That kiss was supposed to be just a kiss. However, the longer it lasted, the hotter it got, and Mina knew the next thing. She suddenly felt something for the other part of her body.

Royce's hands were somewhere else, they crawled towards under her shirt, and the brassier that she intended not to take off had suddenly loosened up as she could feel his hands maneuvering its lock.

They felt suddenly uncomfortable with that, though. Mina loved the kiss. Nevertheless, inside her mind, she was still aware that she needed to limit this, and as of now that she had loosened her bra, Mina knew that it was the time.

She pulled her lips away from him and pushed him a bit. Mina thought that it was enough message for Royce to stop. However, it wasn't the signal that Royce had read. That little resistance was even giving him more urge.

He pulled her harder this time and pressed a kiss to her neck, faster, hotter, longing, and deliberately overpowering.

Mina still thought she could handle it and stop Royce, but the next thing she knew was, he had already pulled off her trouser jammies with her underwear. The next thing she knew was the feeling of his hands on her quim.

She suddenly got that feeling that something was about to happen and that something might not exceptionally be right. She felt almost naked, and it wasn't even just her and Royce inside that room. There were three other people in there.

Even though it's almost pitch black because they turned off the light inside that room and only depended on the soft dinky light from the window. Mina knew that it was still impossible for the others not to notice them doing something weird inside that room. Even the whisper and the sounds of their snores were so apparent and were even one of the reasons she might even find it hard to sleep if only Royce had just left her to rest.

"Royce, no, stop it." She muttered to Royce, thinking that he could hear her. Of course, he heard her. It was just that he wasn't planning to listen.

That moment had been stock in his mind for some reason, and that time was a chance for him. He never stopped. Instead, he whispered while rubbing his finger over the smooth flesh of her femininity and whispered back.


"We are not alone here. There were other people inside this room," Mina was struggling to say every word over the emotions she felt against her physical reaction.

"Then just stay silent and shut your mouth."

Mina wasn't expecting Royce to respond that way. The comfort she felt a few moments ago seemingly changed to dread. Her heart suddenly went faster that she found it hard to control that emotion, and with it were tears that fell to her cheeks.

She felt a bit disappointed and surprised.

Although, Mina didn't stop resisting. She even found herself more persistent in pushing Royce away. Nonetheless, Royce, too, was so tenacious to do it. He even pushed harder and firm towards her until she felt helpless and powerless.

He used his strength to forcefully do to her the thing that he thought could make her happy too. Because she was supposed to be satisfied, he was expecting her to enjoy it as well.

However, for Mina, everything went too far. She wanted to yell at him to stop. She tried to move her body back and forth to let go of Royce. Yet, doing that was creating attention from his roommates.

She imagined it to be more shameful if his roommates would notice them. So, she had to be discreet. Even so, she still begged Royce to stop with her hopeless mutters.

However, the more she said it, the more he went on and on that Mina had decided to push him away harder this time and go.

She could try. She did try. Nonetheless, her physical strength wasn't enough to free herself. She begged on him again since she knew she was hopeless in using her force. Nevertheless, she also failed in convincing him to stop it.

Royce wasn't hearing her and kept going on until it didn't make Mina feel good anymore. Until, it started hurting her, physically and emotionally, and she felt like she was losing her dignity at that moment.

The tears in her eyes were the only evidence of how she truly felt.

She loved Royce, but she wasn't ready for it.

She loved Royce, but she wasn't happy with what he did to her.

She loved Royce but felt more like a victim than feeling his love.

However, everything was too late. Mina felt too emotional as to how conscious the rape victims were. It made her ask herself, am I one of them.

Nevertheless, there was nothing she could do more. It all happened, and all she could blame was herself. Maybe, her father was right all along, she was just blinded and was making wrong choices for herself, and it was her to blame and no one else.

She couldn't even blame Royce. She was beside him, and people might see the situation. There's only one thing that it said. She was there with him inside that room to do that and let it happen.

Even if it wasn't what her heart was, people saw the only thing. It was her fault and no one else. It was her who was too naive and stupid enough to let it happen.

So, crying and blaming herself is all Mina can do.

Her life was shattered for just a few days because she fell in love. Yet, now all the energy that she could get from being with Royce is dread, pain, and the loss of self-worth.

Mina was a failure to her family and even to herself. She was the biggest disgrace of her dad's life. Mina fought for her freedom from her dad, which was all she got. What happened to her was all her karma got. If it's bad or good, that's what she was about to see yet.