Final preparations

Black Bulls Base:

"Why the hell are you even here?!" Asta was annoyed upon finding Xerx in the base later that evening.

Luck, Finral, and Magna were there too, but they were engrossed in their own world.

"Keke, why wouldn't I be here, you muscle head?" Xerx retorted, tossing the Purple Orca robe to the ground and pulling out his Black Bulls robe.

"I was surprised at first too. But then I remembered Captain Yami telling me while we were drinking about recruiting a redhead bastard years ago," Magna explained, seeing the confusion in Asta's eyes.

"My real name is Zora Ideale… I just impersonated and took the identity of a Purple Orca who was being a piece of shit," Zora replied nonchalantly.

"The Wizard King and Julian knew about my identity, so I had no problems taking a different name."

Although Asta was glad to have a skilled magician like Zora in his squad, he couldn't help but be annoyed by Zora's personality.

As the night progressed, everyone reconvened in the main hall for dinner and were surprised to see Zora.

Even Yami was taken aback, having completely forgotten about Zora's existence.

Finally, Julian returned, accompanied by Secre, and retrieved a large bag from his Spatial Seal.

All eyes were on Julian, given his recent fight against Rill that was still fresh in their minds.

"Sorry for being late; I had to attend a meeting with the captains since someone ignored his responsibilities," Julian said, glancing toward Yami, who avoided making eye contact.

"Never mind, take your seats, guys. I have the results of the Royal Knights exam." Julian announced, causing the participants' hearts to race with excitement.

"Asta, Noelle, Finral, Luck, Magna, and Zora… YOU ALL HAVE BEEN SELECTED AS ROYAL KNIGHTS."

Cheers erupted as the news sank in, while the others began applauding for them.

One by one, Julian retrieved uniforms from his bag and handed them to the newly chosen Royal Knights.

Their uniforms consisted of long maroon robes with white shoulder plates, designed with strategic cutouts to accommodate various battle styles.

"These uniforms possess the ability to absorb all types of damage up to a certain degree. They also have the ability to self-regenerate unless completely destroyed. This design was developed by the Magic Research Department, with Secre making a significant contribution. Let's give her a big round of applause," Julian explained.

Julian snapped his fingers, and a black flame tattoo appeared on everyone's shoulders.

"You all already have my healing seal with you. This new seal will provide passive healing to ensure you're always in perfect health. We're not fully aware of our enemies' capabilities, so I'm preparing you all for the worst."

Julian distributed the new seal to all the other Black Bulls members as well.

"The attack will commence the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow evening, we'll gather at the Magic Knights Headquarters in our uniforms for the final briefing. Make sure you complete all your preparations," Julian concluded.

"Did the Wizard King have any instructions for me?" Yami inquired.

Julian handed Yami a sealed letter from the Wizard King.

"For the next two days, you and William Vengeance will be patrolling the capital and the noble realm, respectively. Each captain has been assigned a specific role."

"Alright." Yami nodded.

The Black Bulls were about to embark on a mission that would test their strength, their bonds, and their resolve.

In the midst of this charged atmosphere, Captain Yami Sukehiro stepped forward, his tall figure commanding the attention of everyone present.

"Listen up, you rowdy bunch!" Yami's voice boomed, cutting through the air with his usual directness. "We've faced our fair share of challenges, and we've come out on top every single time. The Eye of the Midnight Sun may be formidable, but so are we! We've got the guts, the power, and most importantly, each other."

Asta's eyes shone with determination as he listened to Yami's words, his grip on his uniform tightening. Noelle stood tall, her resolve solidifying as Yami's words resonated with her. Luck cracked a grin, his excitement palpable, while Magna and Finral exchanged determined glances.

"Remember, we're not just a squad; we're a family!" Yami continued, his voice carrying a warmth that contrasted with his rough exterior. "We've got each other's backs, and that's what makes us strong. We've seen one another at our lowest, and we've lifted each other up time and time again. That's the power of the Black Bulls!"

Zora's eyes gleamed with a newfound respect as he listened to Yami's words, realizing that there was more to the captain than met the eye. Charmy's stomach rumbled audibly, but even she was paying full attention to Yami's speech, her determination mirrored in her twinkling eyes.

"We're not just taking on the Eye of the Midnight Sun for the sake of the Clover Kingdom," Yami declared, his gaze sweeping across each member. "We're doing it for ourselves. We're showing the world that the Black Bulls don't back down from a fight, that we're not afraid of any challenge thrown our way."

As the silence settled, Yami's gaze settled on each member once more, his intensity unwavering. "So, let's head out there and give them a taste of the Black Bulls' power! Let them remember our name and the legacy we're carving for ourselves. It won't be easy, but nothing ever is. And you know what? That's what makes it worth it."

The room was filled with a renewed sense of purpose, a shared understanding that they were all in this together. Yami's words had ignited a fire within them, fanning the flames of their determination and camaraderie. With a final nod from their captain, the Black Bulls members moved as one, ready to face the Eye of the Midnight Sun and whatever challenges lay ahead.


After a long day, everyone decided to retire.

Under the shadow of impending danger, with the looming threat of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, Noelle found herself unable to hold back her feelings any longer.

As Noelle and Asta walked side by side, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor, her heart raced with uncertainty.

"Noelle, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," Asta began, his determination cutting through the tension.

He turned towards her, his earnest gaze locking onto hers.

Noelle's heart skipped a beat as she met his gaze, her breath catching in her throat.

She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Asta, I... I've always admired your unwavering determination and your ability to believe in others.

You've shown me that magic isn't the only way to be strong. And... I've realized that my feelings for you have grown beyond friendship. I... I love you, Asta."

Asta's eyes widened slightly, surprise mingling with the fierce determination that defined him. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, his grip reassuring and warm. "Noelle," he said, his voice steady, "I've always believed in you, even when you couldn't believe in yourself. You're strong, Noelle, and you've got a heart of gold. And... I've come to realize that my heart has found a special place for you too."

Noelle felt her cheeks flush as a mixture of hope and vulnerability filled her. She squeezed his hand, feeling a connection that went beyond words. "Asta..."

He smiled, that same unyielding smile that had inspired her countless times before. "Noelle, I promise you this: if we make it out of this alive, I'll pursue our relationship with everything I've got. I won't let anything stand in our way."

Tears welled up in Noelle's eyes, a combination of relief and affection washing over her. She stepped closer to Asta, her heart pounding. "Thank you, Asta. That means the world to me."

As they faced the impending danger together, their intertwined fingers spoke of a bond that had grown stronger through trials and challenges. With the promise of a future together, they marched forward, united not just in their magic but in their shared feelings that had finally come to light.


In the quiet of the night, with the moon casting a soft glow over the Clover Kingdom, Finral found himself standing outside a familiar door. His heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as he raised his hand to knock. The door opened, revealing his fiancée, Finesse, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Finral? What are you doing here?" Finesse asked, her voice a mixture of confusion and concern.

"I... I couldn't sleep, and I just needed to see you," Finral replied, his voice a touch unsteady.

Finesse's expression softened, and she stepped aside, inviting him in. The room was dimly lit, and the flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls. Finral stepped inside, his gaze locking onto Finesse's warm smile.

She approached him, her arms encircling his waist in a comforting embrace. "I understand," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm to his restless heart.

Finral sighed, his tension slowly melting away in her arms. "Soon, we're going to face the Eye of the Midnight Sun. I know it's our duty as Magic Knights, but I can't help but worry."

Finesse pulled back slightly, her hands resting on his shoulders as she looked into his eyes. "You're brave, Finral. You've faced countless challenges, and you've grown stronger with each one. I have no doubt that you and the Black Bulls will come out victorious."

Her words filled him with a renewed sense of purpose, and he felt a surge of determination coursing through him. "Thank you, Finesse. Your faith in me means the world."

Finesse smiled gently, her fingers reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from his forehead. "Remember, you're not alone in this. We're connected, and I'll be cheering for you every step of the way."

He felt a warmth spreading through his chest, and he cupped her cheek with his hand, his thumb brushing against her soft skin. "Finesse, you give me strength like no one else. Your love and support have always been my anchor."

Finesse's eyes sparkled with affection, and she leaned in, her lips brushing against his cheek in a gentle, lingering kiss. "And you, Finral, are my light. Promise me you'll come back to me."

Touched by her words and the tenderness of her gesture, Finral nodded, his heart swelling with emotion. "I promise, Finesse. After we win this battle, I'll come back to you. We'll celebrate together."

Finesse's smile brightened, and she pulled him into a hug once more, her embrace filled with warmth and love. As they held each other, they found solace in their connection, drawing strength from their bond.

In that quiet moment, with the night as their witness, they shared a promise that transcended words. And as they parted, their hearts were fortified, ready to face the challenges of the next day with unwavering determination and the memory of their shared moment of love.