Making of warriors

Life in this world runs in a cycle...

Once a living being lost its life, it disintegrates into mana particles entering the cycle where it is reborn in a new form.

Nothing is no true death.

The reincarnation cycle is the most significant cycle that runs in nature.

Let's see if a human loses their life.

Their soul which is too made with a kind of mana enters the cycle of reincarnation.

There are two paths a soul can take in the process of reincarnation.

If the soul is not corrupted too much and can be cleansed, it enters heaven where the excess of Yang-type mana purifies the soul.

The soul that once belonged to a human slowly loses its sense of self and becomes ready to become a new life form.

Whether it becomes a human or animal no one knows.

This process doesn't have a defined time, it could happen in a day or take hundreds of years.

The souls that are corrupted beyond repair enter Hell where it is devoured by Yin magic and breakdown into natureless mana.

These souls cannot be cleansed by Yang mana in Heaven.

This mana slowly sweeps from Hell to the mortal realm over the years creating new life.

The mana released from Hell and Heaven are free to wander wherever they please, the Heaven, the hell, or the mortal realm.

There are no restrictions…..

This way Heaven, the Mortal realm, and Hell created by the Tree of Life are always connected.

The cycle of reincarnation is just like the water cycle.

Taking the ocean as the mortal realm, the sky as Heaven, and the land as Hell, the cycle can be replicated.

"What you see in the afterlife was the cycle of reincarnation itself Julian" Atlante said hearing Julian's story.

"You have the power to hinder the very foundation of life…

The power of the abyss can create true death by destroying mana from existence"

"So….how do I control this power?"Julian asked.

"Isn't that obvious? Since I can kill and revive you anytime, you have to keep dying to get a hang of that shadow state"

Julian paused and stared at Atlante for a few seconds.

Although what Atlantesaid was true but his casually mentioning Julian dying, again and again, ticked him off.

"Now them, let's start your training" Atlante snapped his finger, and Julian almost sank to the ground due to the weight that appeared on his body out of nowhere.

"You can use Gravity Magic ?! What else can you use?" Julian asked somehow standing up.

"I haven't kept a count but almost every natural magic type like Fire, Water, Lightning, Rock, Plant, and some stronger ones like Gravity, Space, and Time control. I gained the last three after unlocking Rinnegan

Every Ragnvindr can manipulate all types of natural magic after racing the white mana core. " Atlante replied.

"You can manipulate time?" Julian asked.

"I can accelerate or make time slower around something and completely stop time around something.

I will be using this for your training to make the best out of it.

For the things I am going to teach you, your current physical strength is not enough so for the next few days you are going to enhance your physical strength.

Using Gravity Magic, I have applied weights to specific areas of your body that need to become stronger. "

Atlante snapped his finger again as the place they were standing changed to a different place with an obstacle course with hundreds of machines that could kill someone with the smallest of mistakes.

"This is a track of 50 kilometers full of weapons that will kill you if you don't dodge on time.

All of them follow a random pattern so you cannot memorize the pattern either.

Not just that, I would be behind you attacking you with the intent to kill.

Your objective is to keep running and use your full body to dodge all the weapons and my attacks for the next ten days.

Since you don't need sleep or food in this place, you have to keep running for ten days straight.

You cannot use any spell except reinforcement magic and Mana zone.

Don't worry, each time you die, I will be there to revive you. " Atlante said with a smile that send chills down Julian's spine.

"Now, start running!" Atlante exclaimed as a sword of mana appeared in his hand.

Julian tried to run with all that weight on his body but before he would even reach the track, his head rolled on the ground from Atlante's slash.

Julian Ragnvindr died for the second time.

"Ah FUCK!" Julian coursed finding himself at the black and white beach again.


Ten Days later:

"You can stop now, " Atlante said hearing which Julain dropped on the floor painting covered in sweat.

His body being broken and being constructed or healed again and again made it reach a new height in physical strength.

Julian didn't get to catch his breath as he jumped back dodging Atlante's sword strike that would have sliced his body in half again.

"What are you doing?! Let me at least rest for a while !" Julian bent his body at different angles dodging more slashes from Atlante.

"I only told you that you can stop running, I never said that I would stop attacking" Atlante smirked and increased his speed of attack.

In the last few days, Julian has been killed over a thousand times making him completely forget the fear of death.

Each time Julian died, his understanding of the abyss and mana increased but it was still not enough for him to manifest it outside.

If not for Atlante healing his mind, Julian would have gone insane from all the pain and being killed in the most brutal ways some of which included his body getting completely crushed, the head being smashed, all limbs sliced apart, decapitated, and internal organs turning to paste, etc.

Julian's Phoenix robe reached the next level of power where it could regenerate limbs.

But his brutal training had major benefits.

Constantly blocking and dodging attacks made him extremely agile and flexible.

Moreover his application of mana zone and reinforcement magic improved to a degree that he would replicate what Atlante showed him the first day.

Although he only trained for ten days but with Atlante's time manipulation at work, Julian's body went through torture worth thirty days.

"With the first phase done, we shall move to the next phase of the training.

I would be teaching you how to effectively use Mana Preassure and techniques of mana zone that you need to know. " Atlante said to Julian while still attacking with different styles.

"The first technique I would be teaching you is Flash Step.

It is an advanced Mana zone technique with which you can walk freely in the air and cover large distances in an instant".

Atlante disappeared from his place and appeared behind Julian while holding Julian's sliced-off arm.

Julian immediately attacked behind him but Atlante was not standing above him. With every step Atlante took, he appeared in a location as if teleporting.

"In a battle, every drop of mana is important.

This technique is far more flexible than Light Magic and consumes less mana" Atlante said throwing Julian's sliced-off arm back to him to reattach.

"When you kick the air you should have your reinforcement mana flow in one direction and mana zone flow in another direction in that instant.

This creates a clash between them propelling you forward.

Remember that the speed of the flow of mana should be equal.

Now take out your weapon, you would be fighting against me while leaving Flash step "


A few days later:

Secre's side:

Secre continuously ran as multiple spells from different directions rained on but her not a single one touched her.

[Sealing Magic: Spatial lock ]

Every spell froze in the air before it could touch her.

Consing knives of mana and shot at Atlante who slapped it off but noticed that the knifes removed the layer of reinforcement mana on his arm in an instant.

Slowly but surely he felt the mana around his arm was out of his control.

It was Secre's mana suppression seal.

Using Flash Step Secre disappeared from her place and appeared above Atlante with her legs coated with reinforcement magic.

[Mana zone: Stockpile blast ]

Atlante dodged her attack as her kick hit the ground creating a large crater.

Secre sealed layers of layers upon mana around her leg and released in one go to give out an explosive result.

A gravitational push was released from Atlante's hands but a box was created in front of her sealing the gravitation power and reversing its direction back at Atlante canceling the attack.

Secre and Atlante kept going back and forth with Secre using different spells of Sealing Magic to get a hit on him but was unsuccessful every time.

Like Julian, Secre went through physical training and the process of dying and being revived again though not as intense as Julian who went through hell.

Unlike Julian, she didn't have healing magic so she suffered more.

This training made Secre's application of reinforcement improve a lot in addition to her picking up on using KI.

"Sealing Magic is something that has the ability to hinder natural order

It has the terrifying power to seal both space and time.

Sealing magic has endless possibilities but it's limited to your imagination Secre.

Currently, the Spatial seal and its manipulation should be your top priority

I will not allow you to rest unless you at least get one hit on me"

Front-like was not Secre's ideal role.

Secre's main role was giving support and making way for the main attacker like Julian.

For this role, Atlante was training Secre to utilize her brain more to be able to manipulate the flow of battle from the back and make it easier for Julian to attack.


Unlike Secre and Julian, Kirin was going through different training.

Kirin sat in a meditative posture as dark blue, red, and dark green mana revolved around him.

Kirin was being trained for being the strongest helper to Julian while being able to attack or defend too.

"You are a spirit born from the soul fragments of two Ragnvindrs.

You have the ability to absorb the power of spirits and gain their power.

You must supply Julain with endless mana and a second mind in battle.

Staying in Julian's mind space, you have been in contact with the mana of the dark phoenix, the mana of the great plant spirit, and the mana of the water spirit leviathan.

You must have the ability to combine all their abilities for your and Julian's use. You have that capability.

If you can completely absorb their power and make it your own when the two of you use spirit dive, the level of power you would reach would be more than anything you can imagine.

I am giving you my last mission as your mentor and parent….assist Julian in ending the war with the Will once and for all. "