"So David do you think there is anything we can do to help out in this case? This isn't our case but I would like to hear your take on this."
"Look for the suspect's associates who could kill the witness or try to find some other witness. If the suspect is a long time criminal there must be some other crimes he can get convicted for"
'All his options are pretty standard and none of them include going full ballistic that's a good thing and way better than Mirio's idea to beat the shit out of the suspect and interrogate him' Nighteye sighed. The solutions given by David were nothing out of the ordinary but Nighteye hadn't provided him with much information about the suspect.
"Okay, David I will give you the number of the officer who is in charge of this case. Why don't you give him a call and talk about this case. I have already told him that I will send someone from my agency to assist him." Nighteye gave David a visiting card.
David took the card 'Kenji Tsuragamae- Chief of Police' he looked towards Nighteye with confusion in his eyes. Nighteye had mentioned that he would give the number of the officer in charge but he didn't expect that the officer would be the Chief of Police himself.
'The suspect must be a big criminal if the chief of Police himself is heading the investigation.' David remembered that the chief of police in the anime was a man with the face of a dog. And he also had an associate named 'True man' who could find out whether a person is speaking the truth or not.
"I'll do my best" David said as he left Nighteye's cabin. After that, he decided to give the chief a call and get this case over with as soon as possible. He knew that he couldn't act suspiciously at all or else the chief wouldn't hesitate to find out whether David is lying about anything or not through True Man and he isn't confident enough to trick True Man's quirk.
'If I am gonna work this case I need to do things completely clean.' David dialed Kenji's number and after a few seconds Kenji picked up the call.
"Hello, who is this? woof~"
"Hello, this is David Carter. I am a work-study intern at Nightyeye Agency and sir has assigned me a task to assist you in a case. I haven't been given any details about the case so I called you"
"Ohh... I don't know why Nighteye gave an intern like you such a case but I trust his judgment. Come to my office and I will debrief you on this case. woof~"
"Okay, Sir I'll be there in an hour." David cut the call and decided to go straight to the chief's office. The address of his office was written on the card and it would take him close to 40-45 minutes to reach there. He informed Bubble girl that he was going to the chief's office and left the agency. Bubble girl gave David a card which was a temporary hero license issued by the Nighteye agency so that if some hero catches him using his quirk in public he can show proof that he is an intern and is simply patrolling the streets.
He decided to just fly from his location. He was already wearing his hero costume which didn't look too fancy as compared to his classmates or even other heroes. As he was flying he heard someone shouting at a distance and David felt like he recognized the person's voice.
"Lower your gun..you don't wanna do this" said a boy wearing a red hero costume.
'Isn't that Kirishima? Wow, he got into action pretty much on the first day but where is his babysitter while he is in such a precarious position?' David thought as he landed on the roof of a building. Kirishima had his hands spread and was using his quirk to harden his body. Behind him, a woman and a small girl were standing and in front of him there was a man with a gun pointed toward Kirishima.
"She is leaving me and even taking my daughter away from me and all this just because I lost my job and drink a lot" the man holding the gun said while the gun pointed towards Kirishima was shaking. He looked completely drunk and could shoot Kirishima at any moment and neither Kirishima nor David was sure whether Kirishima's harden quirk would stop the bullet.
'Should I help him out by sabotaging the metal parts inside the gun so that it doesn't fire at all? There is a small girl mixed up in all this so drawing blood is out of the question. The last thing I want is for her to go to therapy after losing her father.' David thought when he sensed something or someone heavy coming toward the scene. David could sense the vibrations coming to his mind through the earth using Seismic sense.
A fat man wearing a yellow zipper and a black half-face mask stood in front of Kirishima. He starts running towards the gunman and when the gunman was about to fire he jumps on him. Some more heroes come to the scene and arrest the drunk gunman while the scared woman and her daughter were being consoled by Kirishima.
'Seems like the matter was handled after all. A bit sloppy I might say.' David thought as he started flying toward the chief's office. David knew that most probably Fat gum and his sidekicks had the situation under control right from the start and maybe they were just testing what Kirishima would do in life and death situations. Would he run away like a coward, or offensive measure from the start and put the lives of civilians around him in danger or would he try to de-escalate the situation? Luckily Kirishima made the right decision and he also earned the trust of fat gum and his sidekicks.
After a few minutes, he was standing in from of the police department building. As he was about to enter the building the door opened and someone David didn't expect to meet stood in front of him.
'Re-Destro of the Meta Liberation Army. Now that's a lovely surprise David thought as he had an amusing smile on his face.