The Abyss

Atlante snapped his finger again as Julian found him and himself in an endless field with very short grass.

"Where are the others?" Julain asked not seeing Secre and Kirin around him.

"Just like you, there is a version of myself along with them, though most of my strength is with this version.

I would be training them to become useful to you. "

'That sounded like a good idea, I had no idea how to make Kirin stronger.

I only thing I could do to him was fight him to increase his battle experience.

As for Secre, her combat capabilities were low but I feel like Altante would know the best for her. ' Julian thought.

"When can I see them again," Julian asked.

"You will meet Kirin after a few months but you will meet Secre only after you complete your training. "

Seeing her for a few months would be painful but Julian could not let his emotions take control of him.

This was his best chance to get stronger, he could not waste a single moment.

"Let me tell you how I would be training you.

Since this space would only last for six months before my existence is completely erased, I would divide your training into two parts.

In the first five months, you would stay here and return after spending a few months in the real world.

Constantly staying here would break your mind. "

Altante moved his finger as a blindfold appeared in Julian's eyes.

Closing his eyes does not affect Julian's vision much since he can use mana zone and KI to see everything but the downside is that he could not use any Sharingan-related abilities.


I would be teaching you how to unlock your Mangekyo Sharingan from today itself…..

You will not be taking off this blindfold until you unlock those eyes.

The first step is to know how to convert your mana into Yin-type mana or negative mana with which you use forbidden magic.

Mana core is a creation of yang-type magic while Sharingan is a creation of Yin type magic so you would need your eyes to be continuously nourished by yin-type mana. " Atlante said.

"There is no natural mana in this space so I would run out of mana since it takes a lot of mana to achieve yin magic," Julian replied.

"Until I say so, you shall devote ninety percent of your mana to your eyes while only working with ten percent of your original mana.

Before we start our training, let me tell you that I will not be holding back my strength.

You must adjust to my power.

So in order to let you know where you stand, come at me, Julian" Atlante said unleashing his mana pressure that almost made Julian lose consciousness.

All of a sudden his calm and collected temperament changed to a ferocious wild beast.

Atlante's Mana pressure represented hundreds of dragons that completely devoured Julian's dark phoenix.

Julian's mana pressure is at a level that could even surpass captains but to be able to suppress even that, Atlante's mana pressure surpassed Grandmaster level.

Every cell in Julian's body told him to run, Atlante was someone he could stand no chance against.

"Move your body Julian, your enemies would not wait for you to balance yourself "

Aquila Favonia immediately appeared in Julain's hand as he unleashed a wave of multicolored slashes that were made from Light, Dark, Lightning, and Dark flames.

Atlante stood in one place and moved his fingers destroying every single attack.

With a limited amount of mana and the absence of natural mana, Julian could not use big spells so he dashed at Atlante covering his legs in light magic.

For the first time, Julian faced an enemy that had no opening.

Every attack of Julian was blocked effortlessly with Atlante moving only his hand.

Since Julian was not using Sharingan, Atlante's movements were completely unreadable to him.

"Think of your eyes as an artifact that allows you to read movements in high-speed battle. Take them away and you lose significant reaction speed.

You need to train your senses to the level that you can predict the future "

Julian kept using spells that consumed less mana but Altante kept destroying them like nothing.

Using Light Magic Julian summoned swords of light which shot toward Atlante from all directions as he began using a combination of magic attacks at Atlante.

"First thing, you must be thinking how could I block all your attacks with so little mana usage?

The answer is the correct application of reinforcement mana.

You always had a surplus amount of mana to utilize so when you used reinforcement magic, you covered a large part of your body but what I am doing is different.

Not changing the amount of mana, I concentrate all the reinforcement mana in one place when facing an attack.

With this, even master-level reinforcement magic can exceed the power of grandmaster-level reinforcement magic.

Using this is extremely difficult since your body becomes vulnerable but if you want to surpass the limits of reinforcement magic, you must learn this.

Second thing….

Your slashes lack power and consistency.

What you are doing is just coating your weapon in mana and sending it at me.

Use your mana zone to compress your slashes to their absolute limit to send the sharpest attack.

Let me show you what true slashes are"

Atlante swung his fingers as multiple light blue slashes emerged from his fingers completely destroying all the light swords.

Just as Julian thought it was over, his right arm from the shoulder fell to the ground cleanly severed.

Julian bit his lips and moved back holding his hand as Phoenix robe began to reattack his arm to his body.

"You lack the gracefulness of swinging your weapon Julian.

None of your combos should connect but you are forcefully making them connect reducing their power.

Yami and Theresa taught you the style that they created through experience but I will teach you a style that would always connect and maintain a flow throughout the battle, no matter what weapon you use.

Let me show you what flow and grace mean"

Atlante snapped his finger as Julian's Aquila Favonia reached Atlante's hand.

Instantly the weapon changed its shape from a sword to an axe and then to a spear and finally back to the sword.

The connection that Julian had with his weapon was immediately snapped.

"What did you do ?" Julian asked annoyed.

"This is a growth-type weapon that connects to your soul.

A masterpiece of the Dwarven craft.

The stronger you get, the stronger it becomes.

I once had a weapon like this but it was destroyed in the battle again Will.

What I did was suppress your connection to the weapon and fed it a part of my soul to manipulate its shape freely. Since it has already a master which is you, I cannot utilize its full power without killing you first.

Now focus on my moves, don't use your Sharingan but feel the flow of mana around my weapon"

For the next few seconds, Atlanted repleted Julian's moves in slow motion for him to see the difference.

Every movement of Atlante had the power of a raging fire, sharpness of wind, defense of rock, swiftness of lightning, and the flow of water.

It felt like Julian was watching nature itself.

"Seen enough, you will be practicing to achieve this flow, grace, and balance….

You can have your weapon back"

Julian felt the connection to his weapon return as soon as he held it in his hands.

"Now then, I just need to test one last thing.

Send me your strongest attack. "

Julian nodded as grey flames enveloped his sword.

The space rippled around his sword as he slashes it down at Atlante.

[Combiation Magic: Atomic split Slash]

As soon as the slash reached Atlante, it stopped in front of his face and immediately returned back at Julina not giving him any chance to react.

And this way, Julian Ragnvindr died at the age of seventeen.


Julian POV:


Did….this bastard just kill me with my own spell?!

But my consciousness is still there….

This feeling is familiar…..

I experienced it before when I died in my last life….

Is this what Atlante was talking about?

The Abyss….

Although I didn't seem to have mana, I still have all my senses.

The space I was in slowly started changing from complete darkness to something else.

A beach….

A white sky with grey clouds….

Imitating the clouds, grey sand, and clear water….

Dark endless mountains in the back….

Time seemed to be stopped at this place.

Everything feels like I am watching a black-and-white movie.

As I observed more, the time seemed to get faster as I witness the water cycle happen in front of my eyes.

Just as I moved, time seemed to be frozen again.

I couched down and tried to pick some water from the ocean but they disappeared the moment they came into contact with my hand.

I know this feeling….the water is mana.

Is this like Anti-Magic?

No….it's different.

Anti-magic breaks down a cluster of mana that forms a spell to just mana particles…..

This is something more.

My touch is erasing mana itself….

This is the power of the abyss…..a power that can erase mana itself.…

The next second, everything in front of me shattered like broken glass as I felt a pull.

"Seems like you went on an adventure." Atlante's voice reached my ears.

Looking around, I found that I was back in my real body.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I joined your body that was split apart and brought you back to life" Atlante replied.

"You can revive people ?!"

"Didn't I tell you, Rinnegan can manipulate laws of nature….

As long as their soul didn't enter the cycle of reincarnation, I can revive anyone with the power of Rinnegan.

Going by your reaction, you still retained your consciousness after death which is something I had never heard about.

Every time I brought someone back to life, they said that they didn't have any memory of what happened after death.

So tell me, Julian...

What did you see in the afterlife…."