Captain view point

A few moments earlier :


With swift movements, three figures could be seen rushing toward the cave the battle was taking place.

They were Yami, Charlotte, and Nozel.

The nearer they got, the more chaotic the mana in the air became.

Although it should have been dark, the sky was illuminated by thousands of light swords making their expressions grim.

Two figures could be seen clashing in the sky at a speed that was almost impossible to keep up with.

'Leader of Eye of the Midnight Sun….Licht'

Nozel remembered Fuegoleon's words about the enemy he lost to.

With such a speed movement speed and attack power, no wonder Fuegoelon lost.

Even Nozel was not sure if he could deal with such speed but his pride wouldn't let him accept defeat easily.

[Dark Magic: Lightless Slash ]

[Briar Magic: Urumi ]

[Mercury Magic: Mercury Shield ]

Three of them synced their magic and started to destroy the light spells that rained from the sky all around the battlefield.

Although the captains don't get along but during battle, all of them take a specific role keeping in mind each other's strong points.

In the current case, Nozel's defensive capabilities are the highest while Yami's attack power is the highest so Nozel became the shield, Yami the sword, and Charlotte the support.

Sensing the changes in the mana, Nozel unleashed his mana pressure around him while Yami unleashed his covering himself and Charlotte since she could not use mana pressure.

If it was under normal conditions, Charlotte would have been very happy to get such treatment from Yami but this was not the current time.

As soon as all three were protected by their mana pressure, wave after wave of two different mana pressure assaulted them.

One belongs to pure light in contrast to Yami's darkness while the other is overwhelming black flames.

The clash of the two Grand Master level mana pressure made the air around them vibrate as if the space around them was trying to break.

Although the black flames were something they were all sensing for the first time, the mana signature was very familiar to them.

"This mana pressure…Julian !" Charlotte said out loud.

As soon as they reached the site, they began to witness the fight between Julian and Licht.

The mana they were emitting was off the charts shocking Charlotte and Nozel.

Seeing someone like Julian use spells that belonged to different elements shocked them.

"This level of power is equal to a captain…..Julian attained that power at such a young age" Charlotte muttered.

Yami didn't say anything as he was aware of Julian using multiple elements but what shocked him was Julian using Dark Magic which he didn't expect him to learn this fast.

"That guy with Light magic...there is something ominous about him," Yami said.

Nozel knows that ominous feeling very well.

It was the same ominous feeling that one enemy gave that took his mother's life.

'The mana of a devil'

Black Lightning was wrapped around Julian as he fought against Licht's clones but it was clear that Julian was losing the fight.

Three of them had seen light magic users in the past but no one came near to the power Licht was displaying.


With a loud noise, Julian crashed to the ground as Licht's clones jumped at him.

"We need to intervene !" Charlotte immediately tried to move toward Julia but Yami pulled her back.

"Don't move !" As soon as Yami said that a shockwave was released from Julain as three of them were pushed back.

Within a second, dark purple armor wrapped around Julian as the disappeared from his place with a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Everything around them turned into a shade of purple as they felt like they were being observed from every corner.

The tide of the battle completely changed as Licht began to lose the confrontation against Julian.

"What just happened….." Charlotte asked still procession what was happening around her.

"He completely assimilated with the lightning spirit " this time Nozel replied.

'So this is what complete assimilation looks like…

I feel like my magic is being forcefully taken over by Julian…

What a terrifying ability' Yami thought.

It was very difficult to intervene earlier, but it became almost impossible to intervene now.

Charlotte and Nozel felt a chill run down their body as the image of a familiar dragon formed in the sky.

The same dragon that destroyed the monster in the capital incident.

It was the first time they were witnessing that move.




"Forbidden Ultimate Magic: Grace of the fallen angel "

Just as Julian's attack was inches away from Licht, Licht's eyes turned black as black light corrupted with forbidden magic burst out of Licht.

It was too late to stop any of the attacks as both of them collided.

Everything went silent for a moment before getting completely enveloped in a bright light.



A sphere of darkness and Mercury cracked and turned to mana as three of the captains found themselves inside a hole.

Everything about five hundred meters around them had completely turned into ash and all that remained was a burnt barren land.

Julian kneeled on the floor and coughed up some blood as the armor on his body that was almost gone started to disappear.

Julian clutched his head in pain as he felt like it would split open.

'Complete assimilation is taking too much toll on my body…..

Every second I move, I felt like I was breaking my body apart '

[It's understandable, the complete assimilation turned off your body's limits and gave you more power than your body can handle.

Till you become stronger, we can't do this for more than a few minutes, or else you might die due to overburdening. ]

'I know…..what happened to Licht? My consciousness went blank for a second '

[He escaped…..

A portal opened below him taking him away. Half of his body was almost gone but I doubt he will die since he has shown some insane healing capabilities so far ]

'I don't think I can move for a while, can you verify the condition of the captains? I fear that they came under the effect of our clash'

[Sure ]

Kirin took his human form and walked toward the three captains while Julian painfully moved his body to lie on the ground facing the sky.

'Sigh! I lost control again….

I am still far from using Dark and Light magic comfortably without them taking over my mind.

Although I feel like I would be able to manipulate the elements more freely now, I am too tired to try anything.

I almost killed Patry, that would have messed everything up.

Still, some events didn't happen like in the original story as the Third eye never made their appearance.

Don't know if it's a bad thing or a good

Whatever, I am too tired to think. I will just sleep and let Kirin and Yami do the rest '


Eye of the Midnight Sun base:

"Why are you still doing this alone Licht? " Rhya said as he applied a healing spell on Licht, speeding up his healing process.

This was the worst condition Licht has been in after a fight.

"We can't let you keep getting injured for our sake."

"Who did this to you...I will never forgive him..." A young woman with light red hair said.

She had a diamond embedded in her forehead and a pattern around it.

That woman was Fana, one of the core members of Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Initially, Fana was an experiment subject for a super soldier project of Diamond Kingdom who was discarded.

Licht found her at death's door and made her the host for his dead comrade, Fana the elf.

By sheer coincidence or by play of fate, both the body and the elf soul were named Fana.

Beside her was the fire spirit Salamander which looked like a big red dragon.

"Who did this to you, Licht !?" a tall muscular person who appeared to be a mix between a human and an animal asked.

He was Vetto, another core member of the Eye of the Midnight sun.

Vetto, Fana, and Rhya together made up 'The Third Eye'.

In terms of firepower, Fana surpassed Licht while Vetto and Rhya surpassed Licht in combat capabilities.

"I sense the mana of the Lightning Spirit Kirin and flame spirit Dark Phoenix….." Salamander said drawing everyone's attention to him.

"That lingering mana I sense...I cannot be belongs to a Ragnvindr"

Licht's eyes widened after hearing the name of Ragnvindr.

'Impossible! A Ragnvindr at this time and age!

Those ominous red eyes and enormous mana…..I should have known!'

"What the hell is a Ragnvindr ?!" Vetto grumbled.

A drop of sweat ran down Rhya's face.
