The Agrippa Family

The following morning, Gordon stood in Julian's office, ready for his mission.

Secre and Lumiere occupied a corner of the office, engrossed in their research on magical artifacts.

Licht and Kirin surrounded Julian, eager to glean mission specifics.

"Julian, my dear friend, you personally entrust me with a mission... I am truly elated," Gordon's eerie smile stretched across his face.

Gordon's unsettling grin, coupled with his extravagant makeup, even disconcerted Licht.

"I intend to meet your family, Gordon. Arrange a meeting between us," Julian stated, causing Gordon's smile to falter.

"Understanding that you've distanced yourself from your family due to their methods, this is a pressing matter, Gordon. I trust you comprehend the urgency," Julian pressed.

"I do... I will inform them of your impending visit," Gordon replied, grasping the gravity of the situation.


Somewhere in the Forbidden Realm:

Gordon faced a mansion that exuded an eerie aura.

The mansion's dark exterior, shattered boundary walls, withered trees in the yard housing crow nests, and decaying animal remains painted a haunting image.

The sky, for some inexplicable reason, was cast in darkness.

Enveloped by a dense forest teeming with poisonous mana beasts, the mansion stood in solitude.

"Your family's taste in architecture is indeed unique," Julian remarked as he surveyed the mansion.

"Not to be impolite, but is this really a habitable dwelling?" Kirin inquired skeptically.

"My family has resided here for generations," Gordon assured.

"It seems as though this mansion has indeed sheltered generations," Kirin mused.

While Licht and Lumiere held the fort in the office, ready to step in for Julian, Secre was immersed in her magical item research.

As a result, Julian and Kirin were Gordon's sole companions on this journey.

Gordon opened the gate to his residence, emitting a sound as though it hadn't been opened in years, and then knocked on the mansion's door.

With a creaking sound, the door swung open, revealing an old woman, a middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman, and a young girl – all adorned with the signature Agrippa makeup. Even their dog donned the same makeup, a bizarre touch.

[Why do they all look identical?!] Kirin's mental exclamation echoed within Julian's mind, mirroring his own astonishment.

"I have returned... Father, Mother, Roxanne," Gordon announced, his cap set aside.

"Welcome home, son..."

"Gordon, you have finally graced us with your presence..."

"Big Brother..."

Their voices blended in a familial chorus as thunder rumbled, casting eerie lightning onto their faces and accentuating their unsettling makeup.

"It is an honor to welcome the Wizard King as my esteemed guest. Please, come inside," Gordon's father extended an invitation to Julian, Secre, and Kirin.

Within the mansion's depths, a more disconcerting atmosphere awaited.

Blood-smeared walls, cobwebs adorned with macabre decorations, embellishments fashioned from human and animal remains – all contributed to an unsettling ambiance.

[This place is nightmarish! How could anyone reside here?] Kirin directly expressed this to Julian.

'Never underestimate humanity's ability to adapt.' Julian's response carried a hint of wry wisdom as Gordon's mother offered Julian and Kirin glasses of an enigmatic crimson liquid. Although it resembled poison, its taste was unexpectedly agreeable.

[Umm... I feel rather peculiar after consuming that. Hopefully, I won't succumb to an unknown ailment.]

[It would be rather comical, you know... 'THE MIGHTY SPIRIT KIRIN, CLAIMED BY AN OBSCURE MALADY.' Quite the dramatic finale, wouldn't you say?] Julian responded with a chuckle.

"Dad... Though I've distanced myself from the family, I have returned, seeking your aid for a friend. I wish to delve into our family history and the enigma of the Devil's curse," Gordon implored as they proceeded to a room.

"Very well...

For centuries, our family has grappled with curses and toxins.

I have no qualms about divulging our secrets to the venerable Wizard King," Gordon's father declared, unlocking the door to a spacious room.

The room, dimly illuminated by candles, revealed its unsettling contents.

Animal brains and organs preserved in jars, human skin stripped bare, magic circles adorning surfaces – all bore testimony to the sinister research conducted within.

"Welcome to my chamber of inquiry, a domain steeped in agony and torment," Nathan, Gordon's father, spoke with a solemnity befitting his unsettling surroundings.

"I extend my apologies, even in your retirement, I am asking for your help Mr.Nathan" Julian offered a note of humility in his voice.

"Sir Julian, I implore you to discard such notions...

When one embarks on the journey of a Magic Knight, that commitment endures till the journey's end," Nathan affirmed, making space on his table.

"Magic Knight? What is he referring to?" Gordon's confusion was evident in his question.

"You don't know? Your father once served as a Magic Knight, under the previous Wizard King, specializing as a healer.

Though his magic necessitated cursing patients initially, the subsequent healing was undeniably commendable," Julian elucidated.

"Dad! You were a Magic Knight? Why did you never disclose this...

All these years, I believed you cursed people to death!" Gordon exclaimed.

"You never sought to uncover our true work, Gordon.

Indeed, our ancestors amassed curses and cursed for financial gain, but everything changed with my generation.

I, your mother, your sister – we channeled our poison and curse abilities to heal people although it may cause suffering at first.

I am proud that your principles led you to distance yourself from those who caused agony, yet as a father... your absence hurt.

That chapter is behind us now, Gordon. I forgive you. It is my paternal duty.

Once, I dreamed that you'd follow in my footsteps, but witnessing your dedication as a Magic

Knight, I am content," Nathan's words were imbued with both forgiveness and emotion.

"Dad..." Gordon's voice trembled, guilt overwhelming him.

"Emotional reconciliations can wait. Our task takes precedence," Nathan declared, now focusing his gaze on Julian.

"Centuries ago, our ancestors forged a pact with Megicula, a supreme-ranked devil from the underworld.

In return for the gift of curse and poison magic, our family propagated these afflictions worldwide, cementing Megicula as the mother of all curses.

Though the contract's details are unknown to me, it guaranteed our family's immunity from Megicula's curse," Nathan expounded.

A sweeping gesture conjured a map, outlining the four kingdoms. Darkness shrouded most of the map, yet islands of white pierced the abyss.

"These white patches indicate areas plagued by curses."

Among the kingdoms, the Spade Kingdom was most afflicted, illuminated by the brightest patches.

"Someone within the Spade Kingdom harbors a pact with Megicula; this area is theirs," Nathan pointed at the Spade Kingdom.

The next brightest spot resided within the Heart Kingdom.

Uncovering information about the Spade Kingdom would prove challenging, but the Heart Kingdom posed a different scenario.

Julian meticulously noted the marked regions within the Clover Kingdom, readying to dispatch teams for investigation.

Julian also identified a patch in the Black Bulls' base, likely attributed to Henry.

"Why isn't Asta kid here?" Kirin asked

"The Witch Queen had confirmed that Asta was not cursed; instead, a mutation suppressed his magic generation," Julian replied to his query.

Apart from these revelations, Nathan briefed Julian on various curse-casting techniques, involving sacrifices, voodoo dolls, and more.

With the wealth of information gleaned from Nathan, it was time for Julian to depart.

Riddled with guilt, Gordon opted to remain with his family for a while, endeavoring to mend their strained ties.

"Once more, I express gratitude for your invaluable insights, Mr. Nathan," Julian concluded.

"Since it is now evening, I invite you to stay for dinner," Nathan proposed.

"Kindly pardon my absence; obligations summon me elsewhere. I shall join you for dinner on another occasion."