Want to end the contract.

In the night when Shen was sitting on the bed after a nap, the phone bell rang and she winced.

"Hello," she said in a heavy voice because she just woke up a few minutes ago.

"Hello, Shen..! Lee here, Lee spoke from his home."

"Lee..! what happened?"

"First of all, tell me how are you feeling now?" while checking out some files he asked.

"Yes...! I am fine. I just woke up and get fresh. You say, did you call them and tell them about the contract."

"Yes, Shen, I talked to them about the contract and they said that we can not end it. "

"What...! But why?" Shen with wide eyes reacted by sounding like a baby.

This made Lee chuckle and he spoke," They said no one can end the contract it is their rule."

"But there is no such clause on their website."

"Yes I told them, but they said most of the companies write that clause and some of them don't and we are from that some."

"How...can...they....do this? Give me their contact number I will call them," Shen reacted enthusiastically.

"You sure you wanna talk to them?" Lee raised his brows at her words as he got surprised.

"To never see them again I have to call them."

Lee nodded and then he send her the contact number and cut the call.

Shen called them on their contact number.

"Hello, Chiu-In here," when his phone rang he picked up and said.

"Yes, Mr. Chiu..! Good evening."

"Good evening. May I know how is there?"

Yes, Mr. Chiu, I am Shen. The CEO of "The Wiz". We did a contract yesterday.

Chiu at that moment was having dinner and when he heard its Shen, he stopped eating.

"Yes, Miss Shen, your manager Mr. Lee contact us and he told that you want to end the contract."

"Yes.., I told him to contact you. Because we don't want it anymore."

"We were expecting your call. When Mr.Lee asked me about this I contacted Mr. Sen he said it is impossible to end the contract but if still, they want to end this they have to meet him."

"We have to meet him. But what if I say that we don't want to."

"Miss. Shen, the CEO of "The Wiz" company. The great big and number one company of the era we respect your decisions and your words but we are sorry you have to meet him."

Shen thought a bit about his words.

"I don't want to meet him ever but if I don't want to see him daily I have to meet him last time and why I am thinking a lot about him. He is now just a business partner and all I have to do is to go to his office and end the contract."

All these words were in her mind.

"Hello...!Miss. Shen...! Are you there?" Chiu said when he heard no answer.

"Yes, Mr.Chiu, I am here."

"So what do you say? Are you coming?"

"Ok..! we will come. Thank you so much. Thank you."

"Your welcome", Chiu replied and then they cut the call. After ending a call with Shen, Chiu called Sen.

"Hello, Sir, you were right Miss Shen called me and asked to end the contract and as you said I told her to come to our office tomorrow. Now they will come."

"Very good..!" Sen replied passionately.

"What will you do tomorrow to stop her from ending the contract?" Chiu asked.

"Nothing special...! She is coming for business work and we will also do business," he replied with fervor. And saying this they cut the call.

"Ok..!so tomorrow we will go and I hope the contract will end here. Let me inform Lee about this," Shen spoke with herself.

Knocked on the door and Mrs. Yang entered the room. "Shen..!," She called her.

Shen looked at her and replied, Yes Mrs.Yang.

"Shen food is ready I came before but you were then sleeping and now I heard your voice so I come to tell you. You might be hungry come and eat first."

On her words, Shen had a look on her phone, and then she placed it aside and stood up.

"Ok", she smiled at Mrs.Yang and said.

On the table when Shen was having dinner Mrs.Yang told her about her dad. She said,

" Mr. Han called to inform him that he had reached safely. He wanted to talk to you but you were sleeping at that time."

Is that...? Shen reacted. I should call him, she added and stood.

Shen..! Mrs. Yang said. She added,

"Yes, you should call him but first eat your food. Mr. Han told me to take much care of you especially when it comes to food. So finish your food and then do whatever you want."

Ok..! ok..!

After finishing her food as Mrs. Yang told her to do, she stood up. Good night Mrs. Yang Shen said while going to her room.

After she went into her room she called but he did not pick up. "Maybe he has slept," she said, and then she called Lee. Lee's phone rang and he picks the call. "Hello", he said.

"Yeah, Hello Lee, I called you to inform you about the contract."

Ok..!, Lee replied. What happened? he asked.

"Yes, they said us to visit them."

"Ahh..! really..! and you got ready to go there."

"I know it's surprising and weird also but we have to go there not to see him again and again."

"Well, I have no problem if you are feeling comfortable visiting there."

"Ok, then let's first meet in the office, and after we will leave for their office."

" Ok..!" Lee smiled and said.

Shen then sadly said,

"Lee, Am I doing right? I mean we got contracted and now I am ending it when we need it most."

"Shen...! don't worry. It's fine. If you are not comfortable with your colleague then how will you do work so it's fine to end it here."

"Yes, you are right."

"Ok then let's meet tomorrow."

Bye, take care. Lee responds.

And then they cut the call.