Work studies part 1

Today was the first day of David's work-study. James decided that he would go with David to the agency and even request Sir Nighteye to let him partner with David for today's patrol.

'I know David is way stronger than me and average villains won't stand a chance against him but as an elder brother I just feel right making him take this responsibility without me around' James was thinking while driving. James had no knowledge of David's late-night visits to the underground bunker and massacres of arms smugglers.

Normally work-study started from the 2nd year of UA high school but the management felt that after surviving an attack from villains the students should be given a real-life experience. Principal Nezu knew that this year in Class 1-A the number of students with offensive quirks is high so he decided to add many things from the 2nd-year syllabus as well.

David saw James had a very serious expression while driving and decided to talk him down a little bit. "James you seem a bit stressed out."

"Of course I am David...what was the school thinking making you first years do work-study?" James retorted.

"You don't have to worry about that. Me and my classmates can handle a simple work-study and I know in work studies we won't be even allowed to take direct action"

Before James could reply they had reached the agency and David got off. James knew this argument would never end so he decided to just forget it. They both entered the agency and saw bubble girl working on a computer.

"David you wait here while I go and meet Sir Nighteye" James said and David could only nod. He knew what James wanted to talk about and David had guessed how this talk was going to go.

"Sir, can I come in?" James asked holding the half-open door and he saw Nighteye shuffling through a stack of papers.

"Come in James. Your face tells me you have something to talk about." Nighteye put one hand on his chin and stared at James.

"Sir I will get to the point. I want to be David's partner during the patrol, at least for today. I know that Bubble girl and Mirio are as strong as me or even stronger than me but I cannot just let him do anything risky." James said everything in one breath.

'Seems like David didn't tell James on what condition he agreed to join here. I am sure he must have a reason for this so I'll keep it under wraps.'

"Then what about me James?" Nighteye asked which made James frown.

"What do you mean sir?"

"I have decided to have David work cases right under me and he won't be going on patrol. I think he will leave the agency today itself if he has to go through a boring patrol." Nighteye chuckled.

'Sir Nighteye is right about this. David gets bored easily and he won't hesitate to go to any other agency. The other agencies will also line up to have someone as strong as him working.' James thought when he heard a knock come from behind him. When he turned around he saw Mirio and Bubble girl standing.

"Come in both of you and invite in David and Centipeder as well" Nighteye said.

After a few seconds, everyone was standing surrounding Nighteye in his office. Centipeder was the 2nd in command of the Nighteye Agency. He had the head of a centipede and the rest of the centipede's body wrapped around his neck. He wore a fancy suit and had a calm demeanor.

Nighteye pushed his glasses back on his face and said "Now that all of you are here I will start explaining this week's schedule. Mirio and James will patrol together this time. No matter what the case you two will not split. Not until Stain is caught. We don't know his quirk yet so I don't want you to take any risks even if you encounter him. Bubble girl and Centipeder you both will stay at the agency until there is an emergency"

The information that David had sold to the bartender hadn't reached Nighteye's ears. He didn't know about Stain's quirk or anything in particular about him. So he decided to keep others at the agency together as Stain had proven to be strong enough to successfully attack 7 pro heroes and get away with it.

Mirio and James didn't like this approach of being scared of a villain but they knew that Nighteye wouldn't take decisions without thinking, so they decided to trust him on that and follow his instructions. The unrest regarding Stain's attack was increasing each passing day and not just among the common people but also among other pro heroes.

After some other discussions, James and Mirio left for their patrol and David was still in Nighteye's office. He was already starting to get bored. He was sitting at the chair opposite Nighteye. He had expected that Stain's info would have made its way in the pro heroes circles but it wasn't the case here.

Nighteye tossed a brown file towards David's side of the table and said "Take a look at this and tell me what do you think?"

David picked up the file and went through the papers. Nighteye was observing David's expressions. David frowned while reading and sometimes simply nodded and after a few seconds he closed the file and put it on the table.

"Sir Nighteye I think that this wasn't an accident. The star witness dies in a hit-and-run accident a day before his testimony in court. Anyone could guess that."

"That is true but the fact that there was no witness on the day of the trial is also true. The judge declared the suspect clear on all charges due to lack of evidence." Nighteye said as he had a small smile on his face. He wanted to see David's expressions.

"Seems like whoever is on this case needs to find something else that could prove that the crimes were done by the suspect or either the witness's murder was ordered by the suspect."

Nighteye was trying to figure out how David would react when he finds out that the bad guy had got away scot-free. He had seen many young heroes who had a sense of justice so high that they could borderline go on the path of vigilantism. Nighteye knew that Stain considered himself a vigilante as well and the last thing Nighteye needed was someone from his agency agreeing with the thought process of Stain.