Start of The Game (3)

Shinomia Family house

Dinner hall

8:47 am

in a huge room we can see that the wall are painted white and ice blue giving the room the air of royalty and pureness

on the walls there are some oil paintings of some kind of creatures most of them have more then one mouth contless eyes or distorced features but all of them are disgusting monsters in the perception of normal humans

on the center of the room we have a huge table filled with ligth food that serves better for a morning meal

as there is a table there has to be seats

there are 7 chairs on this table

4 of which are ocupied

on one of the chairs a girl of about 6 years old is siting on the chair as her feet cant reach the ground she keps moving her legs

the girl has blood colored hair and blue eyes

she has cute features and is taller than most of her pears she is looking not at the other people of the table or the food but is looking at the one of the butlers of the family that is standing at the side of the table with his eyes closed

sudenly the girl says

"BaiYue come here" she says

as the butler with his eyes closed opened his own Ruby like eyes as he walks towards the girl gaining the atention of the other people on the table that were either looking at the butler with an strange entusiasm or were eating

one of the people on the table looked at the butler that looked like a rabit with his white hair and red eyes and thinks thinks to herself

'why do this rabbit have to be under Hinata, its such a bad decision what the hell those drunkyards were thinking'

the one of thought is a girl of about 14 years old with blond hair and blue eyes she is a bit of a tomboy as she almost doesnt have a chest and has some neutral features

another one that has green hair and violet eyes almost drools at the vision of the rabbit like butler even if he is 9 years old and she is more than 18 years old not many can refuse her autority and not many dont fear her with her power making judging her a bit dificult

and yet another woman on the table with dark hair and black eyes look at the scene coldly without any waves on her eyes of face but some strange emotion apears on her heart its not quite jelousy or desire but a type of strange exitement

as soon as BaiYue comes to the 6 year old girl

the girl points to her plate and to her mouthand at him

BaiYue knowing her preferences with a wave of

his hand some food from the table apears on the girl's plate

the food is some cake as he then cut the cake is small pieces

he picks one of the pieces with a fork as with an ice cold expression says aaaaaaa as he presents the food to the girl

the girl opens her mouth with a an blush on her face

as she eats you can clearly see her hapines as if she ate the most delicious thing on her life

sudenly the door of the room opened and a girl with pink hair and green eyes that is like 12 years old apeared throught the door as she sits on the table

her blue skirt is too small making her slender legs stood out and giving a brief view of her black panties

she sits on the table as she pats her lap while looking at BaiYue

Bai stops feading the girl as he walks to his master and sits on her lap

as his master snifs his body cold scent with an intoxicated and perverse expression