Anti-Magic Devil

Julian's and Dante's clash could be felt several kilometers around them.

Licht, Lumiere, and Noelle traveled from place to place searching for the presence of enemies, while the Spirit Guardians were ensuring the safety of the public.

Due to the mana fluctuation and the scale of the battle, Undine could not find any information about the battle.

If Julian died in this battle, before the Spade nation, the Clover would declare war on them.

Tension in the air was extreme.

"Let me go!" Asta exclaimed.

Asta's body was covered in a paralysis seal, making him unable to move.

"This is not a battle you can interfere in, Asta... Just believe in Julian to win," Secre said, obviously worried about Julian.

Asta could feel the anti-magic devil's vengeful scream from his Grimoire.

With each passing second, the screams of the Devil grew louder as Asta started to see red due to the Devil's emotions.

Asta had never felt so much hatred and anger from someone before.

Without his control, the Demon Destroyer Sword came out of his Grimoire and touched Asta, canceling his paralysis spell.

[Forbidden Sealing Magic: Frozen World]

Imaginary chains appeared around Asta and his Sword, completely stopping them from moving.

"Forgive me, Asta, but you need to sleep for now," Secre said, casting a sleeping spell on him.


Asta opened his eyes and found himself standing in a dark and gloomy place.

He looked down and found that he wasn't in his body anymore but in someone smaller.

"Devils are born in the underworld," the anti-magic devil's voice rang in his ears as the scene changed to an area full of blood and filth.

"From the moment they are born, they are placed into the hierarchy with no way to change it.

It is boring in the underworld, so Devils of higher power abuse the ones lower than them for fun."

Asta found himself being tormented by hideous-looking creatures with no way to resist them.

Although Asta didn't feel much pain, he could feel the emotions of the being from whose perspective he was seeing right now.

"Since I was born without magic and the weakest, there hasn't been a single day that I didn't bleed."

In a way, the devil was similar to Asta; born with no magic and laughed at by society.

"Because toying with humans is the best way of entertainment, Devils desire to cross the gate of the underworld.

One day, I ticked off a higher-ranking devil who threw me towards the gate of the underworld.

I thought that I would smash into the gate and shatter into pieces, finally relieving myself from all the pain.

Since I had no magic, I crossed the gate and fell into the human world."

The scene changed as Asta found himself at the familiar scene of the forsaken realm.

"Alas, my suffering never came to an end...

The human world was the same as the underworld, with every living creature abusing and cursing me...

I was still bleeding every day, and one day finally ran out of will to continue anymore.

My rotten body was finally about to end."

Asta and the Devil were similar in a way; they were both born without magic in a world where magic is everything.

But Asta had everything; supportive siblings, friends, paternal figures, and lovers to give him a reason to live, while the devil had no one to give him that reason.

"That is when I met that woman... my mother."

The scene changed as Asta found himself in a house with bandages wrapped around his body.

"Hey! You are awake; I was getting worried about you.

You must be hungry; what would you like to eat? I am a very good cook, you know..." a woman standing in front of him said.

Asta couldn't see her face, but those were the kindest words that the devil ever heard in his life.

She was like a sun in the world of darkness.

"My name is Licita; nice to meet you!

My magic lets me store things without mana into one another; that is how I brought you here.

A few days ago, I found a Five-leaf Grimoire in the forest, and today I found a devil...

Seems like the fifth-leaf Grimoire rumor was true after all."

Licita talked to the Devil in a way that no one had ever talked to him before.

"You are not scared of me?" The devil asked, but Licita laughed upon hearing that.

"Why would I be scared of a kid, moreover, you don't have any magic to harm me.

If talking about being loathed, I am not so different.

My body has a condition that steals magic and life from anyone who comes near me.

That is why I live away from the village all by myself.

You are the first living being who is not affected by this curse... it must be fate.

Come on, stay here and be my kid!" Licita said in a loving manner as her face became clear for Asta to see.

The moment Asta saw her face properly, his eyes widened because of how much she resembled him.

From the hair color, eyes, and facial structure, everything about her reminded him of himself.

"Mother?" Asta muttered but with his own voice.

"Yes... that is your biological mother... and my adoptive mother who taught me how to live."

Various scenes flashed before Asta as he witnessed the relationship between Licita and the Devil grow stronger.

For the first time in his life, the devil experienced parental love and had someone to care for.

"Being a devil doesn't mean you are a bad guy... after all, you are not a bad guy," Licita said.

"Being all alone is painful... thank you for saving me, Liebe."

Liebe... that's the name Licita gave the devil.

That is when the view changed from a first-person perspective to a third-person perspective as Asta found Liebe coughing on the ground.

Half of Liebe's face morphed into something like that from the underworld as oppressive mana erupted from his body.

The presence Dante gave was the same as the owner of this oppressive mana.

The name of the devil subconsciously appeared in Asta's mind due to Liebe.


"Who would have thought that a devil can move in the human world without making a contract...

I am glad I killed time looking for him...

I will use him to manifest myself in the human world," the face spoke, but the Devil's mana started being absorbed by Licita.


GET AWAY FROM MY LIEBE!!" Licita seemed as the absorption of mana increased even more.

"You insolent wretch, know your place!" Liebe's body went out of control as his hand stabbed through Licita's stomach.

Licita didn't give in to the pain and held Liebe even tighter, completely absorbing Lucifero's power.

"Tsk! Who would have thought a human would cause so much inconvenience...

Whatever, I can take control of any lowlife anytime I want... I shall return... whatever, I shall return." Lucifero spoke before disappearing.

Licita's grip on Liebe loosened as her life started to fade away.

"I am sorry, Liebe... this is the only method I can think of to save you," Licita spoke with pain in her voice as she

took out the Five-Leaf Grimoire.

"I will use my magic to seal you into his Grimoire... the next time my magic fades, you will have become stronger...

Before you, I had a son, but because of me, he was born magicless... so that he didn't die, I gave him to the Church in Hage...

If you ever meet him, tell him that his mother didn't abandon him.

My dear son Liebe, you must live..." Those were the last words spoken by Licita as her life completely faded away followed by Liebe being sealed into the Grimoire that Asta would later receive.

Pain gripped Asta's heart as he stood there, tears dropping from his eyes.

Asta always thought that he was abandoned because he was unwanted, but his mother did that so that he could live.

Licita gave Liebe the love everyone deserves, but everything was taken away from them because of one entity.


Anger burned inside Asta that wished to destroy Lucifero.

The scene changed in front of him as he found himself in the familiar red space with Liebe in front of him in his real form.

"Devils... are scum... I will never forgive them...



The sound of a loud slap resonated as Asta found himself in a wasteland with nothing within his sight.

Julian stood before him with obvious signs of tiredness.

"Have you woken up?" Julian asked.

"Yes..." Asta replied, looking down and found that he was back in his own body.

He was in his black form which was even more powerful than before, with horns on his head and two wings behind his back.

"Why are you even here? Do you have a death wish?" Julian said, facepalming.

"I barely managed to defeat the enemy, did you expect me to save you too?"

"No... my body moved on its own...

I don't know how I came here," Asta said and put the Sword inside his Grimoire as his black form started fading.

"So you mean to say the Devil took over your body?" Julian asked.

"Yes..." Asta replied.

"Can't let you go out of control at important times... seems time has come to meet Nacht and learn Devil Union."