A Flashback.

"Shen...!Shen..! what did happen to you why you got fainted," Lee asked her when she came into her consciousness after five hours. Lee "where am I..?," Shen in a low voice and half-opened eyes spoke.

Lee bend to her and respond, "You are in your office room, but what happened to you? You got fainted."

"What..! I got fainted," Shen woke up immediately and shockingly and looked here and there.

"Shen...! what happened why are you behaving so weirdly," Lee asked her worriedly when he saw her sweaty and gasping.

Wait..!, Lee went to the table took a glass of water, and came back to her.

" Shen, have this." Lee offered her the water she took that and had a sip.

"Where are the guests?" Shen asked in a low voice while looking at the glass which she was holding.

"They had left immediately."

When he said this, A drop of tears came out of her eyes. Seeing her crying Lee got worried he took the glass placed it aside and sat beside her.

"Shen, what happened tell me why are you crying? Tell me I am worried first you got fainted and now you are crying," A lot of thoughts were in his mind on her this weird, behavior and he asked worriedly.

"Lee, can not we end the contract here," with a faint voice she said.

"What...! The work is not even started and you want to end everything here", Lee got shocked by her words because in the past few days she was so worried about the contract, and now she wanted to end it here.

"It will be great to end it up here," with tears in her eyes she said.

But why? Explain me?

Shen was kinda traumatized and was silent.

"Shen, why are you silent? Look, if you will not tell me then how would I know. I am worried about you. Why are you behaving like this? Tell me...!," Lee asked politely and with fearful eyes.

Shen nodded on this and swallowed. Then she starts speaking,

"Lee the CEO of "The Ri-Sen" company is Sen," Shen responds looking at him.

"Yes, I know we met him in the morning. So what?"

"Lee....! Sen is the CEO."

Yeah, Shen but... Lee then understood what she said.

"Sen..! your ex-husband Sen," Lee got frozen for a while.

"But how? You said that he...! Then how...?"

"Lee I can not do work with him. I don't want to repeat that all. Lee when I saw him in front of me....,

Lee..! please can not we end the contract here," Shen moved to him grabbed his hand, and spoke while sobbing.

Lee rubbed her back to calm her and said,

"Shen when I saw you the first time when you tried to destroy your life the pain you had in your eyes, I can see the same pain in your eyes."

"Do not worry I will call them and ask them to end the contract. You should take a rest, you should not be here. Go home I will call you after."

Shen nodded and stood up.

"Let me inform your driver to take you home," Lee took out his handphone and said.

Shen stepped toward the table to take her bag.

"I have informed him to take you home. Let me take you to the car. Give me your bag."

"No, don't, I can go."

"Are you sure?"

Shen nodded and added,

"call them as soon you can and tell them to cancel the contract." After saying this she left the room.

After, Shen reached home.

"Shen do you need anything?," her maid Mrs. Yang asked.

"No, I don't need anything," Shen respond, and then she looked here and there." Is dad in his room?" Shen asked her.

"No, he has left for the village," Mrs. Yang replied with a smile.

"Ooo...Yeah..!Toady...!, Ok then I am in my room," Saying this she turned.

"Shen...!," Mrs. Yang called her.

"Yes..!," Shen turned to her and said.

"Are you fine?" Mrs. Yang asked with worried eyes.

Shen when realized that she is worried for her, she smiled at her and said,

"don't worry Mrs.Yang I am just tired. If I take rest then I will be fine."

Mrs.Yang also chuckled and said,

"Yes, you do a lot of work you might get tired. Go and take some rest."

When she said this Shen went to her room.

She first got fresh and then she went to her bed. Then an image of Sen came in front of her eyes.

And then she saw a flashback of all their memories. When they were together. Their love life and marriage life.

They first met in college. Shen, the richest student in the college, and Sen the most handsome and but the middle-class boy in the school. Well during their college study they fell in love with each other and after college Shen told his dad about him and then they get married.

But after a few months of marriage, things start getting bad between them. But they always solve it. But one day someone from an unknown number sends her pictures of her husband sleeping with another girl. Shen came to him to ask him about this but then she saw him taking money from her bag, she got so angry and broken. There was a very big fight between them that day.

"So where are you taking this money?" asked Shen with a straight face a d lot of pain in her eyes.


"What what. When it started?"

)What..! And why are you behaving so strangely with me?"

"So now I am a stranger to you."

"Shen what are you talking about..? I do not know."

"Ahh..! really then you may don't know about this girl too," Shen saw him the pictures and asked.

Sen got so surprised when he saw the pictures. He looked at Shen surprisingly and came to know why she is saying that all.

"Look, Shen, I don't know who is this girl in this picture."

"Don't lie I can see clearly. It's You and this girl."

"Tell me the truth and then you will be free."

"Shen what are you saying. This is not true trust me."

"Is not this you in this picture?"

"Yes, This is me but I don't know about that girl."

"Sen..tell me the truth and then you will be free with your girl and trust me if you need money in the future I will provide you. Just tell me that she is your love, not me."

"Shen...!," Sen called her name in anger with a loud voice that his voice thundered in the whole room.

He got so angry when she used those words but he controlled himself and tried a lot to explain but it seemed that it is so enough for her now and then after two years of marriage they got divorced.

After getting divorced Shen tried to attempt suicide but at that point in life, she met Lee who stopped her from doing that.

After divorced it was hard for her to listen and trust the second man but Lee stopped her with his comforting words. And Shen started living life again but in a different manner.