Eye of the Midnight Sun Leader

Everything changed that day when a woman from the past set foot on our land.

Monuments and vegetation that we had never seen before started to emerge in our lands alongside an abundance of natural mana.

This abundance of mana made us stronger as we are a race who are connected to nature.

The land we live in was once her home.

That woman was a Ragnvindr.

The strongest race that kept the balance in the world thousands of years ago.

Unlike us, elves who were often called fallen angels as we are not of direct descent from the Angel God Michael, The Ragnvindrs were the true Descendants of the Human God Elija.

A race with two sources of mana in their body….ability to manipulate natural mana even greater than us elves….ability to control pure mana and magic types that defied logic.

Although that woman didn't have the Red eyes called Sharingan that was the signature of the Ragnvindrs, her strength was enormous.

I was only a few years old when I met her.

She was like mother nature who enveloped me in motherly love.

Although that woman named Emilia was a Ragnvindr, she liked to refer to herself as a Witch Queen.

With her help, I got to know about the true history of the world, the Sacrifice of the Human, Angels, and the Demon God for the protection of all the races in the world.

Our current leader Marco and she fell in love which meant so much to me as I could be around her more.

As the future elf leader, she taught me everything I should know as a leader to make my race survive and not get erased from the history of the world.

After I was taught everything, she along with our current elf leader Marco left to live in seclusion away from everything. She was like a mother to me….nurtured me to become the person I currently am.

Taught me to love, taught me to help, taught me to protect.

They had to leave because we elves had a deep hate for humans and could not see her any different from any other human.

Everyone except me and Marco hated her to the point that she had Marco had to leave us.

I hated that….I hated this so much….so I worked hard.

Worked hard to show that humans are different, in order for us to survive, we need humans.

In the end, I was successful but it was too late.

"Listen Licht….remember that where there is light there will always be darkness.

Never stop looking for the darkness as it might destroy the light anytime"

I failed you, Emilia…..I couldn't protect my race….I got too engrossed in the light that I overlooked the darkness looming.

"When Darkness envelops everything...you must become light or make a way for a different light to shine, Licht" her words resonated in my mind as my continuousness started to fade.

End my life Lumiere...

Don't let me become the monster that I once promised to destroy.

You are the light that will illuminate the darkness.




"Sigh ! that was a lot to take in….." Rhya sat down by the Stone tablet after inserting a magic stone where multiple magic stones were inserted.

All the magic stones formed a connection as Rhya felt the power in his body increase.

"So my hunch was right, it wasn't Lumiere who was responsible for our deaths.

But I still don't know who this darkness is Licht talking about….

Fortunately, Patry can't read the memories behind these stones, or else he would stray from the path he is walking.

I was the closest to Licht so only I know to read these magic stones.

Hah! The name Rhya the dishonest suits me after all….

I don't care about the reason for our deaths, the only thing I wish is the revival of my race.


The night sky was awfully quiet that night.

A cold wind brushed past a group of children as they were confused and in panic finding themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

Their only option was to stick to the familiar parental figure Sister Theresa who was calming them down.

Sister Theresa was one by one applying a coat of flames to every child to protect them from the cold. Noelle and a flame panther summoned by Sister were one by dropping the children to the city around the Church.

"Thank god you are safe" Gauche tightly held Marrie.

"I will never forgive the people who tried to harm you!" his voice contained a lot of emotions that Maire was familiar with.

She gently put her hands on Guache's head.

"I am safe big brother….don't be so angry.

Sister will protect me from here so you should leave.

You need to teach the bad guys a lesson right?" she said softly ruffling Gauche's hair.

Asta and Vanessa watched the scene but didn't say anything. They knew how much Marrie meant to Gauche.

After a few minutes, Gauche was back in form and more motivated.

"Let's leave…."

Gauche moved ahead ridding on a piece of rectangular mirror while Vanessa instantly created a flying carpet which Asta climbed on and moved towards the direction the children were moving towards.

There was a forest with some low-lying hills in front of them which is most probably the place the children were being led to.

As soon as they entered the forest, Vanessa and Gauche detected mana signatures approaching them.

The mirror-like left eye of Gauche glowed in purple light as he threw an orb of mana into the air which turned into multiple small mirrors giving him a 360-degree view of the surrounding.

"Asta save your strength for now, let me and Gauche take care of them," Vanessa said to Asta who was ready to take action.

"Take care of the nearby people Vanessa, I will take care of the far away ones," Gauche said as purple beams shot out of the mirrors floating in the air.

Gauche was really pissed to all of his attacks were aimed at critically injuring his targets.

Vanessa waved her wand as multiple arrows started to form around him.

All of them shot in a specific direction and as soon as they made contact with the mages, they got strings wrapped around their head to toe making them unable to move.

Vanessa and Gauche missed one enemy who managed to shoot a fire spell from the ground but Asta reflected back the spell at him with his Demon Slayer Sword.

The position of the mages gave away the position they were supposed to go.


"This is the place." Gauche stood in front of a stone wall.

"There is illusion magic in action.

Asta, do it" Vanessa said.

Asta nodded and slashes the stone wall in front of it to reveal a cave.

"Give me a minute…" Gauche sent out a mirror that was connected to his mirror like left eye.

Seeing the illusion magic and the cloaks of the enemy, Vanessa knew they were against the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

"There are about ten people inside with their faces hidden.

There is a fat man with the highest mana signature and a black-haired girl working on some machines.

These are the same machines that were used to absorb mana from people" Gauche informed the two of them.

"Alright you two, here is the plan.

Gauche use your mirrors to start the ambush first, I and Asta will follow behind you.

Gauche will take care of the other mages.

I will try to face the girl while Asta faces the fat man.

There is no need for making conversation, we can talk as much as we can after we apprehend them. "

Vanessa's plan was the best they had at the moment so they agreed without delay.



Multiple explosions occurred as Gauche's mirror stuck the mages present inside.

Sally was the first one to notice the attack of the Black Bulls and created a hardened wall from Gel Magic.

Her face cheered up seeing Asta as she always wanted to experiment on him but her face paled the next second.

Her body shook violently for a second at a memory of menacing red eyes from the Captial wearing the Black Bulls cape.

The Fat man had mud magic with which he engaged Asta who rushed at him while Gauche was engaging the other mages.

[Gel Magic: Giant Salamanders ]

Sally touched the ground as five large Salamanders of Gen emerged from the ground with her in one of them and attacked Vanessa.

Vanessa attacked Sally but she was extremely slippery to catch due to Vanessa's strings passing through Sally's Gel magic.

The Salamanders were normally made of gel but hardened as soon as they attacked Vanessa from all five directions.

All three Black Bulls members saw that they were getting into a disadvantageous position so they began cooperating.

During the chaos, Sally picked up a syringe from the table and rushed towards the fat man whom she had the operation planned with.

Since three of the Black Bulls were there, there was a chance that Julian was coming. Sally broke the locket in on her neck sending an energy signal.

She had to buy time and escape.

"AHhh!! What are you doing Sally !!" the man screamed as Sally injected the syringe into his neck.

"The deal is off….you will buy me some time"

A green liquid passed through the man's veins as his mana started to increase several folds.

"Vanessa! Asta! create distance from them!" Gauche shouted finishing the last mage.

He just finished his words when the shockwave of mana was released from the man throwing Sally, Vanessa, and Asta toward the cave walls.

The liquid she injected was a mana enhancer drug that made a person's mana increase by 10 times but at the cost of them becoming a monster who had no mind of its own.

It was one of many of her strange inventions she created with the help of an endless supply of materials.

Sally worked in the underworld when Licht approached her with the offer to provide an infinite supply of materials as long as she created what he wanted.

One of her most successful creations was two artificial bodies that currently host the souls of the elf Rhya and Vetto.

Just as the smoke from the shockwave cleared, a giant figure of a monster made of mud came into the view of the Black Bulls.

Asta didn't waste time and shot toward the giant monster that was transformed with both his swords. Vanessa tied Gauche's wounds with strings and they sprung into action together.

They had to take down five giant Salamanders, their commander, and the mud monster.

A minute into the fight and they were already at a big disadvantage.

All of their attacks were making holes in the bodies of the giant figures but they were instantly getting repaired.

Asta's anti-magic was doing some damage but his attacks were too slow to make a significant. Three of them had to continuously dodge the attacks from the enemy while attacking.

Still, this situation was not out of control. They had similar experiences in the past during Julian's gruesome training.

Since the three of them had made a team before during training, they knew each other's powers and their roles in the team.

They had to keep their cool and think….think of a strategy.

"Gauche how long!, I can only use that for a few times!! " Asta shouted dodging one attack.

"I am done preparing, Vanessa come near and cover me !" Gauche shouted.

Hearing this Asta pointed his demon dweller sword at Vanessa as it attained a pink glow.

"Asta look into my eyes !"

[ Mirror magic: Mirror brigade ]

The moment Asta looked towards his eyes, Gauche's eye shinned, and multiple copies of Asta were summoned into the cave.

[Anti Magic: Magic Slash ]

All of the clones of Asta swung the Demon Dweller sword with full force at the giant monster which was more troublesome to deal with dividing it into countless pieces unable to recover anymore.

As soon as Asta did that, all of the clones disappeared.

Squeezing out the last drop of mana from his body Gauche joined his hands.

'Thank you for this spell Julian bastard '

[Mana zone: Endless Mirror blast ]

Around 10 mirrors formed around all the Salamanders and simultaneously released a wide beam of mana. Not just that all the mirrors were positioned in such a way that the beams kept reflecting each other creating an endless chamber of mana beams destroying all the Salamanders.

Sally fell down to the floor losing consciousness as her body got severely wounded.

"Fucking finally " Guache breathed heavily as the seal on his body designed by Secre activated filling his body with mana.


"I should patch confine her, we have to take her back to the higher-ups," Vanessa said as she started walking towards Sally.

That is when the entire cave got enveloped in a blinding bright light.

Before the three of them could register what was happening, they fell to the ground with swords of light stabbing their bodies.

The healing seals on Vanessa and Gauche immediately activated while Vanessa somehow activated the one on Asta.

A wave of mana pressure washed over Gauche and Vanessa as they almost lost consciousness.

Long braided white hair…..ornaments of gold….golden eyes.

These were the features visible to the man who was the source of the light.

Enormous and dense mana along with a feeling that made Gauche and Vanessa feel like ants.

It was not an opponent they could face.

Sally got enveloped in light and her injuries started healing in a matter of seconds.

" You people inflicted this much pain on my comrade ..Sally I am so sorry. They must have used some unhanded tricks to do this to you.

People say that victims are the powerless ones but you are wrong.

Wrong! the victims are the ones who have power; they are envied, feared, isolated, persecuted, and preyed upon ". he said while placing Sally in the portal to be transported.

"You don't deserve that Grimoire....I will be taking that back " The man said looking at Asta but he stopped and tilted his head as a red slash passed though the place his head was.

" You say as if destroying lives who had nothing to do with you is a work of enlightenment. " A new voice resonated in the cave countering the man's mana pressure.

Lightning sparkled around Gauche, Vanessa, and Asta as their bodies got transported to one corner of the cave. A red cloak enveloped them destroying the light swords sticking out of their bodies and increasing their healing speed.

The man of light was impressed by the red-eyed youth's mana pressure and speed to appear so suddenly.

" Julian of the Black Bulls.

What are you talking about …you humans… were all born sinners…."

I haven't introduced myself, have I?

I am Licht, the leader of Eye of the Midnight Sun "