Just a kiss

Mina could notice Royce's a bit disappointed expression. He shook his head a bit, and that hadn't been hidden from Mina's view. She opened her mouth to talk to him, to say sorry or maybe to explain.

However, before she could even say a word, Royce pulled her out of the room. They stood in the hallway just right outside the bedroom door. Nevertheless, some other boarders kept passing to and fro of that hallway.

The distractions it caused made Royce hesitant to speak out and gave Mina an awkward feeling. She, too, was aware of the problem and wanted to help Royce find a solution.

"Maybe let's go somewhere? Like maybe outside the house?" Mina suggested.

"Oh, yeah, let's go outside and talk." He pulled her again towards the kitchen door—the place where she found Royce.

"Mina, I'm sorry you might not be so comfortable with the situation right here," Royce stated.

"No, I am the one who was supposed to say sorry to you. I barge in, and it's my fault. I need to adapt to the situation because I know that it was me who needed to adjust."

"Okay, then about the…." Royce bit his nails hesitated to speak.

Mina holds his hands, "I will be fine. I can sleep anywhere, even the floor."

"That's one thing I wanna tell you. You can't do that."

"Huh? But are you telling me to sleep outside?" Mina suddenly got worried.

"What? It's not that," Royce looked around with his hand awkwardly scratching his nape. "It's fine for me to sleep on the floor and you on the bed."

Mina's eyes brightened. She felt touched by what Royce had just said.

"But Mina, my roommates don't want anyone to be sleeping on the floor. It's going to be a hassle for them if someone going to be blocking their way." Royce continued.

"Oh, then what we'll gonna do?" Mina suddenly felt her cheeks burning. If not only it was a little bit dim in that corner, her crimson-colored face would indeed be exposed.

"Uhm, are you fine sharing bed with me?" Royce was hesitant, as he remembered the last time he had a conversation with Mina. They argued about sleeping together.

However, if that moment, they would decide to be sleeping side by side with each other. He was also worried that he couldn't hold himself longer. And that, he could control himself from wanting to be in her more.

Mina went silent for a moment. She looked back to him with an attempt to open her mouth to say something, but she too was, hesitated to say a word. She suddenly didn't understand the feeling that rushed through her body that very second.

Nonetheless, she also knew that Royce was waiting for her answer. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before she looked back at him.

"Then we don't have a choice. It's your bed anyway, and I'm just the one who barged in."

Mina could actually see Royce's lips as they stretched out from ear to ear.

They went back to the bedroom and found two of Royce's workmates asleep.

The more she got herself ready, the more nervous she felt. It was her first time sleeping beside Royce and knowing that his bed wasn't that wide. There's was no way for her to distance herself from Royce.

She lies cautiously to his bed, making sure to get closer to the wall this time and as much as possible distance herself from Royce. The awkwardness lying beside her was killing her.

However, there were also some weird and different feelings that she could not explain more than that. The chills that ran through her spine made her shiver, and she wondered how she could actually sleep while feeling Royce's body beside her.

Nevertheless, she knew she had to. Tomorrow will be the second day of her work, and she didn't want to mess up, just like what happened that day.

Mina closed her eyes with her thoughts focused on what she wanted to happen after that night. To be good in her job, hoping that her boss would let her stay in the house, even she hadn't reached five months working with them.

She was starting to doze off when she couldn't help but get bothered by Royce's scent, it was the scent of citrus, and it was making her wanna bite her lips. However, she still made sure to keep her lips pressed and shot.

Although, even with all those efforts, she was still bothered as she could feel the minty smell of the air blowing from Royce's breath. All those scents were making her fine skin hair react. The worst part wasn't only that. She suddenly felt Royce's hand moving her head.

She opened her eyes, wondering, and saw Royce's face inches away from her.

'No wonder I could smell his breath,' she thought.

And not to deny, those minty scents of his breath were so inviting that she couldn't help but open her mouth, wondering if he would get those lips closer, and she was right; he did.

There was no way that she could stop Royce. Besides, more than that, she also had a hard time containing herself. She knew she was supposed to, but part of her was also thinking maybe just indulging with it for a moment. It was just a kiss anyway.

Besides, they were only kissing more discreetly. It could be simply a thank you gift for Royce; at least she has a bed to sleep in and a roof above her.

Nonetheless, she was too naive to believe she could control herself much more than Royce. Their kiss went deeper, stronger, and hotter. It wasn't just the usual kiss they shared; it was more thorough and shamelessly healthy this time.

The kind of kiss that made Mina lose the thoughts and plans she had for tomorrow. They kept kissing until they were breathless and until her body went weak.