Attack aftermath

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Third Person POV:

The sky was enveloped in darkness, but this time it was natural.

The fire that had destroyed the house and claimed lives had just been extinguished by heavy rain, so the city was completely dark.

Today will be remembered as the day when a city was on the verge of extinction in the Clover Kingdom.

When Julian opened his eyes, he was in the same position as when he had dozed off. Night had replaced the earlier evening.

"You're up?

You slept for roughly four hours. " Kirin said.

Julian recovered fully after a brief rest.

"What's happening right now?" Julian enquired.

Kirin suggested going to the headquarters first, where everyone was since there had been a lot of activity, and talking there while traveling.


Kirin described what happened after Julian collapsed from exhaustion as they traveled.

The captains who had been transported away returned to witness the conflict's aftermath.

They started to look around as more and more magic knights from all over the nation poured in to perform their duties.

Increased security was added to the rebuilt barrier after it was breached.

When everything seemed to be calming down after a while, something happened that caused panic to return.

A spatial passage opened up, and Captain Fuegoelon's unconscious body fell in front of Asta and Noelle, with his right arm missing.

Secre, the only mage there with the power to act, sealed his wound to stop the flow of blood and ensure his survival.

The medical staff took him to the emergency room right away, where Doctor Owen, who was the most senior, would perform his surgery.

Kirin concluded his account by saying, "These were the events that had taken place," as he walked after Julian.

Every single one of them thanked Julian and hailed him as a hero as they made their way back to their homes which were not yet destroyed.

They could still vividly recall the moment he protected them from the horde of zombies, provided a safe haven, and vanquished the enormous Dragon.

After a few more minutes of travel, Julian arrived at the Wizard King's castle's main hall, where many of the Magic knights were gathered.

Julian could see many members of his squad, as well as members of other squads like Yuno and Lucis.

They all stepped aside to make room for Julian to move toward the center, where the Wizard King was issuing orders.

The hallway was strangely quiet because Julian was the center of attention.

Everyone was made aware of Julian's actions and the fact that he was under contract to the lightning spirit who was accompanying him thanks to the recording of the battle and the locals' remarks, which were both distributed widely.

None of them were sure of how to respond to him.


….How do you have such strength?...

These were some of the ideas they were considering, but none of them dared to speak.

They couldn't fathom the power Julian displayed.

A few people in the crowd had also been present at the award ceremony, and they were ashamed to look at him.

The Wizard King greeted Julian with a smile and said, "You're here."

He turned to face Kirin and said, "You must be the lightning spirit Kirin, whom I heard about."

"Sup! That's me ~"

Kirin's reply managed to get a chuckle out of the Wizard King.

"First and foremost, I'd like to thank you for everything you've done for the people and the capital.

You became a source of light that dispelled the darkness in the city, which was completely dark."

Julius expressed gratitude on behalf of himself and the entire Clover Kingdom.

Julian wanted to ask Julius a question, but Julius spoke first.

"You may have some questions, and everyone should, about where I, the Wizard King, was during the time of need and what I was doing.

So, to answer your question, I was in one of the enemy's strongholds, making sure that no new threats appeared in the city.

This terrorist organization, known as Eye of the Midnight Sun, was responsible for the incident. They are to blame for Captain Fuegoleon's critical condition.

They have people who can use Forbidden Magic and the creature that was summoned as a result of such magic.

I had a brief encounter with the alleged leader, but I was unable to apprehend him.

I've arrested a lot of people who could be used to extract information from them."

Some of the questions the people had were answered when the wizard king mentioned them.

Wizard King sent everyone away after more discussion and instructions, giving them tasks to complete and requesting that they aid the civilians, with the exception of Julian, who was asked to remain.

The Magic Knights planned to work all night long today.


Wizard King, Julian, and Kirin entered the room where Fuegoleon was sleeping and Owen was taking notes.

Leopold was gritting his teeth while sitting next to his bed, clutching the sheets.

His eyes softened slightly as Julian approached, but he made an effort to contain his emotions. Julian hugged him while he was sitting next to him.

"I know it will be difficult for you, but hang in there; he will surely wake up."

"I know…..

It's just too much for me to take in.

I never expected to see my brother in such a state." said Leopold.

"Now that he is temporarily out of service, I have a huge responsibility on my shoulders….

I will make every effort to meet all of his expectations of me."

"I'm sure you will; now relax…

We have a lot of work to do," Julian said as he put Leopold to sleep with his Sharingan. Julian laid Leopold on the spare bed beside Fuegoleon.

"I appreciate it," the Wizard King said to Julian.

Julian simply nodded and turned his attention to Owen, whom Wizard King had asked to provide the report.

"Let's begin from the beginning.

When he was discovered, he had swords of light magic protruding from his body, causing numerous internal injuries.

His right hand is gone, which can't be regenerated with my magic.

I heard that the person who sealed his wound was a Black Bulls member, and she did an excellent job.

He might have died from blood loss if she hadn't come to his aid.

Despite the fact that I have done everything possible to heal his body, his spirit has been shaken which is not too severe.

If everything goes well, he should wake up in two weeks"

This was different from the original story as this time Owen was sure that Fuegelon will wake up in two weeks.

"Good job, Owen, but I'm afraid I can't dismiss you just yet."

There are many people who require your assistance."

"I understand, sir, I will report to duty immediately," Owen said, bowing.

"I will arrange for Leopold and Fuegoelon to be transferred to the Crimson Lion base by a trusted spatial mage," the Wizard King said.

Following Owen's departure, a spatial mage entered the room and teleported both Vermllions.

"I'd like to thank you again, Julain, for everything you've done."

"I was just doing what I had to do as a Magic Knight."

"Your fight was very interesting, and I'm sure it will go down in Clover Kingdom history..."

The Wizard King stated that he made Marx check Fuegeleon's jumbled memories, which confirmed that he was targeted because of the magic stone he possessed.

He appreciated Julian's warning to Fuegoleon about the danger he might face due to the stone.

The leader possessed light magic, according to his hazy memories of the fight.

Julian was informed by the Wizard King about the stone tablet he saw at the base, which was fitted with various magical stones similar to the one Forugeon possessed.

"Could you please tell me about your last spell?"

How much mana was required?!

How did you accomplish that?

How many times can it be used?!?" Wizard King's tone immediately changed as her inner nerd began to emerge.

"I'm sorry to say, but this is something I want to keep to myself," Julian said.

"I understand, everyone has their secrets," said Wizard King, returning to normalcy.

Kirin was astounded by how quickly the Wizard King's mood changed.

"I remember watching you submit your first mission report just a few days ago, and now I see how much you have grown."

Because of people like you, society can continue to function, and people can live happily, knowing they are safe.

With your power and track record of accomplishments, you will undoubtedly become the fastest Magic Knight to reach the rank of Grand Magic Knight.

So, Julian, would you like to take on the role of captain in the future?"

"The offer is appealing, but I must decline."

I'm content with my situation with the Black Bulls and don't require anything else.

I already do a lot of the work in place of Captain Yami and understand what this means.

This is why I must decline." Julian answered.

"I respect your choice. "

"If you change your mind, you can talk to me," the Wizard King said as his mood changed as he bombarded Kirin with questions.