Start of The game (4)

in a dark void we can see an human figure floating

the human apears to be bleading some kind of black blood

his ruby like eyes are shining with cold ligth that makes you afraid to look on his eyes

his noble like clothes are filled with black spots probably soked with his own blood

his perfect face is without any expression that he seams to be a cold cadaver

his eyes are looking at the void with a strange meaning but we cant guess as its impossible to notice it in his eyes

sudenly the guy's body bagan to turn into dust as it scatered around the void as sound of a heartbeat sounded on the silent and dark void


in a the middle of the nigth

a carrige moved in the lonely path of the [Sunless florest]

the nigth sky is gorgeous but gives a strange vibe that shouldnt be there some kind of disturbing aura and polution that makes the sky strange but beautyfull nonetheless

the moon is normal this time of the year the goddes of the moon is sleaping as she just wakes up once a year

the snow descending from the sky give away the seasson of the year we are in winter

the tall tree of the [Sunlees florest] are filed with human faces on their trunks that apears to be in extreme fear and panic making the abnormally tall trees even more strange

the trees branches block any kind of natural ligth so the path is filled with countless artificial bugs that emit ligth but its just a temporary metod as you cant see 2 feet outside if the path

the snow on the ground melted as the carrige became closer

the man driving the carrige looked at the [Sunless florest] with dead eyes its so blank that you can doubt if he is even a human being

the inside of the carrige is luxirious and huge it can acomodate atleast 5 people which is a huge number for a carrige

there are 6 people inside the carrige 5 are sited on the confortable seats and one is seated on the lap of a person

these people are in silence but almost all of them are looking outside

there are 5 girl and one boy

these are the ladies of the Shinomia family and a special butler of the family

Alice Shinomia a girl of about 14 years old

with blond hair and green eyes

she is a bit of a tomboy while using a military uniform

her short hair and lack of chest and aura makes people mistake her for an afeminated boy

her talent on Arcane arts is average which is strange considering the Shinomia blood runing on her veins but her talent for martial arts are supreme making her obtain the title of [Future martial saint]

with her talent she can wipe the ground with anyone her age including her sisters

but this has an exeption for one person

Jack Shinomia a 6 year girl with short blood colored hair and pure blue eyes that seam to be innocent but has a strange kind of darkness hidden on her gaze

she has a taller stature then most people her age

she is wearing an normal and ordinary red dress

her strange personality that are too innocent and pure

but she has a strange urges from time to time but thsi is only what the public know

as the truth is that nobody in the family treat as a pure and innocent

rather they have fear for some reason

Winter Shinomia

an girl of about 16 years old with long black hair and abyss like eyes

her features are a mixture of coldness and elegance making her a beauty

her cold personality makes the people want to conquer her making her have a huge reputation on the noble circle as most young masters want to be her husband because of her beauty and because of the status of the Shinomia family making her the perfect wife for anyone

she is wearing an black dress with flowers paterns

she has the most talent on Arcane arts in the Shinomia family for a 10,000 years

Janne Shinomia

a woman of about 24 years old

she has green hair and violet eyes

she is the oldest of the new generation of the Shinomia family

she passed the Magic academy with flying marks and was later called to be a teacher at the Magic academy

her talent is the second worst of this new generation but is enougth to be the top power on the continent easyly

not much is know about her just that she is a little strange

Veronica Shinomia

a girl of about 12 years old with pink haior and green eyes that has averege talent with both Arcane arts and Martial arts but has a strange vibe around her she is also has the weakest constitution on the new generation but has supreme talent in divination and alchemy making her the most valueble piece of the new generation of the Shinomia

is know that she has a crush on her butler Baiyue she is also sligthly perverted as her friends found porn magazines on her room

and last but not least


the special butler that looks after the 5 sisters even if he is the personal butler of Veronica

its said that his looks are good to the point of impossibility making his beauty fell in-human and strange

not much is know of the butler even his apearence is not know

but the ones who know want him in their personal harem of fuck boys even if he is a child they said its worthy