Dragon Dive

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Civilians were fleeing in all directions as greater chaos engulfed the capital.

A woman was observing the five-headed Dragon on one street corner with an unusual fascination.

"You are incredible, Megicula!!

I wasn't expecting such amazing results from the summon; all I wanted to do was make it more intriguing.

Despite the fact that Lucius ~ni is punishing me for this, it is completely worth it. "

[I'm curious to see how humans deal with it; it's one of the gatekeepers to the deepest level of hell.] said a voice in the woman's head.

A young man with a black cross on his face appeared beside her, sending ripples through the surrounding area.

"What are you doing, Vanica...? This was not in the plan," a young man named Zenon told the woman.

"~Ehh, just a few moments longer!

I swear I won't get involved. "


Julian pulled out his communication device and dialed a number.

"I need your help Lucis.

Set up a recording device towards the sky.

After that take Charmy and help evacuate the citizens from this area as far as possible"

"Have you gone insane!! are you going to fight that thing alone?" Lucis shouted from the other side.

"I don't have time to waster Lucis, just do as I say and leave the rest to me," Julian said before cutting the line.

Julian knew Charmy had sneaked into the castle with Lucis, so she should be there.

Because all of the captains were absent, he had to take care of that thing; bringing it to the ground would only make matters worse, so he had to destroy it in the air.

Although Kirin was unable to summon his previous power, his current power should suffice for the time being.

Julian threw one of his daggers high into the air and exchanged position with it to instantly reach the monsters while Kirin followed behind him.

Seeing someone approaching, the beast opened all of its mouths and unleashed five different types of beams: fire, wind, ice, lightning, and water.

[Mana Zone: Lava Dragon's roar ]

A large dragon made of flames shot out of Julian's Daggers, with Kirin throwing a spear of Lightning to add to the attack's power.

As the two attacks collided, there was an explosion of lights that felt like the stars collapsing in the dark sky.

"Mommy, look at these fireworks," a child said, pointing up at the sky.

The mother was too terrified to move, but someone quickly picked her up along with her child and headed in the direction of the evacuation site.

Every massive city had several massive underground shelters for protection in case of an emergency.

Because all of the sites were full today, people were evacuated from the city.

Julian estimated the monster's strength based on the clash, which was not optimistic.

The spell he used was one of the strongest it had, and the dragon's attacks were equally potent.

It would cause widespread devastation if it hit the city.

Julian commanded Kirin to aim for the heads as he flew toward the monster.

Kirin immediately reached for the Dragon and slashed down with a lightning-charged sword.

Unexpectedly, the monster proved to be more challenging.

When Kirin and Julian were able to remove one of the heads, it would quickly regrow. By pure luck, both of them succeeded in severing the beast's five heads while expecting it to die, but it was still insufficient to put an end to the beast.

Not only that but the spells the monster cast had such great lethality that Julian could be killed by a direct hit.

The ground beneath them was covered in ash as they were dodging the beams. Julian could only pray that the locals had already left.


The beast was struck by a powerful lightning spear as the clouds rumbled, but it withstood the spell's devastating effects.

Hundreds of blades formed with each flap of Julian's wings and pierced the beast in every direction.

Every spike on the beast's back exploded like a missile as it roared, aiming for him.

[Mana zone: Great fire Annihilation ] While Kirin used one of his most potent spells to make a hole through the beast's body, Julian unleashed an ocean of flames in an attempt to destroy it. However, the monster quickly recovered and was back in action.

'Seriously, where did they bring this thing from and how is it even doing that?''

The monster was adapting to their fighting style and growing stronger over time by absorbing mana from the atmosphere, which was a very concerning situation for them.

Since Julian and Kirin had previously severed its head, the beast had become wary and would not let them approach it.

Yuno kept a distance from the conflict and was getting ready to enter it.

"Don't bother getting involved in that fight.

That's beyond our capabilities...we'll only end up killing ourselves." A small fairy floating nearby said.

That was the great wind spirit Silph, whom Yuno had summoned from his Grimoire.

"Let's get out of here, Yuno...

"I hope your brother and the Lightning Spirit have the ability to defeat the monster."

On the other hand, Asta wished to assist Julian and attempted to rush toward him, but was stopped by Secre and Noelle.

"Believe them, the scale of the battle is beyond our ability to handle," Noelle said.

"We must keep ourselves and the people around him safe for the time being," Secre said as the sky turned different colors due to the clash of mana.

Asta was dissatisfied. Julian and Kirin were facing such a disaster on their own, with no one to assist them.

Even the magic knights who were meant to protect the civilians abandoned everything and fled.

It was fortunate that Charmy and a person identified as Lucis, who possessed Light Magic, contributed significantly to the evacuation.

As a result of everything he saw, his resolve to improve as a magic knight grew stronger.


"We can't kill it like this.

This beast is adapting to our battle style and is even able to absorb our spells.

We have to kill it in one go " Kirin said as he slashed a sword of made of lightning.

"Unfortunately, neither you nor I have the firepower to eliminate it in a single shot. " Kirin turned into lightning particles to dodge a barrage of projectiles from the monster.

[Mana zone: Orbs of Greater Chaos ]

Julian threw a condensed ball of mana like a cannot which was met with another five-energy beam from the monster creating an explosion.

Julian clicked his tongue.

Julian considered everything he could until a spell came to mind.

" I think I can do something, but you have to keep the monster busy for a few seconds," Julian said as he flew even higher into the sky.

As mana began to swirl around him, he closed his eyes. Slowly, the mana began to be divided into smaller chunks and transformed into millions of razor-sharp blades.

As he shifted the core of the spell to his arms, dragon scales appeared on his right hand.

Julian's surroundings began to ripple as more and more blades shone brightly around him.

A Red Sun appeared in the Dark Sky as everyone watching the battle prayed for Julian to win.

The situation was getting out of hand so it was a do-or-die situation.

"Right here and now I will surpass my limits !!"

Julian's eyes changed into reptilian eyes as he muttered.

"[Through the blood of dragons, I summon the Dragon of the Dawn...

May all my enemies before me be reduced to ashes in the holy flames of salvation..."

[Mana zone Dark Flame Magic: Dragon Dive]

The creature sensed great danger from the Red Sun and flew towards him, all five of its mouths charged with elemental beams.

The following second, a scene occurred that the people of Clover Kingdom who witnessed the battle will never forget.

The Red Sun transformed into a meteor and collided with the nightmare creature.

People witnessed one Red Dragon and one Black Dragon clash before the entire city turned red from the light of the clash.....it felt as if the sky and land had become equal.

There was no sound of an explosion...only silence as the light faded away, revealing a peaceful evening sky.

The monster was no longer there... The nightmare was over....the capital was now safe.....


Before Julian could fall to the ground, Kirin caught him and landed on a non-destroyed building.

Julian was conscious, but his body was in critical condition.

His entire right hand had been reduced to bones, with the flesh slowly regenerating.

Chunks of flesh were missing from various parts of his body as if cut by very small blades.

The Phoenix robe on him wasn't enough to keep his body from falling apart, so Kirin used forbidden magic to heal him as well.

"Don't die on me, Julian...."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!

I am not going to die easily."

Julian's Sharingan copied Kirin's spell, speeding up healing even more.

After thirty minutes of continuous healing, his hand and body returned to normal.

His eyes were almost closed as tiredness took over.

He underestimated the previous spell.

Even though it gave him limitless power, his body almost got destroyed because of it.

That spell had consumed all of his mana at once.

His body would have vanished into nothingness along with the monster if he had continued to hold the spell for a few more seconds.

'Let me rest for a while...'