The contract will continue.

50 million...! Can you tell me for what? Shen stood up from her seat and asked shockingly.

"Of course", Sen leaned on his chair and smiled a very bit, and said. Then he alluded to his manager to tell them. Chiu stood up and said, I hope you heard about Mr. Zheng.

When the manager said this Shen peered at him and replied, "Yes I know."

Then you may also know that he is one of the top businessmen.

Yes, I know but what are you trying to say. Say it clearly.

Miss. Shen...! Sen sat straight and said formally. He added, my manager is trying to say that he wanted to do a contract with us but we chose to contract with you. If we had a contract with him we will have gained a profit of 50 million but we chose to contract with you. And now you want to end the contract here and due to your this decision we will have a loss of 50 million. He said generally.

So...! Shen reacted.

Sen stood up and said, So Miss Shen if you want to end the contract pay us 50 million and get free from the contract.

What...? she reacted again and looked into his eyes with anger.

Lee was sitting beside Shen on the chair and was thinking about the situation very deeply and seeing them(Shen and Sen) dealing with the situation Chiu also sat down on the chair.

We should deal with this with patience. Kindly sit down. When Lee said this Shen sat down and Sen also.

Mr. Chiu is there any other way, Lee asked after thinking a lot.

No, it's the only way to end the contract.

And what if we say that we don't have that much amount to pay.

Then don't end the contract, Chiu responded.

Ok, we need five minutes, Lee said. Sen nodded and Lee then took Shen to the corner of the room to have a chat.

Shen, now what do you want to do? Lee asked. He added Mr. Sen is not wrong. As a businesswoman, you are also acknowledged of these things.

Shen had a look at Sen who was reading a file. She was angry at that time. No, how can I give that huge amount? She said while looking at Sen.

Lee answered, And we can't pay such an amount because of the situation we are facing these days. Our company is getting down day by day and paying 50 million is such a big risk for our company.

It's such a big loss, Shen mumbled.

And Mr. Sen is facing this loss, Lee told her.

Shen think a minute and nodded. Ok..! she said.

What? Lee asked. She replied Because we can not pay, because it will be a big loss, so...! Shen said looking at Lee.

So what? Lee asked suspiciously.

So, we are not ending the contract, Shen told.

Are you sure you will do work with him?

I don't want to but I have no other way.

Ok, then I am with you. Lee smiled and said.

Shen also smiled at him and said, Lee, I know you are with me and that's mean a lot to me.

So let's tell him that we are not ending the contract.

When Lee said this Shen hold his hand and at the same time Sen suddenly looked at them and saw her holding his hand.

"Lee, I hope we are not wrong". Don't worry and Shen we have no other choice, Lee placed his hand on her's and said.

Sen clean his throat when he saw Lee placing his hand on her's. Yet this sound of scouring the throat influences nothing. He tried a lot to ignored them but at last, he stood up and went to them.

"Mr. Lee so, what did you decide"? Sen asked with both his hands in the pockets.

Yes, Mr. Sen, we have decided, Lee, turned to him and said, Yes Mr. Sen we have decided that we will continue this agreement.

So, it means you are not ending it here.

"Yes, we are not. We can start work from tomorrow", retorted Shen. We should leave now, she had a look at Sen from his top to bottom and said.

After she left the room, Sen turned to Lee.

Let's meet tomorrow he told. Lee nodded and greet him and left.

I am not believing it, Sir. You didn't want them to end the contract and it happened the same as you want, Chiu walked to Sen and told surprisingly. How did you know that this is the only way to stop them from ending the contract? Suspiciously he asked.

It is simple Chiu. The company is going down day by day and of course in this situation do you think they will pay 50 million, said Sen while taking the steps to his chair.

But what if they become to know the truth. What if they ask Mr. Zheng about the contract and he will answer that there is no such thing. Chiu interrogated.

Sen bent and placed his hand on the table. Let not be worried about that, Sen uttered.

Seeing Sen again in her life she recollected all the memories and all the moments which she spend with him.

Lee what do you think. Did I make a good decision not to cancel the contract? On their way to their office, Shen asked worriedly as she was nearly to sob.

Lee felt her emotions and gratified her. Shen, you did nothing wrong. Listen, Shen, I know it is not easy for you, and I am with you with your every decision. I agreed with your decision when you wanted to end the contract and I agree with your decision of continuing it.

Look, Shen, it will be better if you will handle it practically. In past, he was someone for you, but now, he is not that someone. He is just a partner. So deal with him as you deal with other of your business partner. Lee after saying all this was looking at Shen as he was waiting for an answer. And Shen just nodded in response.