Atlante Ragnvindr

Julian with his eyes open wide stared at Atlante.

He has just revealed the secret that Julian wished to take to his grave.

Secre and Kirin were also dumbfounded after hearing Atlanta's words.

Kirin was very happy to see his first master again but what Atlante said now took priority over his reunion.

"So it's been a thousand years in the outside world...

Ragnvindrs are no more...."A saddened expression appeared on Altante's face.

"You must be surprised to hear how I know about your reincarnation Julian.

This space you are seeing is something I created by sacrificing a part of my soul.

Time only flows here when someone other than me enters this space.

As soon as you entered this space, time began to flow again and the entirety of your lives flashed in my mind, Julian."

Atlante snapped his fingers as they all appeared around a table with a cup of tea.

"We have a lot to talk about so let's go through one thing at a time."

Atlante turned towards Kirin.

"It's been a long time since we are seeing each other Kirin.

After all that happened, I am glad to see that you are doing fine.

I am proud of you for doing your best.

What happened at the island and the after-effects were not your fault. " Altante said with a gentle smile at Kirin.

"But I could not protect her…..I could not protect her family that she held the end I destroyed everything" Kirin stuttered while speaking.

"What did I say earlier, I am proud of you Kirin.

I am grateful to you for protecting Guizhong in my absence and taking care of her family for generations after we passed away.

Don't blame yourself and work for a better future with Julian as your new master.

He is doing a better job than I did as a spirit contractor…..I only used the spirits for my desire" Altante said.

"Were you the one who created Kirin ?" Secre asked.

"I don't have the power to create life, my child...

When I first met Kirin during my journey toward power, he was just a spark of lightning.

I was the one who helped that spark turn into a spirit." Altante replied to Secre's question.

"Who is Guizhong ?" Julian asked.

"She was my lover…..two thousand years ago when I still was alive.

Going by your understanding, she was the first Queen of Heart Kingdom who had the great water spirit Undine by her side.

I will talk about myself later on, let's talk about you, Julian.

The path you are walking is the path of suffering and misery.

Your fate is to die a horrible death again and again so I will teach you to create your destiny.

From your memories, Kirin and Secre are the closest ones to you… must let them know everything about you.

Because there might be a time when you would regret not telling your loved ones everything." Altante said turning to Julian.

"Fine…'s not that it would change anything. " Julian said turning towards Kirin and Secre.

"As Atlante said earlier, I am someone who was given a second chance in life...

For fifteen years, I used to live in a world that didn't have any magic and was solely dependent on human technology for everything.

If you want a clear picture, imagine Alric's dungeon.

The Dragonoids had managed to create almost an exact copy of the human civilizations that I was a part of.

One day, my family and I ran into an accident where I lost all of them.

I had lost the ability to walk and talk.

Every day I wished to die and forget everything….and that is when I heard a voice.

A soothing voice that gave me a new chance at life.

And the next thing I knew, I was in the body of a newborn baby outside the Church of Hage village." Julian explained his story.

"So, if my timelines are correct…..the time you woke up as a baby was around the same time Secre gained consciousness and found that she was a bird. Am I correct ?" Kirin asked.

"Both of our mental ages are similar so I don't care if you are in your second life or not.

Sometimes I felt guilty that I fell for a child but I don't feel bad anymore.

Moreover, this makes your achievements more impressive since you lived in a world devoid of magic.

Thank you for telling me your deepest secre Julian " Secre said holding Julian's hand.

"Let me add some things to your story Julian.

You didn't inhabit the body of Alex Ragnvindr's son, it was you to begin with.

Human God Edward doesn't have the power to put a soul into an already existing body.

The Dark Phoenix willingly gave you his powers and body not because he was contracted to your mother or you were born weak, but because he knew you were sent by Human God Edward.

Dark Phoenix had to fulfill his mission.

Dark Phoenix was the first spirit to be created and the first piece you needed to gain the power to stand against the will of the Tree of Origin. "

Julian, Kirin, and Secre didn't quite understand what Atlante was saying so he decided to elaborate further.

"The true history of the world you know is different from what you had heard from Alric the dragonoid.

It was true that the fruit of Origin was eaten by the three races but, it wasn't the fruit that started the war.

The Tree of Origin was a living creature that came to this world in form of a seed.

It brought chaos to the world with a new form of energy called mana and created called Mana beasts that would be devoid of anything in their path and return all the nutrients to the Tree of Origin.

The fruit of Origin was a thing that something that was brought from a different world after combing with mana but it was eaten by the habitants of this world before the Tree could consume it.

When the will of the Tree of Origin took a form, it found that its treasure…the fruit of origin was gone.

His power was not flowing within millions of inhabitants in his world giving them the ability to use mana.

The Will slowly started to corrupt all other races except the Ragnvindr since the Human God had the largest part of his powers and turned everyone against each other.

At one point, the Will managed to completely take over the Angel God and Demon God and fought against the Human God to take back his power.

The battle erased countless lives and sank continents.

Although the Human God won this fight, he figured that the Will could not be killed since it had become a part of the world itself.

Since all of the magic in this world is part of the world now, it was impossible to kill the Will with the magic of this world.

After the fight, Edward sealed the Will of the Tree of Origin to contain him as long as possible because it was impossible to seal him forever.

Edward was immortal, although his physical body was gone, he still existed in the spiritual world or the afterlife that was linked to heaven and the cycle of reincarnation.

That is when two thousand years later, I came into the scene.

From the magic that Human God inherited, although he could not travel between different worlds, he could at least influence some things.

I was someone who belonged to a different world where instead of magic, we had KI. "

Julian widened his eyes upon hearing that.

"You are thinking the right thing, I was the one who created the Land of the Rising Sun and the one to introduce KI to this world that your captain Yami uses.

But since Yami left his hometown at a very young age, he could not master the real power of KI except its sensing power.

Since you are here, I would teach KI to all of you" Altante said.

"Unlike Julian, I met Human God Edward on my first day in this world.

In exchange for a new life, I must defeat the will of the Tree of Life.

But before that, I needed to reach the white mana core and activate the Eye of God….the Rinnegan" Altante said as both of his eyes turned purple.

"White mana core allows you to learn every magic type….

Rinnegan is the eye that the human god Edward received after eating the fruit of Origin.

These eyes give you the power to influence the rules of nature and actually deal real damage to the Will but it's not enough to kill it.

Using the power of natural magic types, Rinnegan and KI, I fought the Will of the world who now had the powers of angels and demons…..and the battle was a tie…..I could not defeat him.

Although the Will was weakened a lot after its battle with human God, he was still too strong for me to face.

The mana barrier and spatial rifts that you know isolates the Clover Kingdom from the outside world were the consequence of our battle.

The Will completely erased his existence after the fight so I could not find it for the rest of my life.

After the battle, I sealed half of my soul and consciousness into this space, while my real body aged and died a natural death.

I created this space to wait for a successor and pass on all my knowledge to him.

I suspect that the wipeout of our clan was planned out by the Will…"

Julian stayed silent for a while and asked.

"How can I awaken the Rinnegan?"

"There are various conditions you must fulfill to awaken that power.

The first is to reach the White mana core.

Although Alric experimented on your body to create a Mana heart, it seems more useful and stronger than a Mana core.

Not only did he purify your Ragnvindr bloodline, but he also gave you bloodlines of various races which would be useful to you.

As for the second condition, you must have Mangekyou Sharingan.

These eyes unlock your true potential as a true Ragnvindr and increase your mastery over mana significantly.

Lastly, you need a part of the Human God's power, The Dark Phoenix was the only spirit that was not created from the Tree of Origin and solely reacted from Edward's power.

But at this pace, it would take some time for you to awaken the Rinnegan and you don't have much time to waste.

During the time I was alive, I made some preparations to fasten the process of my successor.

I left one of my Rinnegan in the land of Rising Sun.

It could give someone strong enough to the power of Tengentsu or Clairvoyance.

Since the receiver doesn't check all the conditions needed to use Rinnegnan, the user of that power loses all magic power in exchange.

Now back to the important topic.

Although I could not identify from your memories, you have already come across the mana of the Will but he doesn't know that you are from a different world since you haven't truly used that power yet. "

"But I don't think I have any such power, I was just a normal human in my last life, " Julian said confused.

"Remember the feeling when you died Julian….that peaceful feeling." Atlante touched Julian's forehead to relive his memories.

"This...the same feeling when I use abyssal flames..."Julian muttered.

"This is your power, Julian…..

The power of death and the abyss….paired with KI, would be the key to ending the Will once and for all

In this space, every month you spend here is an hour in the outside world but…..this space would only last for six months more.

In these six months, I shall teach you everything I know from KI, battle style, mana control, using the full power of dark phoenix, spirit dive, and finally, unlock your Mangekyo Sharingan"