Julian vs Rill: An Elemental Showdown

Asta and Yuno found themselves healed by Julian, each sporting a smile of satisfaction. Despite their losses, they were content with their fights.

However, their teammates were still dealing with the sting of elimination. Finral, now fully recovered, joined the other Black Bulls in comforting Noelle.

"An incredible battle, Asta, Yuno," the Wizard King commended, a genuine admiration in his voice. "I felt chills watching your fight. Keep this spirit alive, and keep growing."

The Queens echoed the sentiment, proud of their battle and the inspiration they provided to commoners and peasants with dreams as vast as the sky. The televised match had reached every Magic Knight base, winning them new admirers.

With both Asta and Yuno's teams eliminated, the spotlight now turned to Julian and Rill for the finals. Rill's excitement to fight Julian was palpable; his painting magic was fueled by imagination and battles, and hearing of Julian's victory over Mereoleona had ignited his anticipation.

"Hey, Julian, let's make this interesting. How about we forget about the crystal? The winner gets to shatter the other's crystal," Rill proposed, his enthusiasm spilling over.

Julian's smirk matched his rival's. "That works for me. But don't come crying to me when you're the one on the losing side, Captain Rill."

Rill chuckled. "You know me better than that, Julian. I'm no child."

The audience buzzed with anticipation as the enigmatic Grand Magic Knight, Julian, stood at one end, ready to unleash his amalgamation of elemental powers.

He'd chosen to face Rill without his weapon, opting for a pure magical showdown.

On the opposing side stood Captain Rill Boismortier, the master of Painting Magic and leader of the Azure Deer squad.

As the battle commenced, a whirlwind of colors enveloped Julian, each hue representing a different element under his control.

A beam of light and darkness shot from his hand toward the heavens, piercing through the clouds in a mesmerizing display.

Rill's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement at the spectacle. "This is going to be a wild ride!" he exclaimed with his characteristic enthusiasm.

With his paintbrush, he crafted a canvas that came to life with vibrant colors, a moving artwork that clashed gracefully with Julian's attacks.

Rill's projectiles were not limited to a single type of magic; instead, they comprised a medley of magical forms.

Julian countered with a surge of verdant roots from the earth, forming a protective barrier against the colorful onslaught.

The collision resulted in an explosive burst of light and color, with Julian absorbing the mana into his Orb of Chaos.

Rill countered Julian's attack with a water dragon, created through his painting magic.

The dragon engulfed Julian's attack and got completely vaporized along with the attack.

Lightning spells rained at Rill from all directions while Titans of Sand created by Rill absorbed every single attack.

Mana pressure erupted from their bodies but instead of clashing, it reinffored their spells making them even stronger.

[Painting Magic: Phantom Dragon Voivre's shout ]

A creature that appeared to be a mix between a woman and a dragon formed in front of Rill and fired a purple beam that intended to completely annihilate him.

[Mana zone: Cero]

Julian pointed his finger toward the incoming beam and shot another beam which was made from a combination of fire, lightning, and light magic.

Julian's beam pierced through Rill's summon and finally hitting a forest behind it completely turning it into ash.

Julian then summoned an array of spirits, each representing a different element: flame, wind, water, plant, and lightning.

Leviathan, Salamander, and Dark Phoenix took to the sky while Kirin, Sylph, and Leshy stayed on the ground

Rill instantly painted multiple creatures that resembled monsters from Fairy tales like the Orcs, Vampires, Voivre, Goblins, Dragons, Ogres, Sphinx, and Trolls which were larger in size than Julian's summoned attacked, and engaged the incoming spirits.

This was the start of chaos that would eventually envelop the entire battlefield.

With a Swift motion of his hand, Julian summoned a torrent of water from thin air, sending it hurtling toward Rill.

Rill's eyes sparkled with excitement as he painted a magnificent waterfall in the air. The waterfall clashed with Julian's water attack, creating a breathtaking spectacle of water and paint colliding.

But Julian wasn't finished, He infused his water magic with lightning, electrifying the water and intensifying the clash.

With an impish grin, Rill painted an enormous whirlwind, infused with his wind magic, to counter Julian's attack. The collision created a chaotic dance of elements, light lightning cracking through the wind-blown water and creating an electrifying storm.

Julian called upon his red flames, igniting the storm into a blaze of scorching flames. The battlefield was transformed into a maelstrom of fire, wind, water, and lightning, creating an elemental symphony that awed the spectators.

A canvas was starting to form presenting the battlefield.

Rill's eyes gleamed with admiration for his opponent's powers. With a flourish of his paintbrush, he created a colossal tree made of magical colors aiming the pierce tough the inferno. Julian responded by tapping into his dark magic, forming a shield of shadow to ward off the assault.

As the clash continued, Julian's mastery over his combined elements became evident.

He manipulated the dark shadows to absorb Rill's attack, redirected the wind to disperse the flames, and guided the lightning to electrify the water and create a controlled burst of steam.

The battlefield seemed to bend to his will as he orchestrated a symphony of destruction and creation.

Alongside the war between the Spirits and Rill's beasts, the battlefield looked like a canvas that Rill always wished to create.

"Ahhh~ so beautiful ~" Rill spread his arms observing the battlefield where every single corner was enveloped in a clash.

His eyes shared shining like the stars as he just got the greatest inspiration for his next creation.

"Thank you, Julian!!! You are the best !!!" Rill screamed as the mana within his body exploded creating a pillar that reached the sky.

"You shall bear witness to my new creation !!!"

Rill unleashed his new ultimate technique, a grandiose canvas that depicted the universe itself. Stars, planets, and galaxies swirled within his magical creation.

The canvas burst to life, unleashing a torrent of energy that surged toward Julian.

Julian's response was the culmination of his powers, a swirling vortex of elements coalescing into an orb of chaos with the power of abyss as its base, resembling a black sun.

"Every creation must one day meet its end, at this moment, I shall be the one to end your creation" Julian said unleashing his attack.

[Mana zone: Orb of Ultimate Chaos]

The clash erupted in a cataclysmic explosion, enshrouding the battlefield in darkness.

With the help of the Wizard King's time magic, the audience remained safe within a protective barrier. When the dust settled, Julian emerged unscathed, swords of light aimed at Rill's neck.

Rill had lost.

The genius and strongest mage under twenty was finally dethroned by Julian.

The entire battlefield which was made of forests, mountains, lakes, and deserts was reduced to nothing but a plane of barren land, bearing a testament to their unparalleled magical powers.

Rill panted and wiped the sweat from his brow, a wide grin spearing across his face.

"Wow, Julian! you really know how to put on a show!!"

Julian nodded, a sense of mutual respect forming between them.

"You are impressive yourself too Captain Rill. That was an incredible display of Painting Magic" Julian said canceling his magic.

With a chuckle, Rill extended his hand. "You have got a unique blend of powers, I would love to see more of your magic in action someday!"

Julian shook Rill's hand, a smile tugging his lips "Likewise captain, Perhaps we can someday collaborate to create something truly extraordinary "

Everyone including the Wizard King's body moved their own as they began clapping for getting the chance to witness the pinnacle of magic.

With this, the Royal Knight's selection exam came to an end with Julian being the champion of the battlefield.

If Asta and Yuno's fight was a testament to their hard work, dreams, and determination; this clash of elements was a fusion of power and a display of magic that would be remembered for generations to come.