An important mission for the Black Bulls

With the command of Wizard King, Marx checked the memories of the captured Captain of the Purple Orcas.

The things the captains witnessed in his memories infuriated them beyond anything.

Using money from the national treasury for his own pleasure, ignoring orders, illegally selling magic items, killing prisoners who knew about him or his business, working with the underworld, involvement in the slave business, killing innocent civilians, and selling critical information about the Magic knights and inner working to criminal organizations like the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

One of his recent accomplishments was killing the barrier mages when Eye of the Midnight Sun attacked and attacking and looting Noble houses.

All these acts bring shame to the name of a Captain.

Wizard King blamed himself for not being aware of what the captains were doing behind the scenes.

Not only that but a lot of his squad members were also involved with him in his crimes too.

" This is the worst scandal we could ever have in these critical times...

Our main job is to protect the citizens and maintain a peaceful environment but here one of us is selling us out …

This proves that there are still people amongst us who might be with the enemy sure to check your squad members immediately.

If you suspect anyone, bring them to Marx.

In order to keep people from panicking and suspecting each other this news should not be made public. " Wizard King said in a disappointed tone.

"Fuegoleon, Jack, work together with Marx to arrest the Purple Orca members who were involved and get their memories checked"

""Yes sir!""

"Yami, Charlotte, Asta follow me to my office"


" Forgive me for making you three stay back"

It is beyond sad that the people we fought together stabbed us in the back " Julius said.

"Why are you apologizing? It's our fault for not noticing what was happening behind the scenes " Charlotte replied.

Wizard King sat down and spoke with seriousness " There are some things that I didn't say in front of others.

The organization is collecting magic stones…..

They believe that once all the stones come together, they would be reborn with terrifying powers.

I don't know if it's true or not but we can't take chances.

The reason Fuegoleon was attacked was because of the magic stone he had in his possession.

Currently, they need 3 more stones to complete their mission so we are running out of time.

The prisoners only know the location of one stone which is an 'Underwater temple ' in the grand magic zone near the coastal town of Raquey.

I want the Black Bulls to get the magic stone before them.

Black Bulls are the most suitable for this task. " Wizard King said to Yami.

"I want Charlotte to accompany Yami's squad alone in this mission.

If the leader of any enemy of similar strength interferes, I trust you two to deal with them. Although Yami has Julian with the strength of a captain, it's better not to take any chances"

'Go-go-ging to the beach with Yami!!!!'

Charlotte's mind started to go blank while Asta bloomed with excitement.

"What happened? your ears are becoming red."Yami asked seeing Charlotte.

"No-nothing "

Wizard King smiled seeing Charlotte's reaction.

"The mana in the Grand Magic zone in that region becomes a bit stable during a certain time within a few days.

I will provide you with the exact timing from the records, I expect you all to depart as soon as possible"

""Yes sir!"


Late night

Coral Peacock base

"Are~ Nozel came to visit me at night~

Don't tell me ~ you want to spend a night with me~

I wouldn't mind if it's you ~

I am still an innocent maiden so please be gentle~ " Dorothy said with her eyes sparkling.

Nozel stared at her with no expression on his face.

Honestly, he was used to being treated like this by her.

Still, he could not get angry at her since she was one of his most trusted friends.

"Don't talk nonsense and create your dream world, I need to have a serious talk with you" Nozel said.

"Fine~" as soon as Dorothy said that both of them found themselves in a different space filled with a lot of random stuff floating around.

The pink-colored spaces seemed to be extending up to infinity.

"Let's talk now," Dorothy said creating chairs, tables, and two cups of tea for them.

Nozel, took a deep breath and said,"... Megicula…"

Dorothy's smile faded upon hearing that.

"The enemy Licht…..I could sense the mana of Megicula on the eye on his forehead.

According to Julian, it is called the power of the 'Third Eye' that gives a massive boost.

That mana awakened some painful memories…..the curse on my mother" Nozel said.

"Devil host Vanica who cursed your mother, I had tried to send people to Spade to investigate but none of them returned back.

It has almost become impossible to bring back information from the Spade kingdom." Dorothy said.

"I know….

That is why I came to you, I need your help.

Since there are traces of Megicula here, I wish for us to investigate this together" Nozel said with a bit of embarrassment.


Are you perhaps…asking me for a date?

Huhuh~ you tsundere ~ "

"Thi-Think whatever you want. Do you agree or not "

"Sure, let's do it. I have already stolen your attention, I wouldn't mind stealing your heart too after this mission~"