Attack on the capital

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The capital was in complete disarray.

Homes were burned down or in disrepair, and there were broken roads.

It was unbelievable because the location ought to be the safest in the entire Clover Kingdom.

The streets were invaded by zombies, who rampaged through everything in their path.

Magic knights who were present in the city engaged in combat, casting spells at the zombies, but the effects were minimal.

The zombies that seemed to have been destroyed got up and started marching once more.

In addition to fighting the hoard of zombies, they had to rescue people who were stuck in broken homes too.


A man was observing the burning city from one of the tallest burning buildings while grinning ecstatically.

"Haha!! "Murder them all!"

"Anyone who doesn't understand my power… a sinner"

"I'm going to destroy this kingdom that didn't recognize my value!!"

This man's name was Rades, and he was a cruel psychopath who was not chosen for Magic Knights because of his magic.

'Soul Corpse Magic' or necromancy

His magic allowed him to add a person he killed to his undead army, which he can summon at any time.

Necromancy, like forbidden magic, was treated similarly, so he became an outcast in society.

A person was sitting on the roof of another building in the capital city, watching the scene.

He had messy black hair with a few white streaks, pointy ears of the elves, and a tattoo on the left side of his cheek. His name was Rhya, one of the top members of the Eye of The Midnight Sun.

" Sigh ..Humans are such greedy creatures...they will agree to sacrifice their race for their gain... all the sacrifices their ancestors made are all waste. "

" Rhya-sama, all of the preparations have been completed....

"When should we start? asked a man with wavy gray hair.

He had two scars on his face that ran from the top to the bottom.

" Ah, Valtos…."

Begin the process of transporting the captains and others from the capital.

I'll pay attention to the target…"

" Hai Rhya- sama !"

Rhya had a special type of magic called copy magic that let him copy spells from any grimoire he had touched previously.

Using light magic that he copied from somewhere, he traveled to various parts of the city to see the situation.

"There are no variables so far, everything is going as planned"

Julian POV:

I warned Fuegoelon to be cautious because the stone he was wearing as a necklace had the same aura as the magical stone mentioned in the report a month ago.

He assured me that he would be cautious and proceeded in another direction.

I respected him, but I had no desire to save his life from the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

I did my part by warning him.

I will do my job as a magic knight and protect the civilians.

"Secre, Kirin," I called out as they both appeared beside me.

"Work together and make sure the people are safe.

I will get rid of the zombies "

Kirin touched Secre's shoulder as both of them vanished with Kirin's lightning-speed ability.

I made wings and flew above the buildings to witness the capital's horrifying scene.

The Elves were going to great lengths to harm humans, but if they knew what the human God had done, they would most likely go insane with a thirst for vengeance.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun had brainwashed quite a lot of people to do the killing for them. I was pretty sure that some sane people were killing without remorse too.

I don't blame them.

They are people who were pushed into darkness by society and only received a ray of light from the Eye of the Midnight Sun…a chance to vent their anger toward society.

I summoned a bunch of flame daggers and used them to cut apart the zombies below me.

I found that they could regenerate as long they had magic in them so I started setting them on fire while cutting their legs so that they don't cause harm to the citizens.

[Mana zone: Flame Shower]

Hundreds of arrows formed around me and shot toward all the zombies that were under my observation.

The problem with the zombies was that the civilians who died at their hands turned into zombies too.

Due to my dark flames, they would keep burning till their magic burned out.

Apart kept killing the hordes of zombies, while Kirin and Secre made sure to save everyone on the way.

One of the recent Dragon Series spells that I unlocked which was [Lava Dragon's Cradle ] made a safe dome for the people to be safe in.

I received the gratitude of a lot of people as I healed their injuries.

The workload was huge, as this city was the largest in the entire Common Realm with a high population density.

So the central area was equivalent to two or more cities combined.

The Magic Knights who have been tasked with the central area along with me were pretty much useless, so I was doing their part of the work.


Third Person POV:

On the other hand, Asta was successfully disposing of the zombies, as his antimagic was very effective against them.

Still, he was a single man under a lot of pressure.

Rades sensed a threat from Asta and began to hunt him down.

Noelle wasn't doing well, and her magic control had become messed up as a result of previous experiences and watching the horrifying scenes. She wanted to help Asta, seeing that he was in a pinch, but she was unable to do anything.

A swarm of zombies jumped at her, taking advantage of her predicament.

She panicked because she didn't have time to cast a spell, but a wave of fire appeared and destroyed the zombies.

As she was wondering who it belonged to, she saw Fuegoleon emerge from the flames.

"Thank you," she said, realizing how close she was to death.

Instead of responding, Fuegoleon smacked her on the head.


"Don't let you focus weaver because of what your siblings said to you, Girl of the Black Bulls!"

"This is a battlefield where a single useless thought can be the difference between life and death."

"Look around you; everyone is engaged in combat using anything at their disposal. If you join the magic knights on your own, you will demonstrate that you are deserving of that title. "


These encouraging words refocused Noelle's attention; she thanked him again and began shooting water balls at zombies to lighten Asta's load.


Because of all the smoke and the widespread use of mana, the sky was completely dark.

After eliminating every zombie in the central area, Julian's load somewhat lessened.

The Wizard King was nowhere to be found in this situation.

Julian had many questions about his character; He pretended to know everything but disappeared when needed.

As far as Julian remembers, he magically appeared when Asta was kidnapped, , this time Julian will make sure that doesn't happen.

After stabilizing the situation there, Julian decided to fly towards the position where Asta and Noelle were.

However, his instincts kicked in as he moved toward his left.

[Julian dodge to your left ] Julian received a mental command from Kirin, but he had already moved away from the place where a black box of spatial magic appeared and disappeared the next second.

To make sure Asta and Noelle were safe Julian flew with his fastest speed towards Asta and Fuegoleon only to see him disappear in the Spatial Box.

"Julian ni! Captain Fuegoleon just disappeared.." Asta said shocked by the outcome. Noelle was standing beside him with the same reaction.

Julian opened his left eye with which he shared the vision of multiple of his summons who went to look at the situation from above.

"He wasn't the only captain who began to teleport; every captain did as well. " Julian said to Asta as he enveloped both Asta and Noelle in his healing spell.

Kirin and Secre appeared beside him to discuss the next course of action.

'Since I was targetted, it means they consider me a threat to whatever they were planning 'Julian thought.

While Asta was telling him the events that unfolded after he left the castle, pillars of light began to appear all around the city.

"Be prepared; it's large-scale forbidden magic!" Kirin immediately informed Julian.

People shouted while forming a hexagon-shaped formation around them while standing in various locations around the city.

" Forbidden Summoning Magic: The Advent of Nightmare"

All the people who cast the magic screamed as all the blood from their bodies started to drain, forming a sphere in the air.

Rapidly, mana was drawn from the atmosphere into the sphere of blood, and what formed could be said to be a nightmare indeed.

The entire dragon was covered in black scales, from head to tail.

The state of affairs had drastically worsened.

A creature with five heads and a length of about fifty meters had been conjured by the spell.

It wasn't just a simple living thing; it was a mindless beast made entirely of mana, making Julian's control useless.

The entire dragon was covered in black scales, from head to tail.

He had four large claws on his four limbs and two enormous horns on each of his heads.

An eerie silence enveloped the entire capital as the creature opened its eyes.

Then the creature roared.

The roar was so intense that all the glass around it shattered as people covered their ears with pain.

Not only did the monster make noise, but he also cast terrifying auras throughout the city.

Every citizen and member of the magic Knights began to tremble in terror at this scene, with some even wetting themselves.



People saw their chances of survival crumble away as despair took over.

Rhya, who was just waiting for Licht's signal to leave, "Oi," stopped and looked at the monster with dismay.

'Oi oi, oi!

We never planned this.

Who the fuck summoned this nightmare?

We didn't even teach anyone forbidden summoning magic."

The only thing Rhya knew about the monster was that it had to be killed as fast as possible.

The longer the monster stays, the stronger and larger it gets by absorbing mana and negative emotions from living beings around it.

'Whatever happens, it does not concern me."

Yes, I never saw or heard anything.'

Vatos is busy creating a space for Licht to take the magic stone. As soon as that is done, today's goal is achieved." Rhya used spatial magic to leave.


Noelle collapsed to the floor in terror, while Asta stood motionless.

Secre was not affected due to her high resistance to forbidden magic, while Kirin, a spirit with mastery over forbidden magic, was unaffected too.

[Julian, all of the people who could do something have disappeared. The capital will perish entirely if we don't take action. ]

Julian muttered, "Seems I have no choice," as his body was engulfed in a thick layer of mana.

"Secre cooperate with Asta and Noelle to get people out of the area. "


"Kirin let's go….

We have a monster to hunt "