The most painful death

"In every society, hierarchies prevailed, even amongst the devils.

They were divided into three major groups: higher rank, middle rank, and lower rank.

The underworld was under the dominion of the Higher Rank demons, while the others were treated as mere pebbles to be trampled upon.

Even amongst the higher ranks, there existed a hierarchy.

At the base were the Duke-ranked demons.

Above them reigned the Grand Dukes.

And at the pinnacle stood the emperors or Supreme Rank Devils," Atlante explained to Julian.

"Currently, you're capable of handling middle-rank demons, but Duke-ranked ones will be a challenge.

By the end of this training, I'll have you powerful enough to toy with Duke-ranked demons like children.

And if you unlock the Magekyou Sharingan, it might propel you to the level of Grand Dukes or even Emperor rank, depending on your potential."


"You seem to be having quite the party here. Mind if I join?"Julian's voice dripped with malevolence.

The colors drained from Zagred's face upon seeing Julian. The intensity of Julian's presence eclipsed that of even a Duke-ranked devil and grazed the realm of supreme-class devils.

Merely Julian's existence posed a dire threat to Zagred. Those ominous eyes stirred a fear that had etched itself into the core of Zagred's being.

Julian's surge of dark mana entirely quashed Zagred's mana pressure, granting Secre and the others respite as their injuries started to mend.

"IMPOSSIBLE! ALL RAGNVINDS WERE ERADICATED!!!" Zagred's voice quivered with anger and disbelief.

"Your claim of exterminating all of us seems rather shaky, considering I stand before you," Julian retorted with an icy composure.

Zagred's teleportation attempt to deluge Julian with corrupted blades of chaos was met with cubes of Time magic, instantly dissipating the blades as they materialized.

[Get Crushed]


[Rain of Chaos]


[Spell Break]

[Death Lance]

[Domain of Lightning]

[Sword of Light]

[Sword of Darkness]

[Hell Flame]

[Tornado Fang]

A torrent of spells surged forth from Zagred, each more malevolent than the last. Yet, Julian's unnerving smile persisted, untouched by the assault.

[Abyssal Magic: Limitless]

Julian enveloped himself in a fusion of space-time magic, rendering each attack entirely ineffectual.

"This is what is called being invincible," Julian uttered with an air of certainty.

Zagred's despair deepened as Julian's newfound powers took center stage burning his second wing to nothingness.

These flames defied Zagred's regenerative abilities, exacerbating his torment.

Zagred's agonized scream reverberated, as he experienced pain of an intensity he'd never known. In a single step, Julian closed the gap, obliterating the lower half of Zagred's jaw with a single punch.

Attempting to flee skyward via the Mana zone, Zagred was thwarted by Secre's unyielding barrier.

[Summon Mindless Demon: Winged Cerberus]

In a desperate gambit, Zagred summoned a monstrous entity – a beast with three dog-like heads and a dragon's body – a hundred meters in size.

"Allow us to aid you!" Licht and others readied their magic.

"Do not intervene," Julian's voice was frigid as he snapped his fingers, transporting everyone but himself and Zagred beyond the barrier.

Cerberus unleashed corrosive flames, blanketing the battlefield. Julian's Abyssal Magic manifested his Susanoo, a black, armored warrior.

The avatar grew, assuming an armored form with black and red hues.

Aqila Favonia, Julian's weapon, expanded into a black-and-white sword of abyssal energy.

Susanno was one of the abilities that came with the power of Mangekyou Sharingan that gave the wielder the ability to summon a monster-like avatar based on their nature.

The shape and size of the avatar varied for every Sharingan wielder.

Julian's multiple bloodline and the soul link with Kirin gave him the ability to acquire the avatar which was a humanoid monster.

As Julian unleashed a sword strike, a wave of energy engulfed the field, momentarily plunging the world into darkness.

Everyone who watched the battle felt as if they experienced death while still alive.

When the light returned, Cerberus was annihilated, though the battlefield remained untouched. At the epicenter stood Julian, enclosing Zagred in a space-time cube.

"Did you truly think your demise would come without suffering?" Julian's voice dripped with mockery.

Zagred's lower face was a gruesome sight, emitting only grotesque sounds.

With another snap, Zagred's limbs were contorted in unnatural angles, eliciting shrieks of agony.

"Your horn looks nice, I will keep one as a souvenir," Julian said slicing one of his horns

"The most agonizing death is through flames" Julian's black flames consumed Zagred from within, erasing his existence bit by bit.

His screams echoed as Zagred's very essence vanished.

The battle had ended.

Once again, a Ragnvindr had vanquished a devil, establishing Julian as the sovereign ruler of the mortal realm.

This day, the world would remember the name Julian as a beacon of hope against the forces of darkness.

Kirin manifested beside Julian as Secre withdrew the barrier. "What have you uncovered, Kirin?" Julian inquired.

"Traces of forbidden magic, devil's work. They've concealed it well.

The magic circles harnessed yin-type magic from across the nation, channeling it to this battlefield," Kirin responded.

"Interesting... perhaps it's the devil Megicula Zagred spoke of."


On the other side:

"Within the myriad races, the Ragnvinrs reigned supreme due to unmatched power.

We elves now call ourselves the strongest race, because the Rangvindrs no longer exist.

They alone held the title 'Strongest.' "

An elder's words echoed in Licht's mind as he watched the battle unfold.

"It finally ended....hah! hah!" Patry began laughing and crying at the same time as if he lost his mind.

One by one Secre helped Yuno, Annie, and Noelle wake up.

Asta enveloped Noelle in a hug and whispered " We won....."

Julius walked slowly towards Julian while stumbling. His mind wondered if everything he saw was real.

Wizard King Julius couldn't describe his emotions.

It felt as if his time magic and legacy were being carried on by Julian.

He held Julian tightly as if he was his dearest friend and kept repeating the same thing.

"Thank you for everything, Julian. This nation has a future because of you"

Legs of Licht and Lumiere gave out as they sat on the ground.

"Ironic, isn't it, Licht? Once we held the strongest title. Now, I question if we're even strong," Lumiere chuckled with a hint of madness.

Licht shared a laugh, handing Asta the Demon Dweller and Demon Destroyer swords.

"They're yours now, Asta. I'll teach you their full potential," Licht declared.

"Both of you and Yuno aspire to become Wizard Kings, correct? I'm willing to lend a hand," Lumiere added, surprising Secre.

"Does that mean ?..."

"Yes, we've chosen to start a fresh life " Licht confirmed.

"The world's chaos demands our presence.

Peace, however small, must be pursued," Lumiere proclaimed to Secre.

"I'll make Tetia wait a bit longer," Licht chuckled.