Declaration of war

The battle had destroyed kilometers of area around Julian.

[That last attack you used, was that Anti-Magic ?] Kirin asked.

'Yes, that was Anti-Magic but it was different from Asta.

My version of Anti-Magic resonated with abyssal magic instead of canceling it.'Julian replied

[Anti-magic is a broken power paired with magic]

'It can be broken if I can utilize it well.

Currency I can't even use Time and space magic to their full potential so let's forget about Anti-Magic for now' Julian said to Kirin.

"Julian ni, who is this Nacht person you just mentioned ?" Asta asked.

"He is the vice-captain of the Black Bulls"

"What ?! The Black Bulls has a vice captain?!" Asta was shocked hearing that.

He had been in the Black Bulls for more than a year and had no information about even the existence of the Vice-captain.

"It's understandable that you don't know about him since he only has been to the Black Bulls base once in his life.

I will tell you about him later" Julian said.

Seeing that no enemies had invaded the Spade nation except Dante so Licht, Lumiere, and Noelle returned to Julian.

"Did you get him?" Licht asked.

"No, I only managed to destroy the body he sent here, his real body is somewhere else" Julian replied.

With things calmed down Loropechika, Secre and the other spirit Guardians arrived on the scene of the battle shocking them and seeing the scale of destruction.

Secre enveloped Julian in a hug and received to see him safe.

"I am fine Secre, Thanks for worrying about me," Julia said still in her embrace.

Undine touched the ground as memories from nature entered and Loropechika's mind showed them the full battle between Dante and Loropechika.

"I apologize for destroying your castle, " Julian said to Loropechika.

"It-its fine, we can rebuild that later" Loropechika replied.

The power shown by Julian no doubt made her a little shaken.

He alone had the power to destroy her country.

Julian's image right now matches exactly with the Ragnvindrs that Udine had in her memory.

The Devil slayers

"Although I can't help you with the castle, I can at least repair the forest "

Julian clapped his hands as large trees started growing all around them creating a forest in under a minute.

The trees created by world tree magic absorbed the corrupted mana from the air and purified them for usage.

Using his power, Kirin summoned an enormous amount of water recreating the lake on which Queen's castle was once built.


Two days later:

Captain of every squad including the new captain Langris who replaced William Vancence were present in the meeting hall of the Magic Knights headquarters.

Mereoleona was back from training and sat in the captain seat with Fuegoleon.

Every captain had their vice-captain standing behind them except Yami.

Even William Vangeace was called by Julian who was getting starred daggers by some captains.

Aside from captains, there were more people in the room like the royal family comprising of the King, Queens, and Prince; head of court Damnatio; and four elves Patry, Fana, Rhya, and Vetto.

Tension was high in the air since the captains still hated those four for causing so much destruction to the Kingdom.

This meeting was a special meeting of the highest importance that the Wizard King can call in serious times so everyone's attendance was mandatory.

The door to the room opened as Julian walked into the room with Secre, Licht, and Lumiere behind him.

Licht and Lumiere were Julian's personal assistants while Secre was there as representatives of the Magic research department.

"There is one person still missing "Julian muttered surprising some people since all the participants needed for the meeting were already there.

That is when the room grew dark as a shadow expanded from the ground and materialized into a man behind Yami.

Yami's expression changed to that of annoyance after recognizing the mana signature.

"Intruder !!!"

Captains immediately got alerted but before they could move, four Devils materialized behind them stopping their movements.

"I believe I am qualified to attend this meeting as well. " Nacht said.

Patry and Vetto immediately shot toward Nact willing to tear him to shreds but Julian's magic froze them in midair.

"His name is Nacht, the vice-captain of the Black Bulls.

He has been acting as a spying in Diamond and Spade kingdom so all of you might now know him" Julian said.

Jack felt as if he had seen Nacht before but couldn't remember where.

Seeing that the captains lowered their vigilance after hearing Julian, the four devils that Nacht summoned went back to his shadow.

[Woo~ this guy sure knows how to make an entry] Kirin commented.

"Nacht has complete control over the Devils so there is no need to worry.

Now back to the main topic....

I sent information that I will be visiting the Heart kingdom, instead of telling what I learned, it's better to just show you"

Julian's eyes rotated as all of them found themselves in the Heart Queen's chamber where she was having a discussion with Julian.

The scene everyone was seeing was created from Julian's memories.

Everything played out from the Queen telling about the situation of the Heart Kingdom, Julian announcing the situation with the Diamond Kingdom, and negotiation.

The scenes changed to that outside of the Queen's personal chamber where she recited the events of the past followed by Julian's fight against Dante finally ending the spell.

There was complete silence in the room.

Handling opponents like Dante was clearly out of everyone's capabilities present there.

The only one who could handle opponents like that was Julian.

"As you can see, the situation is severe...war is unavoidable," Julian said with a serious expression.

"Dante said the war will begin in four months, do you think he is speaking the truth ?" Charlotte asked.

"Let us assume that he will not keep his word and start our preparations assuming the war starts tomorrow. " Julian replied.

"Should we announce the war to the people ?" Langris asked.

"No need to inform the public and spread fear and panic.

It's our job to make sure our people feel safe in their homes, hearing the news about war and spreading chaos is the last thing we want

Forbid every Magic knight to talk about it openly."

"Is there no way to prevent the war ?" Prince Lucis asked.

"Foot soldiers is not a matter of concern since we elves can take care of them regardless of the numbers but what worries us are opponents like Dante" Licht replied.

"I thought of creating an elite squad and directly destroying the enemy but this plan is too risky.

We are dealing with people who can harness the power of the supreme rank devils, we don't know what they are capable of.

Nacht, can you please explain your findings " Julian said.

"As you are aware, Spade nation intends to open the gate to the underworld through the Tree of Qliphoth.

This tree of completely opposite of the Tree of Sephirah that the elves created to connect to Heaven.

They plan to perform a ritual that utilizes William Vengeance's World Tree magic and Yami Sukehiro's Dark Magic or Julian can utilize both as the core of the ritual.

The underworld is divided into several levels each level having hundreds of devils and a Grand Duke ranked Devil.

The Devils that I have a contract with are medium-ranked Devils from the first level.

The deeper the level, the stronger the Devil.

The upper Devils are as strong as the Dark Triad they become stronger as the level goes down.

At the bottom Devils like Megicula and Beelzebub reside who are sources of all curses and spatial magic in the world.

At the final level lies the king of Devils Lucifero...if he is released everything will be over" Nacht explained.

"What we should be worrying about is not the Spade army but the Devils.

Hidding William and Yami is not an option so we must get stronger.

We have to utilize every opportunity we can get to obtain strength including me make sure the calamity doesn't happen.

I instruct every captain and vice Captain and Vice-captain here to undergo the Mana method training of the Heart Kingdom and teach this method to their Squad members.

Licht, I want you to teach your people the ability to use ultimate magic.

Elves will be our strongest attack force.

The next few months, we have to do everything to ensure the survival of our future"


Spade Nation :

Dante, Vanica, and Zenon sat around a table for a discussion.

"Why didn't you take me?! I wanted to fight Julian " Vanica complained.

"What did you figure, will he be a threat to us?" Zenon asked.

Dante ignored Vaninca and answered Zenon.

"He is impressive since he managed to kill the clone we created but he nearly lost the battle.

We don't need to worry about him, we can easily capture him for the ritual"

Seeing that Dante ignored her question, Vanica asked something else, "Didn't we already start the war? why are we waiting for four months? "

"We must wait for the correct time Vanica....

Everything will fall into place at the correct time…..we just have to follow the time Lucius gave us"