A New Dawn

In the wake of the Devil's vanquishment, our realm still teetered on instability.

"Summon all captains and magic knights," Julian declared to the Wizard King, who concurred on advancing to the final phase of our plan.

Guided by Licht and Patry, the apostles of Sephirah awoke, though confusion held sway. Licht assured clarity was imminent.

"Many of us wrongly believe humans caused our demise… We must halt this misconception," Patry confessed, burdened by guilt.

Licht sought the Demon Slayer Sword's power, borrowing it from Asta. Rampant elves spurred Licht to wield the Tree of Sephirah through the Demon Dweller Sword, linking every elf's soul to him to convey their story.

It became clear that humans were never their enemies.

Julian touched Licht's shoulder as their entire fight against the Devil reached the memories of every single elf.

"Call everyone here, I will be keeping my promise, "Julian said to Licht.

Charla accompanied by Yami was the first one to arrive.

After almost two decades, Annie met with her aunt stirring deep emotions.

Yami was astounded by the devastation and further taken aback by Patry standing beside Julius.

Julian's voice emerged from behind, addressing Yami's apprehension. "Captain, no need for caution. We're allies now."

Yami jumped forwards started by the sudden voice of Julian.

"The hell is wrong with you?! I didn't even see you standing there!" Yami said to Julian.

"I just erased my presence "Julian replied.

Questions about the destruction lingered. Julian's assurance to explain things soon prompted Yami to wait.

Jack, Nozel, Fuegoelon, William, and Mereoleona arrived in succession, followed by a throng of elves, many from Golden Dawn.

Though Yami restrained his urge to confront William, those unaware of the entire plan marveled at the sight of the First Wizard King.

Mereoleona and Nozel, in the know, comprehended the purpose behind the assembly.

"Let's commence," Julian declared, summoning Rades with his spatial magic to raise numerous zombies. Secre, with clenched fists, separated elf souls from human bodies, and Julian proceeded to attach these souls to the new zombie and complete the process using Phoenix rebirth.

Apart from Licht, Patry, Rhya, Vetto, and Fana – who already had bodies – all other elves received new forms, even Lumiere, whose body had turned to stone.

While not identical, some resemblance to their human counterparts remained, as with Patry and William.

Elves' forms were tailored to their mental age, especially those occupying mature human bodies. Although separate, humans retained the elves' lingering power, permanently augmenting their mana – a source of newfound strength.

After facing the calamities together, everyone had a heartfelt reunion with their loved ones.

While the elves had access to the memories of the humans, the humans had access to the memories of the elves too which created new bonds.

For example, Gauche and Drowa's love for their sister or Luck and Lufulu's wish to get make their loved ones happy.

Julian allowed time for comprehension before approaching the Tree of Sephirah, touching it.

The Tree slowly disintegrated into petals, scattering throughout the kingdom, touching every human and elf.

Each and every citizen found themselves standing around the Tree of Origin in Julian's mind-space.

Various scenes started to appear in each and everyone's mind as a form of memories.

Lumiere and Licht's aspiration to unite humans and elves, the elves' demise, Licht's transformation into a colossal demon, the casting of reincarnation magic and elf soul corruption, Secre and Lumiere's sacrifice, the Demon's resurgence in modern times, the battle against Zagred, and Julian's ultimate showdown against the devil.

The name of Julian resonated in everyone's mind as the ultimate savior.

Above the Tree of Origin, Julian's figure radiated power, releasing mana pressure in a controlled manner to capture everyone's attention.

With his power, Julian made Secre,Asta,Licht, Patry and Lumiere who participated in the battle against Zagred float beside him as he stared speaking

"People of the Clover Kingdom,

Today, I Julian Ragnvindr, stand before you as a bearer of a tale that has rehaped our history.

Recent events have taught us that unity transcends our differences.

We faced darkness, set aside biases, and stood as one.

Despite varied appearances, our hearts beat as one.

The Word Magic devil sought division, but we proved our unbreakable strength.

The defeat of evil came not from my power alone, but from the collective will.

Elves and humans, united in hope and light, triumphed.

We drew from shared history and overcame shadows.

Victory is a new beginning. Remember, we're defined by compassion, not appearances.

Embrace change and shape a kingdom of unity and respect.

Scars remind us of our strength when united.

Magic or differences don't define us – love for our kingdom and each other does.

Move forward with open hearts, casting aside prejudice.

We're not elves or humans – we are Clover Kingdom, woven with hope, courage, and unity.

Let's walk hand in hand, celebrating differences, and let unity outshine magic.

Thank you. "

Julian's speech resonated, igniting fervor in the hearts of every Clover citizen.

As the sun ascended, dispelling darkness, a new era dawned upon us all.