The weight of choices

Common Realm:

Yami Sukehiro lit up a cigarette and gazed at the sky.

He had just received an update that the attack had begun.

Yet, an odd sensation gripped his heart.

It felt as if someone was clutching his heartstrings.

It was the same feeling he had experienced the day he lost his dear friend, Morgan.

Yami was a man who trusted his instincts above all else. He resolved to seek counsel from the person who had always bolstered his strength: the Wizard King, Julius Novachrono.

Following his instincts, Yami hopped onto his broom and embarked on a journey to the noble realm.

Noble Realm:

Under the starlit night sky, an unprecedented clash unfolded.

The once-tranquil rooftop had morphed into a battlefield where two mighty forces collided - the master of time and the radiant champion of light.

Wizard King Julius Novachrono, the conductor of time manipulation, stood resolute, his azure robes swirling like the currents of time itself.

His once-cheerful demeanor had been replaced by an unyielding determination, his eyes fixed on the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, Patry.

Patry's visage bore the scars of a tormented soul, torn between vengeance and the poignant memories of a forgotten past.

Countless Light Swords halted before the Wizard King, unable to touch even a single strand of his hair.

"Light magic may be the fastest, but that doesn't mean I can't defend against it," declared the Wizard King.

In the blink of an eye, the two mages vanished and reappeared countless times in the span of a few seconds.

Patry's eyes blazed with an indomitable resolve as he unleashed blinding light, each beam an attempt to breach Julius's defenses.

Long whips of Light formed in Patry's hands, aimed at Julius, while simultaneously, a torrent of Light Swords rained down upon him.

Yet, every attack was met with an unwavering defense in the form of time capsules that eradicated the light assaults.

With each move from Patry, the Wizard King seemed to possess a premeditated counterattack.

The Wizard King moved with a sense of foresight, controlling the ebb and flow of time.

'The Wizard King can manipulate the tide of time.

He can restrict, decelerate, accelerate, and annihilate it. He wields the power to extinguish life in a single strike.

I am aware that he can glimpse the immediate future by amplifying the mana currents around him.

But this is destiny… I can sense it.

Wizard King Julius Novachrono and Julian Ragnvindr… both are focal points of fate, existing to balance the scales.

Hence, I must transcend the shackles of fate!' Patry's thoughts raced.

His eyes gleamed as the seals within his body vanished, unleashing the power of all the magic stones.

Patry's speed surged, and in the next instant, both mages paused their duel as the Wizard King's chest began to bleed.

A wry smile curved Patry's lips, blood dripping from his light sword.

"Even if you can foresee the future, there's a limit to how you can evade," he jeered.

"Indeed, it seems so.

Although I've appropriated countless futures, it's been a while since I've seen my own blood…" the Wizard King acknowledged.

"Hah~ I can see that your time Manipulation…has reached its limit," Patry retorted, though his smile vanished as the Wizard King's wound healed, leaving no trace.

"The offense of my magic is Stealing Time...

Born with the ability to steal futures, yet as the Wizard King, I aim to forge an impartial future.

Until that day arrives, I shall not die…" the Wizard King declared, his fist clenched.

"A future devoid of bias against humanity.

What a joke! Patry sneered.

Patry lunged at Julius, his light sword aimed at the Wizard King's heart, only to find emptiness.

His eyes widened in shock as a surge of time magic disintegrated his arm.

"I've already glimpsed your future… You cannot defeat me," the Wizard King proclaimed.


The castle's rooftop confrontation was visible from the noble realm, appearing as stars descending upon the castle.

Marx, the Wizard King's assistant, swiftly comprehended the unfolding catastrophe.

A dire message reached every Magic Knight captain, activating them into immediate action.

"Emergency notice for all Magic Knight captains!!!

The Wizard King is currently locked in battle atop Clover Castle with the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun!!

All captains are to hasten to the scene."

Yami's heartbeat surged as his fears materialized.

"Don't fall, Julius," Yami urged, increasing his speed as he fervently prayed to reach the battlefield in time.


Patry drew deep breaths as his regenerated hands clenched.

He exerted every ounce of power, delving even into forbidden magic, yet the Wizard King relentlessly pushed him back.

Despite his best efforts, Patry suffered injuries while failing to harm the Wizard King since their previous clash.

As Patry dodged another near-miss spell from the Wizard King, his frustration mounted.

"Aww, that's too bad...

Even though I can read the future, I still can't seem to catch you" the Wizard King remarked with an amused smile, seemingly savoring their exchange.

A crisis loomed in Patry's mind as he grappled with the extent of the Wizard King's power.

'What is this…? What incredible strength does this human possess? Julian's prowess is comprehensible, considering his heritage, but the Wizard King… He's human, a mere mortal…

He endeavors to restrain me without delivering a fatal blow… and he's not even depleted his strength.

Facing me, a possessor of a four-leaf grimoire…

Hold on, where's his grimoire?'

Almost as if divining Patry's thoughts, the Wizard King interjected, "Are you curious about my grimoire?"

He gestured skyward.

"It's up there"

Hovering high above was a grimoire, a coverless Grimoire seeming to contain infinite pages.

"Time knows no beginning or end…

Whether this fact benefits or harms me is of little concern.

My inquiries revolved around why I was bestowed this power. What path I must tread. Who I am.

I continued to question those things as I acquired results and it was at that point I realized the path I have walked is mine.

I am the Wizard King….

I will protect the people of Clover Kingdom "

Patry heard the Wizard King's words, a semblance of madness taking over the Wizard King's demeanor, and started to laugh as he ascended skyward.

Mana erupted from Patry, shrouding both noble and royal realms in a luminous white light.

For the first time, the Wizard King witnessed such a surge of mana.

"That's right! You are the Wizard King!

Try saving the race of sinners from my judgment!!!" Patry taunted.

The blinding white light shifted, transforming into myriad swords aimed at annihilating every life in the royal and noble realms.


A perpetual question lingered in my mind…

Why did the powerful not aid the powerless?

"One responded, "Merely coexisting with those lesser beings is repulsive."

Is that truly the case?

Though blessed with formidable magic, they

employed it solely for their gain.

There was no other reason…

Why… why do they persist?

I pursued my purpose within the Magic Knights.

Once, on the battlefield, I encountered a commoner Magic Knight. His accomplishments outshone others', yet his priority remained to rescue civilians.

He exemplified the essence of a true Magic Knight.

Tragically, he lost his life… not in combat, defending someone or his country, but betrayed by his envious comrades.

It was then that I grasped my mission.

I couldn't allow such a fate to recur…

For one's voice to echo, power, standing, and trust were prerequisites.

I became the Wizard King to right the wrongs.

Though the kingdom's transformation was gradual, it began.

Even in my absence, Asta and Yuno, who aspire to change the kingdom, will continue my legacy…"


Every single blade among the million light swords suspended in the air stalled before reaching the citizens, replaced by an image of a colossal clock that enveloped the royal and noble realms.

[Chrono Anastatis - Time Reversal Magic]

The multitude of swords gradually faded, dissolving into radiant particles of light that bathed the entire kingdom.

"The time magic that redeems all… Your magnanimity knows no bounds, Wizard King.

However, it seems you've exhausted the time magic you've accumulated.

You understood that capturing me aloft would lead to the demise of all citizens below.

Commendable, Wizard King, truly commendable," Patry remarked, tears mingling with the sorrowful cry of William's soul within him.

Patry's light sword pierced the Wizard King's chest, yet the Wizard King's smile persisted as his life ebbed away.

"You are not invincible…

Your vulnerability lies in being the Wizard King," Patry uttered as he collected the remaining magic stones from the Wizard King's robes.

Footsteps echoed as Yami and Marx reached the scene of the battle.

Yami Sukehiro stood there, consumed by grief and fury, the Wizard King's blood staining William's mask a deep crimson.

Marx fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face, weighed down by the enormity of the tragedy.

In Yami's heart, a tempest of emotions raged. His voice thundered like a storm, "Give me answers, vengeance!"

A response emerged from the shadows, Patry's voice resonating, "Yami Sukehiro, we cross paths once more. I am Patry, William is long gone"

Yami's anger crescendoed as he swung his sword, channeling his anguish into his attack.

[Dark Magic: Dimensional Slash]

Yet, before his strike connected, Patry vanished along with the magic stones leaving the cold body of the Wizard king.