010 The Passerby A


The person before me had skin as smooth as cream and a visage like a painting. Even in an utterly plain school uniform that couldn't be more ordinary, she couldn't hide the transcendent quality about her.

Despite her bare face, she was so beautiful it could drag one into the abyss.

"You... you, you really are Chu Jin?"

Wen Junxi swallowed hard, unable to believe his eyes. Was this truly the Chu Jin he knew? He had been with Chu Jin for over a month but had never realized that this simpleton could be so stunning.

Suddenly, Wen Junxi felt a pang of regret. Why hadn't he taken this simpleton for himself before breaking up...?

However, just three days ago, he received a love letter from this simpleton begging for reconciliation. Thinking of this, Wen Junxi's vanity inflated once more.

With his charm, winning this simpleton over was a matter of minutes. With just one word from him, she would lay down her life for him.

Chu Jin took a sip of milk and raised an eyebrow, "You? What is it?"

Puffing up his chest, Wen Junxi spoke with a tone of bestowing a favor, "I've thought it over, and seeing as how much you love me, I've decided to reluctantly accept you again. However, you can't overstep. You can only be my secret girlfriend. Nobody can replace Qingyi in my heart."

Qingyi, Liu Yike, is Wen Junxi's current girlfriend.

Chu Jin suddenly felt an urge to laugh. This scum, who on earth gave him such confidence?

Still dreaming of embracing one in each arm?

"Um," Chu Jin gently lifted her eyelids, a bright curve emerging on her lips, "Are you done?"

Her voice was faint, but Wen Junxi detected a hint of excitement in her indifferent tone.

Indeed, the moment she heard he would accept her again, could this simpleton hide her inner joy?

"Yes, you heard right," Wen Junxi narcissistically continued, "Chu Jin, I have decided to accept you again. From today on, as long as you obediently do as I say, I agree to let you be my secret girlfriend."

"But, I have to emphasize, no matter what, you will never compare to Qingyi. Qingyi will always be my official girlfriend. You're not allowed to be jealous of her, got it?"

"Heh," the curve at the corner of Chu Jin's mouth grew more pronounced, "Wen Junxi, did you look in the mirror when you left home this morning?"

"What?" Wen Junxi looked at Chu Jin, confused. Had this simpleton gone stupid with happiness upon hearing he would take her back?

Wen Junxi suddenly realized something was off with the simpleton's response; she was too calm.

In the past, she would've been so thrilled she might've jumped for joy. Moreover, he had already agreed to get back together with her. By all accounts, she should be falling over herself to ingratiate him...

Swallowing hard, Wen Junxi knew that getting this simpleton back was the most important matter at hand.

"Chu Jin, stop playing hard to get. I've already agreed to your reconciliation," Wen Junxi glanced at her, continuing, "Do you still think you can replace Qingyi? Let me tell you, that's impossible. Qingyi is my one and only official girlfriend. If I'm willing to be once again involved with you, you should count yourself lucky. Don't be too greedy! This is your one and only chance. If you lose this opportunity, even if you beg on your knees later, I won't spare you a second glance!"

Because he was certain Chu Jin was still deeply in love with him, Wen Junxi made his narcissistic declaration with full confidence.

"You?" Chu Jin glanced sideways at him and spoke lightly, "I find even one look at you to be a waste of my time."

The sarcastic tone was thick and unmistakable, an undisguised mockery...

For a moment, Wen Junxi couldn't believe his ears.

Someone who loved him to death one day speaking to him in such a tone.

Nobody could take such an unexpected blow. Wen Junxi lost it: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Had this simpleton not woken up yet? To dare speak to him like this!

Chu Jin slightly raised her eyebrows, "Wen Junxi, what's this? Can't understand human speech? I said you're dirty, do you need me to repeat it?"


Upon hearing those words, Wen Junxi's face instantly turned ashen.

"Chu Jin! You idiot!" Wen Junxi stepped forward, his eyes bloodshot, angrily raising his right hand.

He had always been proud of his appearance, which surpassed that of Pan An—when had he ever been subjected to such humiliation!

Chu Jin slowly raised her hand and grabbed Wen Junxi's descending wrist.

Her grip was really strong, causing Wen Junxi such pain that he nearly went into a spasm, bewildered by how someone as weak as Chu Jin could have such strength.

"Wen Junxi, remember to look in the mirror before you leave the house," Chu Jin's voice was cold and chilling, "I am not someone you can afford to mess with."

Especially the last sentence, she said with an air of authority, much like a queen.

Moreover, the faint curve of her lips seemed sinister and wanton, no matter how one looked at it.

Having spoken, Chu Jin took a blue handkerchief from her pocket and began to wipe her fingers, one by one.

She cleaned them meticulously as if her fingers were stained with some sort of rubbish.

Wen Junxi, on the other hand, was somewhat dispirited as he collapsed to the ground.

He watched incredulously as Chu Jin wiped her fingers.

For the first time, he felt a strong sense of fear towards this "idiot" known as Chu Jin.

Enduring immense pain, Wen Junxi lifted his eyelids, his mouth slightly agape, about to say something more when a crisp female voice interrupted him, "Jin."

At the sound, Chu Jin turned around, it was Mo Qingyi.

"Brother Jin!" Mo Qingyi hugged Chu Jin's neck tightly, "Brother Jin, it really is you, I thought I had seen someone else."

Chu Jin, holding the handkerchief, smiled slightly and said, "How could you recognize the wrong person, who else could have my kind of charisma?"

Despite being an extremely narcissistic remark, it didn't feel out of place at all.

After finishing, she accurately tossed the handkerchief into a nearby trash bin.

Mo Qingyi: "..." I'm at a loss for words!

"Let's go," Chu Jin took Mo Qingyi's wrist and walked towards the school gates, "We're going to be late for class soon."

Mo Qingyi walked along while looking back, "Brother Jin, who was that? I just saw you two..." The rest was unsaid.

Chu Jin was unfazed and, without turning back, simply replied with three words: "A nobody."

The voice wasn't loud, but it clearly and powerfully drifted into Wen Junxi's ears.

Wen Junxi's face contorted instantaneously.

After they had left, a black Koenigsegg Agera slowly pulled away from the curb.

The rear window of the car lowered slowly, revealing a sharply defined face, perfect as if carved, with thinly pursed lips almost invisible in their slenderness, and a commanding aura that seemed impossible to resist.

His gaze fixed in the direction where the two had disappeared, then he lit up a cigar.

In the swirling smoke, that stunningly beautiful face appeared even more elusive.

After a moment, he gave his assistant a slow command: "Check her background."

It was a voice very deep and icy.