
A month passed since Julian ascended to the title of the Wizard King.

Julius Novacrono had lost his power and people's trust in the Magic Knight was trembling.

The population of Elves was added to the Clover Kingdom whose if not checked can destroy cities with their power.

In the current stage of turmoil, it was obvious that foreign countries would take a chance to strike the weakened Clover kingdom.

The country needed a leader who had strength, people's trust, and a way to control the elves.

The only person who could fill the criterion was Julian Ragnvindr.

With the vote of all the captains and Julius, Julian Ragnvindr has been crowned the 29th Wizard King and the decision turned out to be the best.

With the help of the Elves, the reconstruction of the damaged buildings was complete.

Since the society was different from the time they lived, Patry was given the responsibility by Julian to get them familiar with the workings of the Clover Kingdom.

As per the rules, every Wizard King must leave their squad a create a separate squad under himself that only follows his orders so Julian was no longer a member of the Black Bulls.

Julian let most of the Magic Knights under Julius go and join other squads while he created a new squad with included many of the Elves for better efficiency.

Secre also left the Black Bulls and joined Julian's personal squad.

Patry, Rhya, Vetto, and Fana were some of the important people working under him since they no longer had any grudge against Julian.

Lucis still worked under Julian even though people now recognised him as a great Prince.

He wishes to serve under the Wizard King till he becomes the King.

Licht and Lumiere were part of the Squad too and acted as second in command when Julian was absent.

They also undertook the training of the magic knights and elves working under Julian.

Since the Wizard King's castle was once the King's castle in the past, Lumere took over his office which was locked with Secre's magic for the last 500 years, and continued with his research on Magic tools.

Earlier Marx was responsible for missions alone but Julian let Julius help Marx too.

Even without power, Julius still had his wisdom and it was a waste to let him leave.

It's not like Julian had stooped him from leaving, Julius was allowed to quit anytime he wanted and retire like Drouot in Hage village.

Julian hired some people he made relationships with over the year and trusted to handle all the paperwork for him so he was free to do anything he pleased.

Under Julian's rule, the efficiency of Magic Knights had increased too.

Secre working under the research department found a way to create communication devices with cheaper materials so more people can afford them.

With this Magic Knights can be called instantly in case of emergencies.

So that people don't misuse this method, punishments were introduced.

Seals that absorbed damage and stored mana for later use were given to every magic knight to use if faced with emergencies.

Julian also made sure that only the Magic Knights use them and not sold to the black market for profit.

He encouraged the magic knights to carry recording devices for better records of their mission if case the client blames them for something.

Next Julian introduced bi-monthly exams which every Magic Knight must attend to keep their ranks or else they would be demoted.

This exam tested their morals, their power, and their response to various situations.

This prevented them from slaking off in their job.

Julian also opened two academies where children willing to join the magic knights could enroll to undergo training.

Not just combat, children received education there too.

Magic Knights who had retired or were tired from doing missions could take teaching jobs at the academy.

It was open to any child irrespective of their social status.

Many nobles objected by the approval came from the Queen so there were no objections.

Since the fee was cheap, the selection criterion was tough as Julian didn't want cannon fodders in the Magic Knights.

A training center for the Magic knights opened where Senior magic knights gave their juniors tips or teach them advanced spells in the magic type they excelled at.

The magic knights were paid to participate in this so they had no reason to refuse too.

Even Julian went there once a week to give lessons in fire, wind, lightning, or water magic based on the demand.

Each step Julian took resulted in positive remarks from both the Magic Knights and the general people.

Unlike Julius Nvarcono who rarely showed his power, Julian made sure to display his overwhelming power in every occasion he got making people know about him more.

Many noble houses realized that Julian was different from Julius and can do anything to make things run his way so as to survive, they started to ally themselves with Julian.

This worked very well since Julian didn't have to deal with the ones against him as the other noble houses handled them.

Some nobles started spreading rumors about Julian but surprisingly they changed their minds after a few days with the rumors disappearing.

Even the Kira household had started to receive positive light due to their cooperation with Julian.

Julian's attitude and powerful way of working was different from that of Julius.

People respected Julius more than anything but people respected as well as feared Julian more than they respect him so the work done is more efficient.

It could be said that the kingdom experienced positive changes under Julian.

It came out as unexpected for so much positive change to happen under a leader who was so young.

Now for Julian's private life…..

Even with a job with high responsibility, he had a lot of time to do whatever he wanted.

He went on dates with Secre, did his training, hung out with his friends, and made sure to visit the Black Bulls regularly since he could just teleport with Spatial magic.

Talking about friends, Julian, Kirin, Licht, and Lumiere had become good friends and often hung around in different parts of the kingdom.

With their power, there was no one in the Clover Kingdom there was no one who came close to them so they enjoyed themselves tension free.


In the Magic Knights Training Centre, Noelle could be seen instructing newly appointed magic knights in the art of water magic. Asta, her now boyfriend, assisted her by intervening if anyone's spell veered out of control.

It had been a year since both Asta and Noelle had joined the Magic Knights, making them experienced enough to mentor the new recruits.

Due to a rule enforced by Julian, every individual, regardless of social status, was required to take the Magic Knights exam without any shortcuts. Although the number of new magic knights this year was fewer, the quality of talent exceeded that of previous years.

Captain Nozel and Wizard King Julian observed Noelle's lessons from the corridor.

"From a girl who once struggled to cast even a basic spell, to someone who can now teach a room full of students. Would you not agree that I am an exceptional teacher?" Julian inquired.

"Yes, Sir Julian... without a doubt, you are an outstanding teacher," Nozel responded with an awkward expression.

Kirin burst into laughter, rolling on the floor while watching Nozel's reaction.

"I learned about your family dynamics from Noelle," Julian mentioned. "I don't have the right to interfere, knowing you did everything to protect Noelle. However, your approach may have been misguided."

"I am fully aware of that... I had no authority to hinder the pursuit of her dreams.

But as Noelle grew up, I saw my mother in her, and I couldn't help but try to shield her from the outside world and pamper my other two siblings excessively," Nozel explained.

"You can still make amends for her.

However, we are about to discuss a grave matter related to Acier Silva's demise...

As far as I know, she fell victim to the curse of the Devil Megicula," Julian disclosed.

Nozel attempted to interrupt Julian from saying Megicula's name, knowing that uttering it could lead to a curse, but Julian halted him.

"Don't worry, we are within a space-time barrier. Mana cannot escape or enter. Now, let's return to our conversation.

The third eye power used by members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun contained the residual influence of Megicula.

Zagred's resurrection after death was also attributed to Megicula. Charlotte's curse, although mild, was also tied to Megicula. I'm intrigued by how Megicula has such a profound impact on the Clover Kingdom. It's time to unveil this mystery," Julian prompted Nozel.

"If I recall correctly, Megicula is classified as a supreme-ranked devil," Kirin interjected, addressing Julian.

"My mother was cursed during the battle against Vanica... she sacrificed herself to protect me and became vulnerable," Nozel spoke with a pained tone.

"Vanica is one of the three rulers of the Spade Nation, having come to power through a coup d'etat. She formed a pact with the devil Megicula. I conducted my own investigations but found nothing directly related to Megicula. Nevertheless, I possess a piece of information that could potentially lead somewhere," Nozel revealed.

"Please share," Julian urged.

"Gordon Agrippa, a member of your previous squad, hails from a lineage that has dealt with curses for generations. They might hold some answers," Nozel suggested.

"That's a viable lead. I will investigate and relay my findings to you. Thank you for your cooperation, Nozel," Julian acknowledged.

"Thank you, Sir."

The two of them waited in silence as Noelle finished her lessons and dismissed the class.

As the students left the classroom, their eyes brightened at the sight of Julian, greeting him as they exited.

Asta and Noelle felt a sense of pride and honor as they saw Julian in his Wizard King attire, a reminder that someone close to them held such a distinguished position.

Noelle paid no attention to Nozel standing alongside Julian.

"Did you want to say something to Noelle?" Julian directed his attention towards Nozel.

"I... I wanted to apologize to you, Noelle, for everything I've done," Nozel's voice carried a tone of regret, but Noelle dismissed it.

"I forgive you. Why harbor ill feelings towards someone who merely shares my family name?" Noelle replied.

"I tried to protect you—" Nozel attempted to explain, but Noelle interrupted.

"I understand. What you did was an attempt to shield me, even if it wasn't the right way. But that won't give me back my lost childhood.

Now I have a family that genuinely cares and shows their love. The past is behind us. You go live your life, and I'll live mine.

I'll be there when you need me, not as your sister, but as Acier's daughter and a member of the Silva Family," Noelle stated before walking away, with Asta accompanying her.

"Asta! Tell Gordon to gather in my office tomorrow morning. I have a mission for him" Julian announced.

"Of course!" Asta responded as they left the area.

Nozel stood there in silence, a pang of pain in his heart.

"Carrying this guilt and remorse won't be easy, Nozel. Take some time off for yourselves. Your mental well-being is crucial," Julian advised.

"Yes, Sir," Nozel replied, his heart heavy, before walking away.

"Some wounds never truly heal, it seems," Julian sighed, shaking his head. He took a step forward and immediately found himself back in his office. "Spatial magic certainly is convenient."


In a cozy tavern that night:

Two Magic Knights from Playing Mantis could be seen unwinding with drinks after a demanding day's work.

"Man, this new life feels so rewarding!" One of them exclaimed.

"Yeah, you should've seen that Noble mage from Golden Dawn struggles with basic decision-making and combat tests. They deserve it for using the back door!" the other chimed in.

"The look on his face when he was told about the demotion and having to take remedial classes to earn his rank back... priceless," the first person shared.

"I don't mean to criticize the previous Wizard King, but the current Magic Knight leadership is more effective under Julian's guidance. It's like Julian is teaching the misbehaving kids a lesson instead of encouraging their behavior. I hope he remains the Wizard King for a good while. Honestly, I'm actually beginning to enjoy this job."

In one corner of the tavern, a man in his forties with tousled black hair could be seen eavesdropping on their conversation. He had several keys hanging around his neck, and they vibrated at intervals.

"So, Julius Novacrono has been replaced..." he mused.

A waiter then approached him, placing a glass of beer in front of him. "One beer for Conrad Leto."


In the Heart Kingdom:

Queen Loropechika occupied her throne, painting, while her body contorted with pain. The Great Water Spirit Undine tried her best to alleviate the suffering but to no avail.

"It seems we're left with no choice... If this persists, the Heart Kingdom will be in ruins," Loropechika uttered, the pain evident in her voice.

"Undine, summon Gadjah and send him as a diplomatic envoy to the Clover Kingdom. We need to establish an alliance."


In a distinct dimension:

Atop a towering building, a braided red-haired woman stood.

She was short with thick muscles all over her body.

Her armor-clad form exuded strength, and a hammer crackling with lightning hung from her waist.

She surveyed a sprawling city, a sea of skyscrapers before her, with a massive blue orb at its center, entwined in roots. This enigmatic orb seemed to radiate an unknown power source.

Her name was Morgana, the leader of the Dwarves.

An elderly woman approached the red-haired warrior and stood beside her.

"Time has come to act now Morgana.....

The pact's duration has expired…..

The Ragnvindrs should have been eradicated by now.

It's time to reclaim the weapons we entrusted to the Elves.

The era of the Dwarves' ascendancy will soon arrive"