Chapter 6

In the month of June of 2008. 

It had already been 10 months since Nick's transmigration into the world of Grimm. In this time Nick and Hank had gained a lot of praise and attention at the police department for their success solving crimes and like any other day Nick made his way to the south precinct after his regular morning workout at 'Adrenaline'.

As soon as he entered he came across some of his colleagues whom he knew and shared office regularly and gave them a nod with a smile as a way to greet them. 

Entering his office Nick came across suspects seated with their handcuffed to the chair fidgeting around. Walking further Nick entered the corridor which led to the interrogation room, to be exact Nick stood outside the interrogation room and watched the scenes inside the room through the one sided glass. 

To his side stood Sean Renard, the royal bastard and inside the interrogation room stood Hank and opposite to him was a short haired Mexican with tattoos going up his neck and his shoulders. He was a man whom Nick and Hank had recently captured, a suspected hitman for the cartel. He was the main suspect in the murder of Herrera and his mistress in his mistress's house. They both had been found with multiple stab wounds to the chest, abdomen and after their death their face had been carved with scars indicating that it was a cartel hit.

Herrera aka Guzman was one of the lieutenants of one of the branches of Tijuana Cartel which was active in Portland. At first Nick and company were not aware of this and chased the suspect based on the evidence found at the crime scenes and the witness report. 

It was only after digging a little deep that Nick and company realise that they had come across a shit case that was too big for the local police detectives and with the assassin who had identifications pointing him to be Dell Santos had his fingerprints run through AFIS and it alerted the big dogs, the FBI and DEA and they had already contacted the captain asking for the suspect to be handed over to them along with the case and co-ordinating with the FBI Nick and company came to know that the victim's name was Guzman and the assassin was an ex-mexican special forces and had been suspected for many assassinations and was a hitman under the payroll of Juarez cartel.

While Nick and his group waited for the FBI agents to come and pick the suspect up Sean Renard decided to do one last interrogation with the suspect in a bid to at least gain some useful information out of him. He planned on using the information obtained from him as a leverage for future coordination with the FBI. This was one of the ways Sean Renard is known for playing. He was someone who would always look for an angle to play in order to get the maximum out of a situation, a classic zauberbiest trait which Renard never failed to portray, be it in this life or in the TV show. 

Nick patiently waited for Hank to finish his interrogation and observed the assassin's facial expression in a bid to read something out of it. As he focused his attention fully onto the suspect he felt himself enter a weird state of mind. His mind blocked the outer noise and he felt the flow of his blood and his vision gain clarity. Just as Nick was relishing this brand new experience his focus was broken by the voice of the person next to him snapping him out of this zone. 

Looking towards Renard he saw him talk with two people in suits, one man and a woman. The man had his gun strapped to the side of his belt like many other cops while the woman had hers inside her suit in a shoulder strap belt and Nick could deduce that just from the bulge inside her coat. Not only that he had a strange feeling that he knew these two FBI agents, not from real life but from the TV show. Well so long he was able to deduce this much he quickly connected the two with the TV show. They were the two FBI agents who were responsible for investigating the murders done by Mauvais dentes except he didnt remember their names.

While the captain was still talking with them Nick once again wanted to experience the feeling he felt a few minutes ago. Just as he was about to look at the interrogation room he saw Renard knocking against the one sided glass from where they were observing the interrogation making Hank stop his actions and leave the room. 

Renard turned towards Nick and proceeded to introduce the two FBI agents. Once they heard Nick's name they stopped for a bit as if they had recognised the name but didn't show it too much and proceeded to shake hands with him. 

Unlike from the canon the current Nick was ripped and was also a bit taller. It was almost uncharacteristic for a human to grow at the age of 25, but here he was and along with the fact that he was wearing a bit tighter black T-shirt, his physique was in full display for the pair of man and woman. 

With their introduction Nick finally knew their names. The blonde lady was FBI special agent Kaniger and the man was special agent Durwell. 

Moving his sight away from them Nick placed his attention yet again on the suspect whom the FBI agents called 'el parca' officially as a Grim reaper for the sheer number of men he had killed. 

Just as he kept his eye on the suspect the feeling he had before did not appear again however he saw the assassin lift his head and looked towards the one sided glass as if he was seeing the person behind them and from there Nick saw his face change i.e woge. 

Yes, he was a wesen and he kind of looked like a hawk-like creature making Nick deduce that it might be that he was a steinadler. Though Nick was surprised for a second he quickly composed himself as this was something which he had deduced from the recent changes he had experienced in his body.

 "This! No wonder he was difficult to defeat and was different from the other criminals".

When Nick captured him, he had to fight against the assassin for nearly 5 minutes before sending a knee to the man's face, knocking him out cold in the process. Hank was so completely useless during this process that he was asked to step aside by Nick once he lost his gun in the first few exchanges with the suspect. 

If I had followed the canon then these two FBI agents would have been killed only 3 years from now in the incident with Mauvais dentes but considering that despite the man being an assassin he was not in any kind of hit list the FBI agents had only sent a few guards along with these 2 FBI agents to oversee the suspect transportation. 

"They are most likely going to die earlier than the canon" Nick thought. He knew how tough it was for him with half his abilities awakened and still only barely defeating the guy. "Unless one amongst this group of FBI agents is a wesen it would be a feast day for the steinadler before him".

"I might as well give them a warning, more like only the lady and that too when she is alone. I can see that the man likes this lady named Kaniger and once he saw me and saw how she reacted he got himself on guard and anything I say would end up being treated as me trying to put on hots before the woman. Whether they take it seriously or not is up to them" Nick thought as he walked out of the corridor towards his desk. The suspect transport is a rather lengthy process and it would take a minimum of 3 to 4 hours. It was not like in the TV show where they only show them signing and taking away the suspect. 

In the meantime Nick would have plenty of time to talk alone with Kaniger. Seated on his desk Nick drinks the protein shake he had prepared beforehand as he completes his paper work in patience while Hank walks around with the FBI agents for another half hour before sending a message to Nick, asking him to take over.