“Your every action was a part of my plan “

Alric touched Julian's forehead and closed his eyes.

From his shoulder snakes of white, black and green color emerged and started to merge with Julian's head.

Alric removed his hand and looked at the door.

"I have transferred half of my consciousness and the three magic types to his body, the only thing left is to erase his conciseness and take control of his body.

I wanted to complete the process but must first get rid of the annoyance before it caused more trouble.

I cannot use sealing magic for a while but it doesn't matter"

The entire dimension was divided into three parts similar to the real world.

He purposely sent Kirin to the top and Nacht to the bottom to get him some time to get the process completed

Alric opened the door to the chamber and looked at the sky which cracked to reveal a floating city.


Alric stepped back as a bolt of thunder struck the ground causing a big explosion.

As the smoke from the explosion cleared, a blue-haired guy could be seen standing at the site looking at Alric with anger in his eyes.

"Seems like the lizard is still alive.."

"Never expected to see you again… Lighting Spirit Kirin."

" I came back from the dead to drag you to your grave... " Kirin said as lightning cracked around his arms.

" Big words from someone who got himself and his companions wiped out by me be…

Moreover, you are just a fraction of your former self" Alric said with a smirk.

"You don't seem to have your sealing magic too. What can you even do without that? throw your chemicals at me? " Kirin was trying to rile up Alric so that his focus was only on him.

" I don't need that to deal with you.

Now then if you are already here, I will play with you for a while till that master of yours become my new body"

Hearing that Kirin started laughing.

" Take over his body? Dream about it.

He is not someone who will lose to a lizard like you "

" Seems like you underestimate me too much"

Both Kirin and Alric disappeared from their places as their fists collided creating a big shockwave.

Kirin's arms were clad in Lighting while Alric's hands were clad in Dark Magic.

Balls of lightning formed around Kirin and shot toward Alric while multiple swords of light formed around Aric destroying the upcoming swords.

Before Kirin could initiate another attack, Alric disappeared from his place and punched Kirin to the ground with Dark Magic Clad fists followed by a large beam of light which Kirin attacked back with his lightning beam.

[Mana zone: Strike of Indra]

The sky crackled as a very large spear of thunder fell on Alric.

[Light Magic: Surge of Judgement]

A surge of light emerged from Alric which clashed against the spear of lightning completely destroying it.

The ground cracked as large tree branches emerged trying to surround Kirin.

Kirin used lightning magic to destroy the branched but they kept regrowing and following him.

If that was not enough, Alric began his assault with a combination of the fastest light magic and Heavy hitting Dark magic


Another explosion occurred as Kirin shot a big ball of lightning and Alric destroyed it with a sword of light.

Spikes of lightning shot toward Alric as an armor of wood formed around him tanking the attacks.

Kirin immediately reached near Alric trying to use another strong attack but another surge of light emerged from Alric destroying his attack.

Cladding his fists in dark magic again Alric punched Kirin as he crashed into the tall buildings and only stopped after breaking two of them.

This attack had damaged Kirin quite a bit.

Alric disappeared from his place and reached near Kirin and used Dark Magic to kick him which Kirin could not dodge.


Kirin used a defensive spell but Alric's kick broke through his defense drugging feet into Kirin's body.

Before Alric could spread World tree magic inside Kirin, he turned into elemental form and reappeared a few meters away from the initial position.

The fight went on for some time with Kirin losing every single confrontation.

To be honest, Kirin was never confident in defeating Alric even without him using sealing magic.

The memory of him being killed by him is still fresh in his mind.

Although Alric was not using his signature Sealing magic a combination of Light, World Tree, and Dark Magic.

Kirin was lucky that Alric's mastery over Dark and World Tree magic was not as strong as Light Magic or else he would have been dead again.

Currently, Kirin was using forbidden magic to boost his strength after which he would fall asleep for a few days due to the backlash.

He had taken a gamble on keeping Alric busy while Nacht and Secre tried to wake Julian up or do something.

'Hope I don't die again before that'


"None of my spells work on him…" Nacht said regretfully.

He tried to cut off the tree that was binding Julian out it grew back again.

He tried to move Julian but he could not even make him budge.

He could not even teleport him away as he felt the dimension was blocking his teleportation ability.

He has no idea what happened to Julian but his only choice is to defeat Alric to recover Julian.

Honestly out of all the Black Bulls, Julian and Asta are the only ones he shows interest in so he doesn't want anything to happen to them.

"Can't you do anything with your Sealing Magic ?" Nacht asked the woman who was sitting next to Julian trying different spells from her Grimoire.

She was a short slender woman with black hair in a bob style with two horns coming out of her head.

She wore a black dress with thin straps and a short, ruffled skirt that resembles feathers.

Nacht pretty much knew that Secre was a human after meeting her at the dungeon. So he was not surprised to see.

"I am trying…."

"Keep on trying, till then I will try to buy you time, " Nacht said.

"Gimodelo stay with her "

"Yes, sir Nacht!" Gimodelo took his original form and stood beside Secre.

Secre was panicking and trying every single spell she knew on Julian to recover his consciousness back as she felt traces of Sealing Magic on him.

It was Kirin who made her return to her human form by finding a back door in the forbidden Magic that turned her into a bird.

She didn't tell about the real condition Julian was in as knowing Nacht for the past few hours, she knew he would try to kill Julian so that Alric cannot take over his body.

Finally, Secre remembered one spell that she never expected to use again.

[Forbidden Magic: Eternal Prison Revereal Release]

'Please work…Please work…Please work'

As soon as the spell started taking effect, the mana that was sealed off burst out of Julian.

The trees that were holding him off started to burn in a red flame as the mana from them increased the power of the flames.


Inside Julian's mind space.

Alric stood on the endless land of stand as the black moon floated in the blood-red sky.

"I thought that the last Ragnvindr would be strong but his strength turned out to be disappointing.

Even a ten-year-old kid would have defeated this boy at the race's prime.

No wonder his consciousness was so easy to take over "

In front of him was a tall beautiful tree that emitted a gentle light.

Just looking at the tree Alric felt a strange calmness.

Alric could not help but smile seeing the tree.

"Just as beautiful as I last saw it….the tree of origin.

My dream…. is finally coming true

I can become a GOD

I shall rule over every race and revive my race "

Alric started moving forward toward the tree.

Just as he was about to touch the tree his body froze.

"This magic…."

His vision instantly turned outside down as he was back at the starting place.

In front of him stood Julian with his eyes closed.

" 'I have sealed your mana and physical strength ' was it?" Julian said with a smirk.

"You dare use my own magic against me!!"

The only thing Alric could move was his mouth and eyes except that he had lost control over everything.

"I know your comprehension power, you cannot use a high-tier spell just after a few minutes after receiving a new magic type, " Alric said trying to find the back door in the spell.

He tried for a few seconds and realized that the spell that was cast on him was even stronger than the one he knew.

"What….How...You…..You are not him! Who are you? "

Hearing his Julian opened his eyes to reveal two menacing purple eyes.

Alric's eyes widened seeing Julian with those purple eyes.

"Those eyes…..impossible!!

This boy was your incarnation Human God!!!"

Julian's smirk grew even wider hearing Alric mentioned that.

"Yes, he was my incarnation " Julian answered.

"Then your incarnation was pathetic for a Ragnvindr..Even if you have those eyes, with that body you can't kill me.

You can't stop me this time" Alric growled.

" Oh? You told me not to be impatient but now you are being impatient"

Julian snapped his finger as a white rod passed through Alric's abdomen as Alric did with Julian.

"I purposely sealed off his strength to make him realize the real meaning of holding power.

To teach not to be blinded by too much power and make the mistake his ancestors made….With me taking control, the seal can be disabled"

Julian stopped for a few seconds as if remembering his past.

"Why do you think that I let you go? Did you really think that this dimension could hide you?

I knew that I will not be able to protect the humans forever so I needed someone to carry on my legacy.

You being alive, the seed of origin being taken away, and you gathering all three kinds of magic that created the tree were under my expectation.

Your every action was a part of my plan.

This boy will carry on my will of bringing peace to the mortal realm and complete what I failed."

Julian held Alric's face as his face turned expressionless.

"Now that you have served your purpose, you have no further use"

[Burn in the Abyssal flame of darkness: AMATERASU!!" ]