009 Tarot Heart Sutra, High-level Diviner

Zhao family.

In Chu Jin's room.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table, and if someone were there at the time, they would certainly scream in fright.

Because the reflection in the mirror wasn't the exquisite, jade-like beauty of Chu Jin's face but a lively and adorable face that looked as if it had stepped right out of a New Year painting.

Inside the mirror, outside the mirror, two different worlds.

"Jin, just a friendly reminder, you only have 52 hours left until your first mission."

"Got it, coming in right now," Chu Jin thought to herself and immediately entered the Purple Lightning space.

The Purple Sound Spirit Box looked only the size of a palm, but it contained many things inside.

A deck of Tarot cards, a Crystal Ball, a copy of "Tarot Heart Sutra"

Besides, there was also a blue-bound ancient book titled "God Doctor's Poem".

Zi moved closer and started to introduce the functions of the items in the box to Chu Jin one by one.

"This is the Life Tarot, an important tool for you to become a High-level diviner; this is an energy Crystal Ball, a very powerful crystal ball that can bring you energy, and the first step to become a fortune-teller is to thoroughly study this 'Tarot Heart Sutra'. You must not only read it thoroughly, but you must also memorize the meanings of each card, then, through the meanings of the cards, deduce unknown and known events..."

Chu Jin listened intently to Zi's introduction, her lips curving into a distinct smile.

The Tarot cards and the Crystal Ball are Western, while "God Doctor's Poem" includes some other divination methods that are left behind by the ancestors of China mainland.

So this is about combining the Eastern and Western methods?

"Alright, I've got it," Chu Jin said, picking up the "Tarot Heart Sutra" and addressing Zi, "So I should memorize this entire book, right?"

In her previous life, she had been the talented lady of Capital City with a photographic memory.

Memorizing a book was relatively simple for her.

"Correct, but also not quite," Zi said, somewhat conflicted, "Jin, it's not just about memorizing; you also need to learn how to calculate, to understand the meanings of the cards, and there are many taboos. Tarot cards have souls, too; you need to achieve unity with your cards..."

Chu Jin nodded thoughtfully, "I understand."

The "Tarot Heart Sutra" was quite thick, totaling 586 pages.

The cover was pure black.

Opening the first page revealed an introduction to the Tarot cards.

Following that were some explanations of the Tarot cards,

There are a total of 78 Tarot cards, divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.

The main cards are the Major Arcana, 22 cards, from the 0 card, the Fool, to the 21 card, the World.

The support cards are the Minor Arcana, 56 cards, from "The King of Wands" to the King of Coins.

During divination, one may use the Minor Arcana, the Major Arcana, or a mixture of both.

Chu Jin flipped through the pages one by one; she started by reading the book merely to complete a task, but now she was deeply engrossed, unable to extricate herself.

The words and images in the book seemed alive, dancing before her eyes and imprinting themselves deeply into her mind.

The book seemed to possess a magic of its own, captivating her intensely. Although she had just come into contact with the book, Chu Jin felt as if she had known it for many years.

Looking at the deck of Tarot cards, Chu Jin even felt a sense of nostalgic reunion.

Time ticked by, and when she turned the last page of the book, Chu Jin closed it with a sense of reluctance.

Just then, the Crystal Ball placed to one side emitted a blinding light.

The next second, a peculiar current flowed through Chu Jin's entire body in an instant; she could even feel that something tangible had been added to her mind.

She was able to communicate with her mind and merge with it, in a truly magical way.

At the same time, the system's notification sounded, [Ding! Level 1 mission completed.]

"Congratulations, Jin," Zi said, arms crossed over her chest, a look of pride on her face: "You truly are the one chosen by this system. Just two hours, and you've already achieved unity with your cards."

Chu Jin: "Heh, you talk as if you were the Purple Lightning System itself."

Zi: "..." Damn! I got a little too excited and almost revealed my identity!

After completing the level 1 mission, Chu Jin left the Purple Sound Spirit Box, took a bath, and then climbed into bed to sleep.

After all, she was still an 18-year-old girl, and sleep was very important.


The next day, Monday.

Chu Jin had to face the fact that she was still a student and needed to go to school.

It had been almost 12 years since her high school days in her past life...

When Chu Jin finished getting ready and went downstairs, there was nobody in the dining room.

The table was also bare, with nothing to eat.

Chu Jin wasn't surprised; this kind of situation wasn't a first for the memories of her former self.

Moreover, just yesterday, she had swindled a large sum of money from the Zhao family,

a whole fifty million...

Under such circumstances, they certainly wouldn't show her any kindness.

"Miss Chu, you're up," Aunt Li said as she saw her come down, hastily stuffing a box of milk into her arms and speaking softly when she saw no one around, "Jin, this is specially for you."

In this house, Aunt Li was probably the only one who truly cared for her.

Seeing Aunt Li, Chu Jin felt as if she were seeing the only relative she had in her past life, her grandmother.

If only she had listened to her grandmother back then, she wouldn't have ended up in such a tragic situation.

Chu Jin's eyes were slightly red as she said, "Thank you, Aunt Li."

"Silly child." Aunt Li affectionately pinched her nose, "Hurry up and go to school, or you'll be late."

"Yes," Chu Jin nodded slightly, "Goodbye, Aunt Li."

Aunt Li watched Chu Jin's departing figure with a relieving smile on her lips.

She could feel that Jin was different from before.


As an outsider, the Zhao family naturally would not arrange a driver for her.

Fortunately, the villa area where the Zhao family lived was not far from the school.

A twenty-minute walk was all it took to get there.

Chu Jin, holding milk in one hand and the strap of her bookbag in the other, walked casually towards the school. Halfway there, she suddenly heard a familiar yet foreign voice, "Chu Jin?"

She lightly lifted her eyelids, giving a faint glance at the person standing in front of her. The person before her was handsome with a pair of glasses and a somewhat scholarly air.

Chu Jin furrowed her brow slightly, pondering for a moment, and information came flooding into her mind:

Wen Junxi, male, 18 years old.

The object of her former self's affection and Chu Jin's ex-boyfriend.

Despite his gentle and refined appearance, his bones hid the soul of a complete scumbag.

While he was entangled with Chu Jin, he was also madly in love with another girl from the school.

Of course, given her former self's status, Wen Junxi couldn't care less about anything other than the bit of money in Chu Jin's hands and the Zhao family behind her.

"What's up?" Chu Jin asked lazily as she cast a glance at Wen Junxi.

She remembered that, one week ago, after Wen Junxi had conned all of Chu Jin's savings,

and realizing she held no status in the Zhao family, he proposed a breakup.

Then, the very next day, he moved on to seduce the principal's daughter.