The duke ranked Devil Zagred

The battlefield stretched out as a canvas of shifting shadows, tainted by the oppressive aura emanating from Zagred, the harbinger of malevolence. The once serene landscape was now a battleground of despair and turmoil, its natural beauty marred by the presence of darkness.

The particles of yang mana that had once filled the air, brimming with hope and ambition, were now gradually turning into yin magic mana saturated with malice and corruption. The very essence of the world seemed to be undergoing a sinister transformation, reflecting the encroaching darkness that Zagred embodied.

Zagred's arms stretched wide, his laughter echoing with a maniacal resonance that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality itself. His form seemed to warp and shift as if he could manipulate the very dimensions around him, making his presence all the more unsettling.

"Keke~ The crisp air of this mortal realm. I shall relish it to the fullest." His voice dripped with malice, each word an embodiment of his sadistic pleasure in spreading chaos.

Like a tsunami of malevolent power, Zagred's overwhelming mana pressure surged outwards, a tempest of darkness that swept across the battlefield. It was as though the beautiful world of light, once nurtured by the Tree of Sephirah, was now being tainted by the very essence of darkness.

The force of his mana pressure was so potent that every apostle of Sephirah on the battlefield was overwhelmed, their minds assaulted and their bodies rendered unconscious, collapsing to the ground one by one. Even the strongest among them found themselves struggling to stand against the sheer weight of Zagred's dark aura.

Amidst the chaos, Asta desperately tried to shield Noelle, but the encroaching darkness claimed her consciousness as well. Yuno and Annie, who stood beside them, succumbed to the same fate, their eyes going blank as the malevolent aura seeped into their minds.

With a transformative shift, Secre shifted from her avian form to her human guise. A barrier materialized, enveloping the fallen Noelle, Yuno, and Annie, safeguarding them from the spreading darkness. Her hands moved in intricate patterns, weaving the threads of sealing magic into a protective cocoon that shielded them from the encroaching darkness.

Among those left standing were Licht, Lumiere, Patry, Asta, Secre, and the Wizard King Julius. Their gazes were fixed on the unfolding scene, their perceptions of reality shaken to their very core. The once-beautiful battlefield was now a battlefield of despair, the clash of light and darkness creating an otherworldly spectacle that defied description.

Licht's grasp tightened around his swords, the radiance they exuded almost ethereal. He raised them high, his voice a beacon of unwavering determination. "We will never succumb to your darkness!" His words carried the weight of his people's struggles, a testament to the enduring spirit of the elves.

Patry's eyes burned with an unyielding resolve as his hands ignited with radiant light. "Our unity is our strength. Together, we shall bring an end to your reign of terror!" His words resonated with the collective will of the elves, a united front against the malevolent force that threatened to engulf them all.

Lumiere's voice held an otherworldly resonance as his light magic enveloped him. "You underestimate the power of unity and hope. We shall quell this suffering!" His form seemed to glow with an inner radiance, a symbol of the light he carried within him.

As the confrontation escalated, a dome-like barrier began to form, woven from the threads of sealing magic, shrouding the battlefield in its protective embrace. The magical energy flowed from Secre's hands, creating a barrier that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly light, pushing against the encroaching darkness.

Zagred's laughter persisted, seemingly unaffected by the magical barrier.

His eyes shifted toward the source of this barrier, and his grin deepened. "Ah, it seems the entire cast has assembled. How delightful. I will have quite the entertainment." His voice dripped with sadistic amusement, a chilling contrast to the hopeful spirits of those who stood against him.

Zagred's trident of corrupted mana materialized in his hand as he taunted the caster of the barrier.

"[Break]," he commanded, his voice resonating with an eerie authority. The trident glowed with dark energy as it surged forward, seeking to shatter Secre's protective enchantment, but the barrier held firm. The threads of sealing magic seemed to vibrate with resistance, pushing against the dark force that sought to break them.

"Stay focused, Asta. The unpredictable element that Julian feared has come to fruition. We mustn't waste any more time. Whatever Julian's intentions, we need to act swiftly," Secre's words were infused with urgency, her hands weaving the intricate barrier around the battlefield. Her determination was palpable, her focus unyielding in the face of Zagred's relentless assault.

Asta's expression grew serious, his resolve deepening. A veil of anti-magic began to envelop his body, transforming him into his blackened form. His clenched fist radiated with suppressed power, his aura crackling with the suppressed energy of the Anti-Magic Devil within him.

"Let's do this, Anti-Magic devil." Asta's voice held a determination that echoed through the battlefield, a rallying cry that resonated with the hearts of those who fought beside him.

Mystical symbols etched themselves onto his grimoire, the ancient language transmitting their meanings directly to Asta's consciousness. His connection to his grimoire was a conduit for the Anti-Magic Devil's power, a fusion of their essences that granted him an unparalleled edge in this battle.

Among them, the name of a spell burned itself into his mind: "[Anti-Magic Demon Slayer: Black Divider]."

The words seemed to materialize before his eyes, each letter glowing with an otherworldly radiance.

Asta's anti-magic surged, shaping his sword into an imposing form, its surface adorned with intricate, demonic patterns. The blade itself seemed to resonate with his energy, its edges crackling with the suppressed might of anti-magic.

Becoming a black blur, Asta lunged towards Zagred, attempting to cleave through the malevolent being with his blade. The air crackled with tension, the energy between them almost tangible as their conflicting powers clashed.

But Zagred was not one to be underestimated.

His malevolent aura surged, his own magic energy pulsating with dark power. He met Asta's strike with his trident, the clash creating shockwaves of energy that rippled across the battlefield.

"Ah, you must be the wretched creature who dared to hold the grimoire that rightfully belongs to me," Zagred's voice dripped with scorn, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Asta's form. "How dare you, a pitiful speck, touch my possession?" His arrogance was evident, his belief in his superiority unwavering.

Asta's defiance rang through the air, his anti-magic intensifying further as he attempted to shatter Zagred's trident. The energy between them crackled with unrestrained power, the clash of anti-magic against corrupted mana creating a maelstrom of chaotic energy.

"It was never yours to begin with, you bastard!" Asta's voice was a roar of indignation, his determination unwavering even in the face of such overwhelming power.

As their clash continued, the very fabric of reality seemed to strain under the weight of their opposing energies. The ground beneath them trembled, the air around them shimmering with the chaotic discharge of magic. Each strike, each clash, was a testament to the determination and power of both combatants.

Surpassing Zagred's expectation, the trident that clashed against Asta's anti-magic broke, sending Asta flying from the recoil. The impact was like a thunderous explosion, the shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield. Asta's body crashed into the ground, his determination unshaken despite the force of the blow.

Patry's Light Magic surged forth in a blinding torrent, illuminating the battlefield in a brilliant cascade of radiance. Beams of pure light rained down upon Zagred, trying to weaken his dark aura, but it had no effect. The light clashed with the darkness, creating an awe-inspiring display of conflicting energies that filled the air with crackling energy.

"Your darkness will not snuff out our light!" Patry's voice echoed with unwavering resolve as he channeled his magic. However, Zagred's malevolent laughter seemed to drown out his words, his form shifting and twisting in response to the radiant onslaught.


Zagred's words resonated with an otherworldly power, causing every trace of magic on the battlefield to vanish. Spells, constructs, and enchantments were erased as if they had never existed. The sudden emptiness of the magical atmosphere left a vacuum that hung heavy in the air, creating an eerie stillness that contrasted the previous chaos.

Licht's swords swung through the air, leaving trails of gleaming energy in its wake. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, each blow imbued with the memories of his people's struggles. The blades danced through the darkness, seeking to pierce Zagred's form, but the malevolent entity deflected them with a wave of his hand. His mastery over World Magic allowed him to manipulate the battlefield itself, warping the space around him to evade the onslaught.

Lumiere's Licht Magic wrapped around him like a flowing cloak as he twirled gracefully on the battlefield. His hands moved in intricate patterns, conjuring spheres of light that danced around him, each radiance a testament to his determination. With a flourish, he sent the spheres hurtling toward Zagred, each explosion of light eroding away the shadows that clung to him.

Both Lumiere and Licht were once the prey of forbidden magic, giving their magic properties of yin magic that started to affect Zagred. The clash of their radiant magic with Zagred's darkness created a mesmerizing display of opposing energies, each trying to consume the other. The battlefield seemed to shudder under the weight of their conflicting powers, crackling with energy.

This enraged Zagred... how dare mere low lives hurt him?! His malevolent aura surged as he tapped into the depths of his World Magic, summoning miniature orbs of corrupted mana. These orbs materialized around Zagred, creating a devastating maelstrom of destructive energy that tore through everything in its path. The ground cracked and shattered as the orbs annihilated all in their wake, leaving nothing but devastation.

One such beam aimed at the arm of Licht, causing it to instantly start decomposing. However, Secre's quick reaction saved the day. With a wave of her hands, the wound was sealed, stopping the corruption in its tracks and initiating the healing process. Her intricate sealing magic formed minor healing seals on Patry, Licht, and Lumiere, mending their wounds and providing a renewed surge of energy.

Secre's observant eyes caught sight of Julian in his elf form, still lying on the ground, feigning death. The urgency of the situation was evident, and she knew that Julian was likely planning something crucial for the battle.

Asta charged forward with unmatched speed, his sword cleaving through the air with precision. His Anti-Magic ability nullified the magical constructs and spells that Zagred attempted to conjure. The air crackled with tension as Asta's blade sliced through the very fabric of magic, leaving trails of disrupted energy in its wake.

[Rain of blades]

As Asta pressed on, his determination unwavering, Zagred retaliated. Blades made of pure metal materialized in the air, forming a lethal rain that showered down upon everyone on the battlefield. In response, Licht's swords swung with a fluid grace, releasing hundreds of slashes that intersected with the falling blades, creating a mesmerizing web of swordplay.

The intersection of blades and magic sent sparks flying in all directions, illuminating the battlefield in a mesmerizing dance of light and destruction. At the same time, a burst of light erupted from Patry's body, attempting to vaporize Zagred's looming darkness and counter the barrage of metal blades.

[Repulsion and magnification]

Patry's spell seemed to stall mid-air before suddenly surging forward with even greater force. Zagred's manipulation of space and magic threatened to overpower them, but their determination prevailed. Asta's muscles clenched as he swung his sword with a roar, dividing the spell in half. In a synchronized motion, Licht absorbed the remaining mana from the spell with his Demon Dweller sword, channeling it into a barrage of slashing attacks aimed at Zagred.

Zagred teleported behind Asta, his claws poised to strike. But Lumiere reacted swiftly, thrusting himself between the Anti-Magic swordsman and the looming threat. His Licht Magic surged to life, manifesting as a radiant barrier that shielded Asta from the attack. At the same time, Licht executed a swift counterattack, sending a barrage of razor-sharp sword strikes aimed at Zagred's arms.


Zagred's severed arm healed almost instantaneously, defying the wounds inflicted upon it by Licht's assault. His regeneration displayed the extent of his malevolent power, a reminder of the formidable adversary they faced.

Throughout the battle, the four warriors moved at speeds that defied the naked eye, their movements almost transcending the boundaries of reality itself. Zagred's arsenal of spells seemed to halt all of their attempts to damage him, his mastery over World Magic evident in every calculated defense.

Though they could damage Zagred, it was not enough since he could instantly heal out of it.

But amidst the chaos, one thing became apparent: Zagred was focusing his spells primarily on Asta.

The Anti-Magic swordsman was the core of their unity, the one whose unique power posed the greatest threat to Zagred's malevolence.

A common thread ran through their efforts. Throughout the battle, Licht wielded the Demon Destroyer sword, while the Demon Slayer sword absorbed the power of the fainted elves, channeling their energy into a reservoir of magic that pulsed within him.

The sky above them rumbled as corrupted mana rained upon the battlefield, destroying everything yet Secre's barrier appeared around the barrier making them immune to the effect of the rain.

[Sealing magic: Mind chain]

Illusory chains wrapped around the heads of the four warriors, connecting their minds to share their thoughts and formulate a plan. Their collective consciousness linked, they exchanged ideas and strategies in the blink of an eye.

[Get Crushed]

Suddenly, the battlefield was awash with a force unlike any before. An all-encompassing pressure emanated from Zagred, distorting space and time as repulsive energy surged in from every direction. It was as though the very fabric of reality was under his command, pressing upon the four warriors from every angle.

Secre's instincts kicked in, her fingers snapping as a reverse repulsive force erupted from them. Her intricate Sealing magic danced in the air, countering Zagred's spell with an opposing force. The clash of energies created a shockwave that rippled across the battlefield, the sheer power of their collision shattering the repulsive pressure.

The very ground quaked, the air crackling with the remnants of their opposing forces. Dust and debris swirled in the aftermath, obscuring the battlefield in a haze of chaos. As the haze gradually cleared, Zagred's malevolent form emerged, his dark aura undiminished.

Yet amidst the dust and chaos, Asta, Lumiere, Licht, Patry, and Secre stood resolute. Their determination was unshaken, their unity unwavering in the face of the malevolent force that sought to tear them apart.

Chains with a blade appeared around Secre's arms as she instantly reached near Zagred, swinging the chain at him. The blade glowed with an ethereal light, its surface shimmering with sealing magic.

Zagred used his magic, trying to stop the chains, but those chains shattered his magic, and the blade sliced apart one of his horns, which were not regenerating anymore. The forbidden magic-clad blade, empowered by Secre's determination, halted the regeneration process.

[Sealing Magic: Eternal Prison]

From the wound where the horn had been, intricate patterns formed all over Zagred's body, attempting to seal him. However, Zagred's opposition was too strong, and the sealing process only managed to stop him for a few seconds.

But that was enough time for Asta to act. His determination burned brighter than ever, his resolve unshakable even in the face of an adversary as formidable as Zagred.

"This is the end for you!"

Asta held his sword above his head, the blade expanding in size as it absorbed more anti-magic. The very air crackled with energy, the ambient magic around them seemingly drawn to Asta's blade.

[Anti Magic: Destiny Slicer]

With a swing of his arm that defied the very laws of nature, the sword was brought down on Zagred, its blade pulsating with the suppressed power of the Anti-Magic Devil within Asta. The blade cleaved through the darkness with an unstoppable force, tearing through Zagred's form.

Zagred released a blood-curdling scream as he felt his life fading away. His malevolent presence wavered, his aura flickering as the blade of anti-magic rent through his being.

That is when Licht too brought down the Demon Dweller's sword using his strong magic.

[Ultimate Sword Magic: Dormant Demon's Blade]

The entire battlefield was enveloped in a blinding light of destruction, a radiant surge of energy that consumed everything in its path. The clash of anti-magic and the most powerful form of light magic fused together, creating a cataclysmic explosion that obliterated Zagred's presence.

Zagred had been utterly eradicated, leaving behind no trace of his malevolent mana.

Exhausted yet victorious, the warriors found themselves amidst the aftermath of the battle. The settling dust allowed the faint light of dawn to pierce through the lingering shadows. Their collective efforts, the unbreakable bonds forged through hardship, had led to the triumph over the very embodiment of malevolence.

As the last echoes of Zagred's malevolent presence dissipated, a gentle sense of healing began to spread through the world. The tainted mana that had pervaded the air gradually dissipated, replaced by the particles of hope and determination that the warriors had infused into the very fabric of the battlefield.

It was their victory, a testament to the strength born from unity, the enduring spirit of humanity, and the indomitable force that arose from the fusion of light and anti-magic.

Or so they believed...

The rooftops of multiple buildings in the royal realm began emitting an ominous red glow. Negative yin energy, stemming from the entire kingdom, began invading the battlefield, it's intent clear: to annihilate every single trace of yang magic.

"Did you truly believe your feeble strength could obliterate me?!!" An arrogant voice reverberated, each syllable accompanied by the sound of a heartbeat, a sinister reminder of his continued existence.

The yin magic that had been gathered broke the boundaries of nature itself, resurrecting Zagred in a form even mightier than before. His presence radiated with a power that dwarfed his previous incarnation.

The warriors who had remained unaffected until now began to falter under Zagred's renewed pressure. The weight of his mana bore down on them, causing their spirits to waver.

[Gravity + Blades of Chaos]

The intensity of the gravity manipulations was overwhelming. The warriors were sent hurtling, their bodies crashing against the ground with a force that seemed to defy nature itself.

Blades infused with corrosive mana pierced their bodies, inflicting wounds that were as much physical as they were metaphysical. The pain was excruciating, a testament to the malevolence of Zagred's power.

"No matter who opposes me, as long as Lady Mediucla is at my side, I am invincible!!!

I am invincible!" Zagred's laughter echoed through the battlefield, dripping with derision and mockery towards his enemies who had dared to challenge him.

Suddenly, a wing was ripped from Zagred's body, severed and torn. Yet, the eerie part was that there were no signs of regeneration. An ominous sign that something had changed.

The space in front of Zagred tore asunder, and Julian emerged from it at a leisurely pace, his demeanor unsettling and confident.

"THOSE EYES!!!! IMPOSSIBLE !!!" Zagred's scream resonated with horror, his gaze locked on Julian. He lunged forward, stabbing his trident at Julian, but the weapon halted mid-air as if frozen in time.

"You seem to be having quite the party here. Mind if I join?" Julian's voice carried a sinister edge as he spoke, sending shivers down Zagred's spine. The very presence of Julian was a harbinger of a new kind of danger, and Zagred's unease was palpable.