The Project.

The next morning, Sen and Chiu went to "The Wiz".

" Good morning Mr.Sen, good morning Mr.Chiu," Lee, who was waiting for them at the entrance, greet them with a smile, and beside him Shen was standing.

Sen also greets him with a big smile and when Shen saw that he is greeting Lee she thought that he will greet her also.

"No..! how can I greet him? I don't wanna do this," she thought vexedly.

"No Shen, he is my partner, treat him as a colleague. If he will greet you, then show him that he is just a business partner to me and meet him with confidence.

Yes greet him with a smile and confuse him with your satisfaction," she thought warmly.

After Sen greeted Lee, Shen saw a hand moving toward her so she with a delightful smile on her face also move her hand forward to greet him. When Sen saw that she is smiling at him he also smiled a bit at her.

But her smile got disappeared into a strange facial expression at the next moment when she saw that he didn't greet her and he brought his hand in the pocket.

Her hand left in the air. She was gazing at her hand.

"So Mr. Lee without wasting time I think we should start doing work," Sen with a smile said.

Shen was still gazing at her hand.

Lee moved his hand to the way, raised his brows, and spoke, "Yes sure."

And as Lee said they start moving to the meeting room.

Shen was still standing there thinking why didn't he greet her. Her hand was still there in the air but then she took it in front of her face and complaint, "How dare he? I...moved my hand to greet him and he...," she spoke looking at her hand.

Shen...! Lee noticed that she is not with them so he stopped and mumbled her name. Then he turned over and saw her standing at the entrance. "Shen..!", he called, and when Sen and Chiu heard him calling her they also turned to him. She was still looking at her hand with pouty lips and fret eyes.

" Shen," Lee again called her when he saw that she didn't hear.

"What...!," Shen flinched and shout out loud.

Then she looks around her and saw everyone is looking at her because she shouted.

Lee moved to her. "What happened? You alright?" he asked her and when he saw her hand in the air he grand it.

"Is there any problem with it..?" Lee spoke.

Sen when saw Lee grabbing her hand he moved his eyes away.

"Nothing...nothing happened. Look I can move in every direction," she free her hand and told in a confused manner.

"Ok let's go Mr. Sen and his manager Mr. Chiu are waiting," and when he said, she looks at them and nodded.

"Sorry, Mr. Sen for the wait. Now we can continue," Lee spoke in a regretful voice.

Sen glared once at Shen, gulp, smiled a very bit, and nodded.

When they entered the meeting room, their staff members were already present there.

"Good morning Mam, Good Morning Sir, they all stood up from their place and spoke.

The meeting room was so quiet, no sound can pass in, AC and air freshener were on, which made it finer and calm, the big table and chairs beside the table, the projector hanging in the middle of the roof. No window in the meeting room, so no sunlight could pass in.

"Good morning everyone, meet them, our contractor and new business partner Mr. Sen the CEO of " The Ri-Sen" and his manager Mr. Chiu," Lee introduced them to the staff.

After a very warm welcome by the staff, they all get seated.

Shen was sitting on her chair on the chair of the CEO, and on her right side was Lee and on her left side was Sen. Right beside Sen, Chiu was sitting. And on the rest chairs, staff members were seated.

"So Mr...," Shen spoke looking at Sen when everyone got seated.

"Sen..," Sen spoke with a little smile and added, "I think you forget my name."

She with a straight face and saddened heart said,

"Yes..! I think it is better to forget people before they forget you and went to others."

On her words, Sen made eye contact with her for a while.

"So, what do you wanna say, Mr. Sen," Lee spoke.

"About what..?" He asked.

"" Lee spoke and added," Do you have any idea or a project or anything you want to represent.

" Yes, we have...!, Chiu" Sen alludes to Chiu to give the representation of their project.

Chiu stood up went in front and start representing their idea.

They turned off the lights and turned on the projector for representing.

Everyone was so attentive and was so focused on taking representation and then, Sen saw Shen and got lost in her.

Her long bridge nose and double lid eyes with cute small lashes under heavy black eyebrows. And her attractive lips and her natural beauty. Her black medium straight hair.

Sen remembered the moment when he first saw her and got tears in his eyes because he is glaring at her like this after an extremely long period.

Chiu represents their project, and after he did, the projector turns off and the lights turn on.

Sen inquired from them about it. He spoke,

"This is our idea. Does anyone have any opinion about it you can share? If you guys think that there is something wrong or you think that something is missing you can share," Sen stood in front and spoke with his one hand in the pocket.

After a minute silence, Lee chuckled and said,

"Mr. Sen your project and plan are amazing. I...didn't find anything missing and wrong. Everything is perfect" Then lee stood up and turned to the rest members.

" found any fault," He asked.

"No Sir, everything is perfect and fine," a person from them spoke and along with him, everyone said yes.

"Shen did you find any mistake," Lee turned to her and asked.

Because Sen, Chiu, and Lee were standing, Shen also stood up from her chair, cross her arms, and answered Lee," No I also didn't find anything".

"Well, that's great" Lee smiled and spoke while looking at Sen.

Sen also smiled at him and talked, "We are happy that you like our work. When we can start working on this?"

"Whenever you feel," Lee showing some moves with his hand said.

"I think we should start doing from tomorrow,

what do you say?"

"Yes, we have no problem, in fact, that's great, Am I right..Shen."

Shen grinned and nodded.

"But Mr. Lee I want you to take a deep look at this project. If you find any mistake and want some change we will talk about that tomorrow, and Yes because we are working together and you are also senior to me so it would be better if we both are well known with my project," Sen spoke like a manner behavior and placed the files in front of the on the table.

Lee with a smile nodded.

"Ok, then we will meet tomorrow. We should leave now."

After saying this Sen and his manager Chiu left from there.