Tree of Sephirah

Emotions wield immense power.

It's commonly believed that a person's emotions serve as the driving force behind their magical abilities.

In reality, this influence varies based on the type of magic being utilized.

Positive emotions, such as determination, love, and companionship, amplify the potency of yang magic, primarily associated with creation.

Conversely, negative emotions like anger, fear, rage, and hatred enhance the strength of yin magic, predominantly linked to destruction.

Demons and Devils consist of Yin magic, causing their power to burgeon with exposure to increasingly negative emotions.

The havoc wrought by the Elves forced countless individuals to abandon their homes, leaving behind loved ones.

This affliction turned the entire kingdom into a breeding ground for negative emotions, predominantly anger and fear towards the elves.

As a result, the current Clover Kingdom became an ideal haven for devils and demons.

Atop a building, a black-haired woman diligently inscribed magic circles onto the rooftop.

"Say Megicula~why are we doing this ?" Vanica asked the other existence that was with her.

"Dante and Zenon will get angry with me if they find I left the kingdom~"

[No need to mention that we were here to anyone....

Zagred was my subordinate and would be useful to our plan if he survives.

We are just increasing his chances of survival.]

"Fine~ but we are leaving after this magic circle, I don't want to be scolded." Vanica said dropping some of her blood into the magic circle.


Royal Realm:

"Why am I here again…." Asta spoke up finding himself in the endless red space where he met his devil for the first time.

"I called you here...because we need to talk" a familiar voice of the Anti-Magic devil reached his ears as Asta.

A thread of gravity underscored his tone.

With his back touching the Devil's presence, Asta sensed their heights were nearly the same. This contradicted his previous perception of the devil's size.

"For once, our objectives align... the eradication of devils," the Anti-Magic devil spoke, his words laced with anger.

"Why do you hate your own kind? You can tell me you know, I might help you feel better" Asta said making the devil grit his teeth.

Asta words made him remember someone he held very dear.

"Devils are evil creatures who flourish in the misery of others...even their own kind.

All of them deserve to die" the devil said.

"I think you are wrong, not all devils are bad.

For example you, it's because of you that I am able to come this far.

If not for your power, I would be still a country bumpkin waiting for some kind of power to awaken." Asta stated, rendering the devil momentarily speechless.

'Licita... though you never raised your son... he mirrors you in so many ways.'

"When the time comes, you will know everything....

This is a test for you if you wish to obtain more of my power.

Directly or indirectly be responsible for the destruction of devils.

If you can't do that, I shall take over your body" the anti-magic devil said as Asta's consciousness was ejected from that place.

Asta awoke atop a lofty building within the Royal Realm, accompanied by Noelle, Yuno, and Annie. Secre in her bird form was on his shoulder watching the castle

"What happened to you? You seemed lost in thought," Noelle inquired.

"Just contemplation," Asta replied, tightening his grip on his sword as the flow of anti-magic surged.

"Take your positions, it's about to start, " Yuno said activating spirit dive.


High above, atop the floating Eye of the Midnight Sun, the Apostles of Sephira convened, a congregation of powerful elves forming a shadowy silhouette against the backdrop of the Clover Castle.

Situated at the very heart of the kingdom, this enigmatic assembly held an air of gravitas and intrigue.

These Apostles, wielders of unique and potent magic, possessed the rare ability to access the enigmatic Stone Tablet, a key to unlocking the fabled Shadow Palace.

Among their ranks were prominent figures: Licht, Patri, Rhya, Vetto, Fana, Drowa (now inhabiting Gauch's form), Lira (manifested in Rill), Reve (who had merged with Captain Dorothy's body), Ronne (in possession of an anonymous magic knight), and Attrey (occupying the essence of Captain Kaiser).

In stark contrast, the royal realm lay empty and desolate.

Having been evacuated as a precaution, it bore witness to a profound absence of life, the lingering presence of recent departure still hanging in the air.

In the midst of this quietude, Julian and Lumiere stood before the grand edifice of the Clover Castle. Cloaked in an illusion woven by Grey's magic, they assumed the visage of reincarnated elves—a facade that concealed their true intentions

[Abyssal Magic: Emergence of the Tree of Sephirah]

From Julian's palms, a white, radiant seed materialized, gradually ascending into the air. Lumiere, ostensibly contributing, appeared to lend his magical influence, although his efforts remained inconsequential.

This radiant seed, like a siphon, absorbed mana from its surroundings, a celestial dance between Julian's energy and the surrounding atmosphere.

This interplay culminated in the manifestation of a white, ethereal tree, a creation born not of wood, but of pure mana—an intricate composition that resembled an otherworldly tapestry of magic.

Such was the tree's towering stature that it seemed to breach the very heavens themselves. Its presence was visible from all corners of the Clover Kingdom, its branches spreading wide and infusing the royal and noble realms with an iridescent illumination.

Under its enchanting radiance, Asta, Yuno, Noelle, and Annie were entranced, as if caught in an eternal reverie. The elves, too, felt a surge in their power, a tangible connection forged between the heavens and the earth.

Amidst this ethereal beauty, an inquiry broke the silence.

Ronne's voice pierced the air, questioning the identities of unfamiliar figures in their midst.

Patry's response was tinged with understanding. "It's evident you don't recall them. They were but infants when calamity befell us.

Yet their proficiency in Light and World Tree magic proved indispensable in the creation of the Tree of Sephirah.

Their contributions streamlined our efforts; otherwise, we'd have been compelled to seek the elusive World Tree Magic from William Vengeance to realize our ambition.

But now, let's not tarry further; the completion of the reincarnation magic beckons," he declared, a smile gracing his lips as he took his designated position.

"You're absolutely right; time presses on. The anticipation of our true rebirth grows," Ronne concurred with palpable excitement.

Yet beneath this façade of excitement, an unspoken truth hung heavy—a perception that didn't escape the keen observation of Rhya, whose widened eyes betrayed a deeper understanding.

Within this intricate tapestry, a revelation surfaced. Ronne's status as the Blacksheep was unveiled—a fact confirmed through Licht's contemplation.

As memory served, Ronne's Word Magic, a unique form of magic never before seen among the elves, had marked him as an outlier. However, this fact, once pivotal, had been eclipsed by larger forces at play.

With the stone tablet at its epicenter, Patry initiated the culmination of their undertaking.

Magic circles, intricate in design, sprung forth, forming a pattern on the ground.

The ten apostles, each positioned at an endpoint, channeled their unique powers into the construct.

The Stone Tablet absorbed the collective grace, radiating with an ethereal glow. This radiant energy enveloped the base of the Tree of Sephirah within the Clover Castle, as darkness began to enshroud its form. In mere moments, the Castle succumbed to obscurity, morphing into a light-absorbing abyss—a portal into the elusive Shadow Palace, which held the power to disrupt the natural flow of reincarnation.

Upon this achievement, Julian and Lumiere ascended to congratulate Patry, expressing gratitude for his instrumental role in their revival. In a surprising turn, Patry deflected praise towards Licht, attributing the very inception of the reincarnation magic to him, with particular emphasis on his own involvement.

Yet, Licht maintained his silence, a pretense of half-slumber casting an enigmatic veil over his demeanor.

Amidst the accolades and unspoken truths, Patry directed his attention towards Julian and Lumiere. "Licht-san, let us adjourn for now, extending the same privilege to them, considering their significant roles," he suggested, gesturing toward the pair.

"May I accompany you? I too wish to be part of this momentous occasion," Ronne requested, to which Patry acquiesced.

With a flourish of light, Patry crafted a luminous platform, guiding them toward the entrance of the Shadow Palace. The path, illuminated by his creation, beckoned them forth.

As they embarked on this pivotal journey, the remaining apostles chose to await their return, a collective of powerful entities poised in anticipation.


The Shadow Palace's architecture mirrored the Stone Tablet's design on a grander scale, each room forming a chamber, with the central one being paramount.

"Why don't you do it " Patry handed Julian the final magic stone, which happened to be Yuno's locket.

"I'm honored to take this role," Julian remarked, placing the magic stone on the central platform.

Seconds, minutes ticked by, yet nothing transpired.

The elves waited, baffled by the absence of progress.

"What's happening? Why isn't the reincarnation magic complete?" Julian's frustration was palpable, overshadowed by Ronne's delirious laughter.

"What is so funny, Ronne?" Patry inquired, his voice tinged with anger.

"Keke~ It's rather amusing how everything aligns so harmoniously with my grand design.

Did you genuinely believe a mere elf could command reincarnation magic?" Ronne mocked, teleporting behind Julian and swiftly plunging a blade into his abdomen.

Together, they collapsed lifeless onto the floor.

As Julian and Ronne fell, a dark liquid emerged from the central platform, coalescing into a grotesque form. This creature, dark-colored with horns adorning its head and formidable wings sprouting from its back, revealed itself as a Devil from the underworld.

Patry's visage contorted with shock and terror upon witnessing the Devil's emergence.

"Keke~ Greetings, foolish elves.

I am Zagred, a Duke-ranked Devil.

I orchestrated human hands to bring about your demise and manipulated the very reincarnation magic you sought," Zagred declared, his laughter laden with malice.

Infuriated and betrayed, Patry enshrouded the chamber with radiant swords, directing them toward Zagred.

[Word Soul Magic: Gravity]

An intense gravitational field erupted, shattering the luminous swords upon contact.

"I presumed I needed a Five-Leaf Clover Grimoire, but circumstances have evolved, rendering it superfluous.

Lady Megicula's preparations have already been set in motion to welcome me, keke~"

[Fall Down]

Patry, Licht, and even Lumiere—whose disguise had been discarded—attacked Zagred in unison, only for their assaults to dissipate before reaching their target.

"Prince Lumiere... what an unexpected surprise, keke~ I can't fathom that you managed to deceive me.

Now that you've liberated me, you ought to know how insignificant you all truly are.

This realm is far too constricted for this grand revelation."


Zagred's utterance shattered the very foundation of the Shadow Palace, leaving them outside its remains. Arms outstretched, Zagred's maniacal laughter filled the air.

"Keke~ The crisp air of this mortal realm.

I shall relish it to the fullest."