"Next time, I don't want to see you go out of the house in that blouse." His stern tone didn't only made Mina and Sha abashed, but every time it sounded that way, it made their knees shiver.

However, at least all they had to do was nod, and hopefully, they could finally go away from that place.

"Yes, father," Mina nodded, her red-rimmed face still remained. This time she avoided the faces of the people in the surroundings. She was just glad that Royce wasn't there to witness that degrading moment or she never knew what he could do.

Last look and a nod from their father, and that was what they needed. They scurried out of the market without waiting for another moment and went to the bus stop. She had to ride a different bus with her sister since she had to go to the city to meet Royce, and it would take her almost an hour for that ride.

It would take most of her time, and she knew it wouldn't be enough for her and Royce. Royce was about to graduate from his vocational course that month, and they had to pre celebrate it. Mina had been waiting for that moment, imagining that after that, Royce would finally be proposing marriage.

She couldn't wait for that since that was the only way they could freely meet each other and she could finally leave the hell of having a strict father.

She smiled felt so excited while riding on the bus, it was full, and it didn't even bother her if she had to stand for the whole ride. She tried to erase all the embarrassment she felt in the market. Aside from that she couldn't deny the tiredness of fulfilling all chores for a half-day, just for the anticipation of seeing and being with Royce again.

It's almost a month since they hadn't seen each other, the last time was when Royce went back home to their town, because of the festival. They got a chance to find a time with each other while attending a mass.

Royce had invited her to the dance that evening, but she had to say no. She knew her father would be home, and she couldn't sneak out.

The bus stopped and took away Mina from her reverie. She didn't need to fantasize anymore. She was already there and Royce would be there waiting for her. With a broad smile, she stepped down the bus, the heart's leaping a bit with excitement. Especially the moment she saw Royce waiting for her in the terminal.

He ran towards her the moment he caught sight of Mina and grabbed her around her waist carry her into a hug. At that moment, Mina didn't bother the eyes of those around them anymore. She was far enough from the people who knew them. She wasn't afraid that someone would see them and tell her dad.

Royce slowly slid her down, but she kept him close to her.

"I missed you so much, Mina. Since I left home the last time we were together, I had been waiting for this moment to happen again. Being with you." Royce muttered as he pressed her mouth near Mina's ear, intending to touch it slightly, making Mina giggle with the tickles.

She moved a bit away from Royce. She instead wanted to see Royce's face while talking with her that way. She missed him a lot, and she couldn't get enough of staring at his face. She wanted to memorize it because she knew it would take another month for them to see each other again.

"Then what will we do today? Remember I only got three hours to be with you. I need to be at home before my father will be back home," Mina said as she looked down with a lonely voice. But it didn't take her long. She didn't want that day to be lonely for both of them.

She smiled and bounced back to being excited. She grabbed Royce's hand and excitedly say, "C'mon, show me the city!"

However, Royce didn't react right away, and she noticed him staring at her. It made her a bit uncomfortable but she tried to ignore it and ask again.

"What's your plan? Where are we going?"

"We were supposed to go to the mall and watch a movie. I didn't have enough money right now. The school was giving us a lot of projects that what my parents had given wasn't even enough. Actually, I was even applying for a job here, a part-time job for now, since I was still at school," he explained.

"Well, money won't be a problem, I guess let's just stay somewhere free." MIna looked around her finger on her chin. She stretched her neck as if she was looking for something.

"Do you have any park here that we can just stay and have a little walk?" She asked with a very enthusiastic voice.

Royce, couldn't help but smile with her simplicity. He knew if she was another girl in the city, she might not settle for that simple date. But since it's Mina, she was as simple as she cloth, which is odd for Royce.

He loved Mina and accepted and admired her for what she was, but part of him was being sad about how Mina dressed. She looked like she was just inside the house. The cloth she wore were faded that everyone could guess that she had been using that clothing for years again and again.

Aside from that, her way of clothing was far way too different from how girls dress up in the city. He was afraid that her cloth wouldn't fit to be inside the mall.

"There is a park. Let's just go there, and I'm sure you will still enjoy that place," Royce said, trying to sound enthusiastic as his girlfriend.

"For sure, I will, Royce. I will enjoy every place and every moment as long as I am with you." She smiled and grabbed his arms firmly. Royce could even feel the excitement with her touch.