Last of the Magic stones

Dimension of Atlante Rangvindr:

Seated around the table, Julian and his mentor engaged in a solemn conversation.

Julius sought Atlante's assistance in resolving a lingering dilemma.

"Grasping the knowledge of what lies ahead is both a boon and a bane," remarked Atlante, taking a contemplative sip of his tea.

"Fear of the unknown is universal, Julian, and even I am not exempt... thus, your apprehensions are valid.

The slightest alteration in the present could cascade into profound changes in the future—a phenomenon you've dubbed the butterfly effect," explained Atlante.

"That's precisely what troubles me...

While I find the Wizard King, Julius Novacrono, to be somewhat unconventional, it's undeniable that he's a remarkable individual, and his sacrifice would be a great tragedy. I wish to rescue him, yet the potential repercussions are so extensive that I might forfeit my advantage," confided Julian.

"Isn't that why I'm diligently honing your abilities, dear Julian?

So that you can adeptly navigate the enigmatic realms.

Speaking of the enigmatic, isn't the presence of the Ragnvindrs and the distinct nature of the Witch Queen already a variable within the realm of the anime Black Clover you're familiar with?

It would be prudent to cease fixating on the uncertainties, were I in your position.

You possess a rational mind, one that strives for optimal efficiency, but existence isn't strictly governed by logic.

At times, you must also heed the counsel of your heart," advised Atlante, responding to Julian's concerns.

"My heart urges me to disregard the future and rescue the Wizard King," Julian retorted.

"Then, stand by your resolution...

I'm confident in your capability to vanquish Zagred and liberate the elves from their torment.

I have faith in you, Julian," Atlante replied, a smile gracing his lips.


Darkness enveloped Julius Novacrono's consciousness.

'It's dark....

Is this the afterlife….' Julius Novacrono questioned.

'I wonder if I will enter the so-called cycle of reincarnation.

If I ever get reborn….I wish to be a human again two decades later to see how much my country changed' Julius giggled.

In an instant, a brilliant light pierced the darkness, transforming the void into a chamber reminiscent of a regal throne room, illuminated by torches.

Above, the room lacked a ceiling, revealing an endless expanse of night sky adorned with clouds. The walls, rather than being formed of pillars, were replaced by towering trees that ascended boundlessly towards the heavens, their culmination obscured by distance.

Fixing his gaze forward, Julius beheld a throne, upon which reclined a figure resembling himself—dark, tousled hair and a black sun tattoo adorning his forehead.

Seeing him a memory awakened in Julius.

It was during the time he was going through the old records of the Clover Kingdom.

It was the portrait of the first ever king of the Clover Kingdom who was crowned a thousand years ago.

Julius was surprised to see the kind resemble him soo much but for some reason, he completely forgot about it.

A chill ran down the spine of Julius as the made eye contact with the man.

"Who are you ?" Julius asked as he tried to use his magic out of instinct but it didn't activate.

The man stood up from his throne and started walking towards Julius with a malicious smile.

"I have multiple names, some call me the Will, Astaroth but right now you can call me Lucius Zogratis. " the man spoke as Julius found his body frozen.

"It's not time for you to die yet my Julius….you still have many things to do for me

We have a lot of time...

You shall live until you have fulfilled your mission" Lucius touched Julius's forehead his consciousness disappeared.


Julius Novacrono stirred, awakening to the voices of Marx and Yami.

His body felt tired but he felt no pain as if no injuries on his body.

The first thing he saw after waking up was a black crow with red eyes similar to Julian's sitting on his chest.

"You owe me a favor Wizard King" Julian's voice came out from the crow as it slowly disintegrated into particles of mana.

"Sir Julius !!"

"Julius my man! "

Mars and Yami jumped with joy seeing Julius waking up.

Julius slowly came to his senses and realized that he was not dead

"I am fine Yami, Marx thank you for worrying about me" Julius replied as Yami helped him sit properly.

Julius tried activating his magic but couldn't do anything for some reason.

Even his Grimoire had disappeared leaving not even a single page behind.

'Can't believe I cheated death...

Feels like I had a strange dream but I can't seem to remember what it was' Julius thought with confusion.

"I can't use my magic anymore but forget about it now.

Tell me the situation Yami" Julius asked.

"Sir you should only focus on resting right now !" Marx said loudly.

"This is not the time to be resting Marx, the current situation is not exactly in our favor"

"William got away with the Magic stones" Yami replied regretfully.

"Is that so….

Marx, is the star tattoo on my forehead still there?" Julius asked.

"No sir, it's gone"

"Marx establishes contact with the captains and vice captains on standby

I need to talk to them, we have an even more concerning matter at hand" Julius replied with seriousness.

Yami understood what Julius was talking about.

"Don't tell me Conrad Leto is free now" Yami asked.

"It is just as you said, I no longer have my magic so Conrad is free.

In these times of trouble, we are not prepared to face an enemy like Conrad.

I hope the situation doesn't get worse than it already is"


The night sky was dark, with no moon to illuminate the world.

At the base of the Demon Skull in Hage Village:

Patry stood in front of the Stone tablet and started inserting the last of the magic stones.

'This battle against fate… I win.

With this, I will be moving one step closer to completing the reincarnation magic cast by Licht," Patry thought.

Behind him stood the trio of Sally, Valtos, and Rades.

"The time has come, Lord Licht," Valtos said with expectations.

"With this, we, the chosen ones, shall be blessed by mana and awaken tremendous magical power.

Those magic knights, bastards, it's finally time for payback," Rades said with a crazed expression.

Patry turned toward the team of three with a smile.

"Everyone, you have done very well up until now. I appreciate your efforts.

I am proud that all of you exist.

Up until now, these were the remarks of the words spoken by the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun,"

Patry's smile dropped and turned to disgust.

"From now on, I will speak my true feelings.

You are greedy and selfish, and you harm others without hesitation.

You, humans, are all the same—you discriminate, envy, and hate your fellow humans for worthless reasons!

You justify your own weakness and sins by twisting something devotedly.

All of it… anything and everything for the sake of your unclean selves…!

In the end, you humans are egotistical and beyond help. What foolish, ugly existences…!

You all shall become the fuel for our rebirth," Licht declared as he turned and inserted the last magic stone.

Everything seemed to have stopped for a moment, and the moment the entire kingdom was enveloped in a white light, originating from the demon skull.

Under the light, Valtos, Sally, and Rades completely vaporized, leaving only ashes behind.

The true awakening of the elves was about to start.