Chapter 7

Hank sat on his desk sighing in relief as he let Nick take over the troublesome work of keeping the FBI agents company as he dived into an equally troublesome work called paperwork relating to the recent case, the double homicide of Guzman and his mistress. Though the case would be transferred to the FBI , Hank had the duty to file paperwork on his side.

In the waiting room prepared for VIP Nick kept company with Durwell and Kaniger. While Durwell wasn't happy that his alone time with Kaniger was getting disturbed by a guy who was dozen times more handsome and stronger than him, Kaniger was quite happy to be accompanied by a young and handsome Nick rather than being alone with the pest beside her.

Only an idiot would be unable to notice the obvious mating signal which Durwell was sending and Kaniger, who was an FBI agent, was definitely not an idiot. However she had grown to relish his presence and didn't mind it much, at least until he showed it outwardly affecting her work.

Nick kept them company and chatted up well with Kaniger while waiting for Durwell to be called alone and just like he had previously set up. 

Previously when he was sitting at his desk he wasn't exactly doing nothing. He had wanted to know more about Kaniger and Durwell and the only person he could ask this about was his friend from the MMA training center.

After calling Funtes he asked about both Kaniger and Durwell and only managed to get the info on Durwell. It seemed like Durwell was his senior and was known for courting Kaniger. He had good relationships with his peers but did not have much respect amongst his juniors and was famous for ditching his work and making his juniors do it. 

Though this was quite normal at the beginning stage of the career for any law enforcement officer it did cause dissatisfaction with the juniors as they were kind of stuck in a dilemma of whether to rat him out to his superiors or whether to swallow it and do the work.

Even if they do rat him out not only would it not solve the problem unless the superior didn't like Durwell, the person who ratted Durwell out would face bullying, repercussions and would even be isolated in their workplace and for a person working in the law enforcement agency to be isolated would be an absolute fucked up situation. They wouldn't get the necessary back up when called for and they wouldn't feel safe while conducting operations as their backs would be wide open for attacks.

Nick then proceeded to ask Funtes to make a call to Durwell in about an hour and have him occupied and as Nick was Funtes's friend, Funtes didn't ask much of an explanation and believed Nick wouldn't cause him any trouble.

And just like that while Nick and Kaniger were talking and while Durwell was so desperate to butt in their conversation he got a call. Looking at the caller ID he frowned a bit as it was from his junior.

Picking up the call in a bad mood Durwell planned on shouting at him but once he heard the other party speak his face changed a bit and hurriedly left the room. Though Nick didn't know what the conversation was about as he had not yet assimilated with his abilities to pull of the enhanced hearing skill Nick finally obtained a valuable time to talk alone with Kaniger and quickly explained how dangerous the suspect was and what she would have to look after when transporting the suspect.

Kaniger obviously didn't believe in what Nick had said and thought that he wanted to put off airs in a bid to court her and even believed that Nick was looking down on her because she was a woman and lost all the good feelings she had about Nick but Nick didn't care much about it. He had to a certain extent expected this and only said this because he didn't want them to die nor did he want the suspect to escape.

Having fought the suspect and even defeating him Nick feared that the suspect would look for revenge. Though he didn't fear for his own life that didn't mean that Julliete would be safe. He had remembered the sheer number of times Julliete would get attacked, kidnapped in the canon due to Nick and didn't want to experience the same.

His true goal was to raise her vigilance. Even if someone didn't expect such things to happen they would unconsciously look out for such scenarios once someone warned them of such things and this was what Nick wanted to achieve. 

So long Kaniger was vigilant and reacted quickly she would at the very least be able to call for help and Nick didn't exactly let them escape his surveillance at least not until they reached their office. 

No longer happy with his presence Kaniger planned on shooing Nick away but to her surprise Nick walked out of the room on his own after pulling out a phrase "I have said whatever I wanted to say, now would you please excuse me?".

Kaniger was a bit shocked and made her mind wander back to what Nick had previously said. The more his words ran through her mind it unknowingly raised her vigilance towards this mission.

Durwell walked back inside the room with an ugly expression but soon recovered once he found that Nick was no longer inside the room. Durwell wanted to make the best use of the remaining time but a police sergeant soon walked inside the room to ask the two to meet with the captain at his office.

Walking out of the waiting room the two walked down the corridor and once inside the place where all the cops were sitting in the desk doing their paperwork or attending calls Kaniger's eyes unknowingly searched for Nick and zoned in on him once she found him sitting on his desk with a phone to his ears. Durwell who had been like a stalker, always looking at Kaniger's expression did not miss this little action and acted like a jealous little bitch but didn't dare to make a scene hoping that this was nothing more than a crush which would pass as time passed. 

However he was completely mistaking the reason why she had looked at Nick. Though it was true that Kaniger had a bit of a crush on him it was nothing more than that. Being an FBI agent she could easily hide her feelings and would never showcase it while she was on a mission. The real reason why she looked at him was an instinctive reaction, something someone does when they hear the other party warning them of danger. 

Walking inside the captain's room Kaniger & Durwell quickly took the documents which was passed to them by Renard and quickly went towards the interrogation room along with their subordinates and quickly secured the suspect and brought him towards their SUV which they had brought out for the occasion. During this time Nick kept himself out of the way and sat on his desk while he had his earphone plugged to his ears and was connected to his phone making people think that he was listening to his songs while in actuality he was listening through the bug which he had set up on Durwell. Getting a bug for tapping was pretty much easy for Nick as was a cop and they had such devices inside the station while setting it on Durwell was easier as he came in contact with the man many times in the past 3 hours.

 Listening in on their conversation Nick couldn't detect any problem. Despite the casual conversation going inside the armoured van Nick could deduce that they were equally vigilant and could also see the difference between a cop and an FBI agent  through their professionalism. They frequently checked the suspect's handcuffs and frequently changed his position as well as the person who sat next to him. Though Nick knew that this wasn't enough to stop a well trained steinadler from initiating an attack and escaping he knew that this level of security wasn't something cops would usually do.  Once they were around 5 kms away from the Portland police department Nick got into his car to chase after the van to which he had previously locked onto with its GPS. 

Pressing the accelerator down Nick's chevy burst through the streets of Portland as he headed the way towards the route shown in his monitor. Since it was well in the afternoon there wasn't much traffic and Nick could go through the streets at a high speed but the same could be said to the FBI team as well. Since their armored van had already had a headstart and were 5kms away from him they gradually went further to Nick making it difficult for him to catch up within a small amount of time. At that time Nick's phone rang with the caller ID showing that it was from Hank.