Ragnvindr vs Elf 

Third-person POV:

"Julian of the Black Bulls… it's a pleasure meeting you…

A person chosen by the four-leaf clover grimoire and mana that surpasses every human… but nothing in front of a god"

Licht said as swords of light formed around him aiming at Julian.

"A vermin calling himself a god?! How laughable.

Never knew you elves were so delusional"

Julian said as one of his daggers got enveloped in black lightning and red flames.

'Let's do it Kirin'


[Lighting spirit magic: Spirit Dive]

Julain's mana increased even more as a ring of lightning formed behind his back.

"If you think insulting me will do something, that is certainly wrong…..

After all, why should I mind the words from a lesser" Licht said as he disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Julian swinging a sword of light.


Licht's eyes widened to see Julian block with his daggers. Licht disappeared from his place again as a stream of lightning passed through the place he was standing.

[Light magic: holy sword of conviction]

A ton of light swords moved towards Julian at such a speed that it appeared to have teleported to the naked eye.

"You are not the only one with light magic"

As if imitating Licht, Light swords formed around Julian clashing against each of Licht's swords.

There was no one to show Julian proper Light magic so he could not increase its mastery alone. Although he could ask Lucis for help, almost all of the spells are support based.

Now that he could observe Licht, he is going to utilize his spell analyzing capabilities to their full potential to increase his arsenal.


Julian's daggers and a long sword of Light conjured by Licht classed as they both disappeared from their place.

Licht's sword was created with grandmasters reinforcement magic on top of mana pressure coating so its power was not to be underestimated.

Ting !



Both of them clashed multiple times in a span of a few seconds but became completely invisible to Asta, Gauche, and Vanessa.

While Asta could detect anything, Vanessa and Gauche could feel the clash of mana and the suppressing feeling in the cave as the two mana pressures clashed.

A bright Sun and a phoenix of black flames trying to devour each other.

"Come on Asta, we are leaving…

We can't stay here for long without getting in Julian's way" Vanessa said as she began walking toward the exit of the cave.

" What about Julian ni?" Asta asked, a bit worried.

"You are too early to worry about him, think about protecting your skin for now.

I am sure that old hag must have informed the higher-ups so he will not be alone for long" Gauche said as he began dragging Asta.

"Who allowed you to leave!" A lance of Light shot towards Asta but a black ball of Dark Magic conjured behind him completely absorbing the lance as Julian appeared near them.

"Leave fast, I will handle the situation here" Julian conjured multiple layers of Shields made of multiple elements that started cracking under Licht's onslaught.

"How can a mere human manipulate multiple elements?"

I should have known that you should be our biggest hurdle against rebuilding this kingdom, " Licht said as a whip of Light formed in his hand.

"Aren't you elves too overconfident?!

Seems like you never learn from the mistake of underestimating humans...

If I remember correctly, humans wiped you out despite your so-called GOD-like power"

[Forbidden magic: Ability boost: Mana pressure]

The mana pressure around Julian condensed around his daggers as their form started to change.

[Aquila Favonia: Ascension]

The two daggers changed their form to a black-red sword which Julain slashed toward Licht.

This was something new Julain discovered after experimenting with mana pressure.

His daggers could change their form to a sword increasing its attack power and speed.

For the change to activate, he needed to feed his sword his mana pressure which he normally cannot do without the Ability to boost forbidden magic.

[Light Magic: whip of Judgement]

Hundreds of large slashes of black lightning were sent from Julian's sword and Licht waved his Light whip to face against which both of them were continuously moving with light magic.

Although Licht had a higher speed to his high mastery over Light magic, he could not get a hit on Julian due to his defense.

Same for Julain, although he was using light magic, and detected all of Licht's movements with his Sharingan, the lack of Light spells made it harder for him to actually harm Licht.

Moreover, since the enemy was using the body of William Vengeance, there was a chance that he could use his battle experience as a captain too.

'I am increasing the power of Dark and Light Magic, be sure to bring me back if I lose sanity again '

[Alright kiddo !]

Black and white scales started to grow on Julian's hands as wings made of Red flames and Black Lightning grew on his back.

Licht could feel the pressure of Julian becoming stronger so he made his move before Julian could take total control of Dark and Light Magic.

[Light magic: Mana zone: God's grace]

The entire roof of the cave got enveloped in light as an enormous amount of mana poured on Julian.

[Lightning Spirit Magic: Spirit's ascension]

Before the spell can connect, a large magic circle forms on the floor with the same amount of lightning magic erupting to counter the Light spell.

Everything went white as both of the spells collided.



You managed to push me this far…." Licht said as he stood in the air using mana zone.

The night wind blew his hair as he looked at Julian whose red eyes stared into his soul under the darkness of the night.

The black lightning that enveloped Julian's black sword was still noticeable in the darkness.

Licht could feel that a Seal had appeared on him that his suppressing his physical power and mana-condensing capabilities.

But being an elf and practitioner of forbidden magic, he knew how to negate the power of the seal as much as possible.

Licht's left had appeared to be burned down to his bones but rapidly regenerating while Julian appeared to be unharmed.

The earlier clash of their spells had completely destroyed the cave so their battlefield was now open to the sky.

"I acknowledged you, Julian !!

You are the first person who I fought after the Wizard King who is capable of actually killing me….

For this, I will show you my true power!!! "

[Seal release ]

[Third eye activate ]

The mana in Licht's body exploded in quantity and density as a mix of ominous and holy presence.

A third eye appeared on the forehead of Licht as a crazy smile appeared on his face.

[Aye Julian!, be careful of that eye on his forehead…

That mana, it releases reeks of Megicula…] Kirin informed Julian

'Megicula! that queen of curses you talked about ?!'

[Yes, that Megicula…..I can never forget her.]

'That complicates things a bit but I don't think we have time to think about that now'. Julian said as the entire sky above him was got covered in swords of light.

"Try facing this "

[Light Sword: Catastrophic sword of Conviction]

[Light Magic: Light Clone ]

Five copies of Licht formed purely based on Light as each of them had rings of multiple weapons in their hands like a long sword, Whip, Axe, dual swords and a lance.

Even faster than the last time all of them reached Julian as he began clashing against all of them utilizing Light and Lightning magic but the speed and power of the attacks were too much for him to react to.

[Dark Magic: Black Blade ]

[Sealing Magic: Ability boost: Sharingan ]

[Dark Flames Magic: Orbs of Chaos ]

[Lightning Spirit Magic: Strike of Indra ]

Julian released all sorts of spells to face against the rain of light swords and 5 Licht's attacking him from all direction as the battle completely turned against's his favor.

He was accumulating a lot of injuries as his healing was not able to keep up the rate of injuries.

"What happened ?!"

Slash! A lance went through Julian's shoulder as five light swords stabbed through his back.

"You were laughing about my power right ?! now see you is laughing!! "

One of Licht Clone's feet connected with Julian's chest as he was sent to the ground.


Julian crashed to the ground as multiple light swords stabbed through his body sealing him in one place. Although he was bleeding from all parts of his body, the real body of Light never left the sight of his Sharingan.

"It was an interesting fight but things end here"

Licht clicked his fingers as all of his clones rushed at Julian to end his left.

"End? it just got interesting…." Julian muttered as all five of the five Light clones got enveloped in black flames completely disappearing.

His body got covered in black flames as the swords disappeared along with his body getting healed almost instantly.

[Ready Kirin ?!]

[Yeah !! Let go!! Show this son of a bitch you is the boss!]


The dragon scales on his hands started to extend up to his shoulders while the same things happened to his feet. An armor made of black lightning appear all over his body and a blood-red mask appeared on his face.

The consciousness of Kirin started to assimilate with Julian alongside all his experience and powers.

Julian could feel every single thing up to the last drop of mana up to 800 meters around him. His mastery over all the elements increased significantly especially lightning, Light, and darkness.

A new power that Julian had never access to came under his control…

The power of the Dark Phoenix….


Blood flowed like a fountain as Light's Right hand was dislocated from his shoulder as he watched in horror.

[ Mana zone: Spirit's Domain ]

Everything around them turned purple as every single Light sword that Licht conjured turned into black Light and targeted Licht instead.

Giant Lances of Light from all directions assaulted Julian but multiple black dragons emerged from his body devouring the light Lances.

The combination of Lightning and Light magic gave rise to a new black light that surpassed even Licht's speed.

[ Celestial rain ]

The space behind Julian rippled as multiple orbs of black flames, Black Lightning, Darkness, and black light formed behind him and released beams of different elements destroying every single attack that Licht sent at him.

"IMPOSSIBLE !" Licht screamed as more Light clones emerged around Julian now releasing various light spells but all of them cut along with their caster through Julian's sword.



With another slash from Julian's sword that instantly reached Licht, his other hand was severed too.

[Mana zone: Dragon Dive ]

Mana of every kind synchronized and formed countless black blades around Julian's blade as an image of a black Dragon covered the sky.

"Let me show you what the true power of god means "