
The recent incident concerning the terrorist organization, "Eye of the Midnight Sun " was a huge lead towards finding their objectives.

About thirty people captured by the Black Bulls were used as sources of information.

Marx, the assistant of Wizard King had the magic to read memories but all the prisoners had a seal placed on their minds crafted with forbidden magic that would immediately kill the person if his mind was touched.

This is why, with special orders from the Wizard King, Asta was brought to the prison cell where the prisoners were kept.

The path to the prison cell was very complicated with lethal traps designed by the best mages to deal with any intruders.

The one to lead Asta to the chamber was Marx himself as he wanted to keep the matter between them for now.

At the prison cell, Asta was surprised to see someone present there.

"Wizard King !"

"You are here Asta!....

I am very impressed with your performance so far, keep up the good work" Wizard King Julius said keeping his hand on Asta's shoulder.

"Of course!

I will keep stacking achievements and one day become the Wizard King like you !" Asta said excitedly.

"Haha ~ Good to hear that you haven't lost your motivation "

"Now for the important thing I called you here for" Wizard King's tone changed.

"I want you to dispel the seal that has been planted on the prisoners' heads."

Wizard King looked at Marx who touched the nearest prisoner's head.

Immediately a holographic version of the brain formed above their head with various parts covered in black.

"Touch the black parts with your sword"

Asta nodded and did what Marx asked with his demon slayer sword.

As expected, the curse was removed along with Marx's magic but that didn't matter as Marx could cast that again.

Asta repeated the same process with all other prisoners making it possible for Marx to go through their memories.

Their memories revealed a bunch of information about the organization.

First was that their leader was named Licht who could use light magic and was chosen by the four-leaf clover Grimoire.

This information was already known from the report Wizard King received from Julian.

Wizard King suspected that Licht was not the true leader since he mentioned that Asta's Grimoire and swords belonged to his master.

That master might be the true leader of Eye of the Midnight Sun.

The interesting information was that he claimed to be an elf.

There were three more members who were called "The Third Eye" with one of them having the fire spirit Salamander by their side.

Information about the magic stones revealed that by collecting all the magic stones, the elves will regain their true form.

That information was deemed to be incomplete unfortunately nothing more could be found related to that.

More information about the working of the organization and its reach was revealed in the memoirs with the major information being a captain of the magic knights working with them.

The speculation that there was a traitor amongst the ranks of the captain turned out to be true.


Two days later

In the meeting room in Magic knights headquarters, all captains were present except William.

The headquarter was a large castle-type structure situated near the Wizard king's castle.

This place mainly hoisted meetings for captains.

Along with being the main center of giving out missions, this place had also a direct communication line with all the captains.

After some time off, Fuegoelon was back in form ready to take back his responsibility.

Everyone appeared to be in their usual form except Nozel who had dark circles under his eyes and looked very exhausted.

"Arere~ what happened to you Nozel? " Dorothy, captain of Coral Peacock asked waking up from her sleep.

"It's none of your business" Nozel replied not even looking at her.

"Eh~ don't be like that. I can give you some sweet dreams to sleep since it appears you didn't sleep properly"

"Shut up….

Don't talk to me….. "

All the captains were sitting in a tense state so Rill tried to make the situation a little better and started imitating other captains but got a death glare from everyone except Yami who encourage him to do more of them.

Finally, Willaim entered the room and apologized for being late.

The meeting started with every captain talking about the recent missions their squads completed.

When it was Yami's turn he just handed a bunch of paperwork done by his squad members and showed no intentions of talking about it.

As always, captains shook their heads with defeat and went through the details.

Nozel's eyes were especially glued to Julian's missions and his recent achievements.

Finally, it was time for the Golden Dawn.

" Can you see the future or something? How come your squad reaches most of the mission sites the fastest " asked the captain of Purple Orca Gueldre.

The records the Golden Dawn provided were as always too got to be true.

"Why were you not present during the attack in the capital and promotion ceremony? Captains are supposed to present there with their squad members. What was so important that you were not present there? " Nozel asked

" I was gambling, " said Yami raising his hand

" Nobody asked you, " said Nozel and Gueldre together.

"Now Now don't gang upon that poor man. Besides it's not like he can use light magic to be present everywhere can he ." Said Yami.

Charlotte and Nozel caught on to what Yami was trying to say.

Although Licht and William were in no way similar, Yami's intuitions had proved to be right most of the time.

William's unexplained disappearance at some important times and Yami's words woke some doubt in Nozel's and Charlotte's minds.

While William was answering some questions the image of Marx appeared in the middle of the table.

" I believe the meeting is completed….

Please assemble at the place previously talked about, Wizard King is waiting there"

All the captains moved to another room and found three people waiting namely the Wizard king, Marx, and Asta.

The fact that Asta had the power of Anti-Magic was known to every captain the fact that he was present there meant that the Wizard king needed him for something important.

Behind three of them were tied-up prisoners from the attack on the capital and the latest incident.

" Is the job done? " Asked Yami

" Yes captain Yami " Asta replied

"Are these the people working for Eye of the Midnight Sun?" Fuegoleon asked.

Wizard king nodded and started speaking " Thanks to Asta we were able to find out many things.

The Eye of the Midnight sun is a terrorist organization founded a few years ago by a man named Licht. They have a deep-rooted hatred for the kingdom and want to build their own after destroying it.

They have no fixed base of operation.

And most importantly they have a partnership with the underworld and a captain present here. "

Everyone tensed upon hearing this.

"Captain of the Purple Orca Gueldre Poizot," Marx said out loud.

The man in question panicked and said " What are you talking out? Like hell will I betray my own Kingdom !! They are faking the information! "

" The prisoners are under my control, the information is absolute . "said Marx.

" Why are you panicking about baked Ham? If you are innocent let Marx read your memory and prove it. Or is it something you don't want to reveal "

" Dammit it! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS " he shouted towards Asta and cast a spell and disappeared.

His magic allowed him to become invisible and become permeable to other magic attacks for a period of time.

He created a group of invisible soldiers and instructed them to stall time for him while he made a run.

In his invisibility, no one can detect his mana not even captains but there was something he miscalculated.

The combination of Anti magic and KI was completely counter to his ability.

Asta swung his sword destroying the invisible soldiers and followed Gueldre.

Nozel ,Jack and Rill ran after Asta.

The former captain had reached the roof and was about to fly off but didn't manage to dodge the anti-magic attack from Demon slayer's sword.

Asta could detect his presence with KI and used anti-magic to cancel his magic ability.

Even if Asta canceled his ability, Gueldre was still a captain with years of experience so he pushed back Asta with his mana application.

Asta didn't have to hold for long as a fist of flames punched Gueldre to the ground followed by rods of Mercury stabbing through his body.

A paintbrush manifested Rill's hand, and with a swing giant hands came out from the ground that held Gueldre in place and dragged him towards the ground and bind him in a painting.

" KEKE It already ended and I thought I get to cut a captain, " said Jack licking his lips.

" Running away without taking responsibility.

You are a failure as a man " said Charlotte

"Thank you for trapping him Rill.

I have difficulty controlling my magic or else I could have killed him " said Julius.

Asta looked at the scene and thought " THEY ARE ALL FREAKS !! "

Gueldre was taken to the interrogation room while Rill jumped on Asta and filled him with endless questions about Antimagic.