The park where they went wasn't that crowded at the moment it gave them both the opportunity to enjoy more. They stopped by the ice cream parlor to have something to enjoy while they had a walk. That moment was nothing but perfection with Mina.

It was her fantasy that she would love to live for the rest of her life. She imagined being back there in the future with their kids running around the park playing with Royce while she was busy preparing their food.

She couldn't help but smile. Although, she also couldn't stop but notice Royce. His eyes were fixed on her, but those eyes he got were blank. As it seemed, his mind was busy with something, and he wasn't present with her at that moment.

"Royce, are you okay?" Mina stopped and faced him. She was licking the ice cream, and Royce was looking intently at her face, at her lips particularly.

Even Mina didn't mean anything about it, but for Royce, she looked like she was teasing him.

"I missed you and, I just want to kiss you now, Mina," he said, and with it, his eyes instantly wandered around them, like he was looking for something. It didn't take long, and he suddenly pulled Mina into a big rock near a frangipani tree.

Mina was surprised because that big rock was a little cave-like. Royce pulled her inside, and it wasn't that deep though, they could still see the light from the entrance, but they were completely covered with shade from where they sat.

Royce turn on her phone's light to make a little light, and with that, they notice a little torch. It wasn't big enough that it could light up the entire cave. However, it was pretty perfect for a date, and the light was cozy, just enough for them to see each other's faces.

They sat down on a polished rock that was really meant to be a seat. It looked like a perfect lover's hide.

Mina's heart suddenly went through her throat when they got into that little cave. She loves the moment of being with Royce talking with him, especially talking with him about the future. However, she was also anxious that something else might happen between them if they lost control of themselves.

Royce stared longingly at her for a moment. She could tell it from his look. He wanted to kiss her, and she wanted to kiss him too, so much. In fact, she almost couldn't control her heartbeat. She didn't know if it was excitement or nervousness.

Mina wasn't wrong with her anticipation for it didn't take long for Royce to start grabbing her and claiming her lips. She, too, couldn't help but long for his kisses. She missed him, had been longing to share cute kisses with him again and feel his love with it, they even forgot about the ice cream and didn't notice, it fell out of her hands.

However, this time, Mina could feel the difference with his kisses. It was more intense the longing, and it went deep to her mouth. She could feel his lips dig deep inside her mouth, and she couldn't help but be forced to open her mouth. He started playing with her tongue. She was aware that she was supposed to stop him. However, she could feel more of his love that way, and it made her feel good.

She didn't know what had happened, but her body reacted with that kiss. She felt like she wanted to press and get herself closer to him more and more. She could feel his hug tighten more, and she wanted to hug him tightly too.

Mina was more surprised as he pulled his kiss a little, but she never expected that his lips would slide down to her chin, to her neck. She flinched over the unexpected sensation that it brought. Those tickles created changes in how her body reacts.

Weird sounds came out of her mouth as she lost control of her body's reaction. She almost couldn't recognize her and Royce. She wasn't expecting that they could do something like this. That this was possible and how good it felt.

She enjoyed every moment as much as Royce, but she suddenly felt guilty and scared. She didn't know why, something inside her mind said, they had gone too far, and it wasn't right anymore. She didn't know why, but what they were doing seemed to be not a regular thing and not something that they were supposed to do.

She remembered her mom saying the kiss for a married couple was different from other kisses, and Mina felt guilty as she thought. What if it was the kind of kiss that was actually meant for a married couple?

However, she wanted to believe that it was fine in one part of her thought. She loved Royce, and she loved doing it with him. On the other hand, she was also worried that she might cross the line if they went too far. What if she got pregnant before she got married? Her father might probably kill her.

Royce hasn't talked with her about getting married yet. She was excited for that moment, but he never opened the topic. She wanted to mention it to him, but they usually get through with it. They would usually stray away from another issue.

She wouldn't hesitate to make love with Royce if they were only married and their parents had already blessed them to be together. Nevertheless, they were too far from being there. In fact, their parents didn't even know about that relationship, and only a few people knew about it.

No one would know that it was Royce, aside from a few people, if she got pregnant.

She trusted Royce, and she wanted to trust him more. However, there were things that she had to consider before making such a decision. She had to wait for Royce to assure her that he would marry her, and even so, they had to get married before they would go that far.

With that realization, Mina pulled away from Royce.

"Hey! what happened? Don't you like it? Don't you miss me? Don't you want to kiss me?" Royce was confused and threw her questions after questions. She knew that he wasn't expecting her to pull away, but she did.