I was born for greatness….. I had to become a God…I had to take revenge for my kin…

Using the remaining of his powers, The Human God erased the trunk of the tree which connected the three dimensions, sealing off most of the Elves and Devils in Heaven and Underworld respectively.

But he could not completely erase the tree from existence which was his biggest mistake.

I awoke from my long slumber a thousand years later to find a way to recreate the fruit of Origin.

I traveled through the mortal world and found myself in another war among the races.

Funny enough, the inability of the human god to wipe out the tree of origin caused this problem.

Combining Dark Magic and World tree Magic created the Tree of Qliphoth which opened the gate to the underworld.

Combining Light and World tree magic created the Tree of Sephirah which opened the gate to heaven.

Using this new knowledge, I gathered all three types of magic to recreate the fruit with a human with Soul Magic helping me.

I had sealing magic tried various things and realized that I could create a body with the seed which will eventually have the ultimate power of God.

As I was not immortal, I kept creating new bodies for myself trying to find a suitable body to plant the seed of Origin.

During this, I made a discovery that the Ragnvindrs were the perfect core but I needed a pure-blooded Ragnvindr so I began my experiment on them and created a way to make a pure-blooded Ragnvindr.

Unfortunately, another war had completely wiped out the Ragnvindrs before I could do anything crushing my dreams. "

[Bloodline purification complete::

Mastery of law increased

Mana control increased

Bone strength increased

Mana regeneration increased ]

[Mana heart(Dark Silver) -> Solid Silver

Mana points ->1250]

[Due to external influence

Sealing Magic (temporary) acquired ]

Alric placed his hard on Julian's forehead as his consciousness started to fade away

"I locked myself into this dimension trying to create a Ragnvindr with Alchemy and before you know it, you were here in front of me…as if the world wants me to succeed.

A Ragnvindr in flesh blessed by a spirit….a host compatible with all three types of magic and vessel for the seed of Origin.

My perfect subject….and my path to Godhood"